seismic refraction
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A reconnaissance seismic reflection and refraction survey in the East Otway Basin, Victoria, was carried out by the Bereau of Mineral Resources from mid-February to mid-June 1967. The objective of the survey was to determine whether the gravity low areas of the Torquay Embayment and Port Phillip Sub-Basin in the eastern part of the Otway Basin contain thick Cretaceous sediments like those which has shown potential hydrocarbon source and reservoir characteristics in the western part of the Otway Basin. Nine reflection and five refraction traverses were recorded in the gravity low areas of the Barwon Trough and Port Phillip Sub-basin. Single-coverage reflection results of variable quality were obtained. Evidence for the presence of Tertiary section is provided by shallow reflections of good to fair quality, but the evidence for Cretaceous sediments is tenuous because of the poor quality of the deeper reflections, some of which may be multiples. The presence of several faults, onlappings and pinch-outs is also indicated. The refraction results are considered unreliable because of the difficulty of interpreting the discontinuous profiles and because of the mapped and suspected faults and pinch-outs in the sections.
The Oaklands-Coorabin Coalfield in the Riverina Division of New South Wales has been known for many years. Seismic refraction tests were carried out on a number of sections to assist in the interpretation of the gravity results during July and Sepetember, 1949.
This report contains the results of a seismic survey on the Nerrima Dome, a major structure within the Fitzroy Basin and near its south-western boundary. The dome is situated near the Fitzroy River about 100 miles south-east of Derby in the West Kimberley district of Western Australia. The Nerrima Dome has been mapped at the surface in Permian sediments and is a complex structure. It was desired to determine if the dome existed at depth and, if not, the structure at depth, with a view to locating a site for a deep drilling test. The target beds for such a test are Devonian and/or Ordovician sediments over which the Permian sediments are believed to lie unconformably. Reflection methods were tried and proved unsuccessful and the survey was carried out using refraction methods. Although the structure underlying the dome has not been clearly shown, the refraction method has indicated that it is complex and does not conform with the domal structure at the surface. There appears to be a major unconformity at comparatively shallow depth (2000 ft). The deep structure (7000 ft) although apparently less complex than that immediately below the unconformity, also bears no obvious relation to structure at surface. The results so far obtained are reasonably conclusive in showing that no simple dome-like structure of large magnitude exists under the Nerrima Dome.
These notes deal with a brief experimental seismic survey undertaken by the Bureau of Mineral Resources for the Victoria Railways. The object of the survey was to determine whether the seismic refraction method was suitable for subsurface exploration in the area between Dynon and Footscray Roads, West Melbourne. The information desired by the Railways was concerned with the existence or otherwise of a "foundation" rock capable of supporting constructions associated with railway sidings and marshalling yards. Records of seismic refractions were obtained along three traverses.
Details and results are given of a seismic refraction survey made at the request of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania, to investigate the site of the western portal of the proposed Mossy Marsh Tunnel. The tunnel is part of the No. 2 Tarraleah Canal project to transport water from Lake King William to Tarraleah Power Station. The primary object of the survey was to determine the thickness of till overlying the dolerite bedrock, and hence contours of the bedrock surface.
Seismic reflection traverses were surveyed across the Perth Basin at Cookernup, W.A. These traverses were planned to find the thickness and dip of the Basin sediments adjacent to the Darling Scarp and to discover any faulting or folding within them; also to determine the applicability of the seismic method as a tool for both regional and detailed investigation in this area. Seismic refraction traverses were surveyed to help in the solution of problems encountered in the interpretation of the reflection cross-sections. The survey indicated a considerable thickness of sediments about 20,000 ft, at the eastern margin of the Basin near the Darling Scarp, and suggested tectonic structure that is not indicated in surface geology, The reflection traverses indicated that sediments (presumably Lower Palaeozoic or Precambrian) lying deep in the Perth Basin may continue underneath the Darling Scarp and abut the granitic gneisses etc. of the Western Australian Shield on an overthrust fault plane. The overthrust fault, if it exists, does not reach the surface, but is covered to a depth of possibly some few hundred feet by younger sediments and also by alluvium eroded from the Darling Scarp. Some reflection and refraction shooting was done in an attempt to test this and other hypotheses, but the results crc inconclusive. Gravity results strongly suggest a normal fault, and if normal faulting is the case, the reflections from beneath the outcropping basement are possibly derived from shear zones, Some probable 'reflected refractions' were also observed. There is scope for further seismic testing but it is considered that conclusive evidence could only be provided by drilling.
