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The Treasure Mine, Hatches Creek, is believed to have been discovered in 1914 and has been one of the most consistent producers of wolfram to the present time. This report gives an account of the economic geology of the mine. The ore type, reefs and workings, ore localization, and ore reserves are described.
The object of this tour was to study ore deposits and methods of exploration in Africa and North America as well as to attend, as Official Delegate of the Commonwealth of Australia, the 19th International Geological Congress held at Algiers in September, 1952. A considerable amount of information was gained concerning ore deposits in the countries visited and this information should be of assistance in the search for further metal deposits in Australia. At the international Congress useful work was achieved and contact was made with a large number of geologists in various parts of the world. These contacts will facilitate the exchange of information between Australia and foreign geologists. The itinerary followed the attached as an Appendix to this report.
The area was geologically investigated at the request of the Director of Mines, Alice Springs, by A.D.M. Bell and J. Firman. Mapping was by chain and compass traverse during periods 29th to 31st October, 1952; 4th to 6th November, 1952 and 19th December, 1952. Previous geological reconnaissance was made by B. Thompson of the Enterprise Exploration Company in 1948.
The existence of wolfram in the deposit has been known since about 1915, and mining was carried out intermittently from that time until about 1938. It was not until June, 1951, when the deposit was visited by us, that the existence of scheelite in important quantity in the known ore was established. During this visit, also, a study of the structure of the deposit convinced us that, although only a little ore was exposed, considerable quantities of non-outcropping ore might be found. As magnetite is one of the gangue-minerals, a request was made for a magnetic survey. This survey was carried out by the Geophysical Section. Subsequent diamond drilling by Tungsten Consolidated Limited has shown that substantial bodies of scheelite and wolfram ore exist in the area under the structural conditions originally postulated; these conditions are outlined below. The geology of the deposits and the results of combined geological, geophysical, and diamond drilling investigations are discussed.
A geological survey of the Peko Gold Mine was conducted as part of the field activities of the Bureau of Mineral Resources in 1950. The objects of the survey were to study the factors localizing the ore, to suggest possibilities for the discovery of new oreshoots, and to plan a diamond drilling campaign to test these possibilities. J.F. Ivanac and B.P. Walpole mapped the geology of the mine. The plane table survey of the surface outcrops was carried out by E.