A seismic survey was made in the.Ooraminna area of the Amadus Basin 9 Northern Territory 9 by a seismic party of the Bureau of Mineral Resources 9 Geology and Geophysics 9 between 6th July and ,29th August 1962. Reflection traverses were recorded between Deep Well and Alice Springs and across the culmination of the Ooraminna Anticline l and a refraction depth probe was recorded on the crest of the Ooraminna Anticline. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information on the structure of the Basin in the eastern part of the Missionary Plain, and on the structure of the Ooraminna. The Basin was shown to be generally synclinal between Deep Well and Alice Springs with a maximum sediment thickness Of 20,000 feet north of the Ooraminna Anticline. Seismic evidence suggested that the uplift at Deep Well and the Ooraminna Anticline have resulted from thickening in a deep formation, which has been tentatively identified as the Bitter Springs Formation. The survey was unsuccessful in relating reflectors in the crosssections with outcropping formations in the MacDonnell Ranges and on the Ooraminna Anticline.
The Geoscience Australia Onshore Seismic GIS layer is layer showing the locations of Onshore Seismic Survyes carried out by Geoscience Australia and it's predecessors, Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) and the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR). The layer contains URL link to free downloadable data. The data includes processed data in SEGY format. The metadata includes acquisition reports, processing reports, processed images and so on. The data acquisition was carried out in Australia from 1949 to present by Geoscience Australia and various partners such as State and Geologcial Survey Organisations. The set of reflection and refraction data comprises over 12,000 km of coverage, and provides an insight into the variations in crustal architecture in the varied geological domains.
Details and results are given of a seismic refraction survey made at the request of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania, to investigate the proposed site for a power station with penstock lines and tail race. The power station is part of the Wayatinah "A" project. The object of the survey was to determine the thickness of the alluvial gravel formation on the river flat, the weathered section of the sandstone and the dolerite, and to indicate the presence of shear zones. Three traverses parallel to the proposed penstock line, and 100 feet apart, and three cross traverses were surveyed in January and February, 1954. After completion of the original survey two additional traverses were surveyed on the location chosen for the power station, penstock lines and tail race site.
The refraction seismic tests described in this report were made at the request of the Victorian Railways Department. The work was located within the railway reserve between the outskirts of Wodonga township and the River Murray, and consisted of the shooting of five refraction traverses, set out approximately parallel to the railway line and covering in detail a total length of 4,800 feet. The aim of the seismic work was two-fold. Firstly an investigation was required of the subsurface formations in the vicinity of the bridges which carry the railway across several creeks intersecting the Murray flood plain. The subsurface information is required in connection with the design of the foundations of new bridges which will be constructed to replace the existing ones. The second purpose of the work was to test whether the refraction seismic method would be suitable for adoption by the Railways Department engineers as a standard routine method for investigating foundation conditions. To fulfil this purpose ideally, the method would need to be applicable generally to all the foundation problems encountered by the Department and to completely eliminate the necessity for test drilling of sites. The flood plain of the Murray, on which the seismic measurements were made, is composed of Recent alluvium, probably underlain by Tertiary river deposits and is crossed by several creeks and anabranches of the main stream. The outcrops in the vicinity of Wodonga show the bedrock to be granite and metamorphic sediments. The field work was done between February 26th and March 12th, 1953. The field party comprised two geophysicists and three field assistants provided by the Railways Department.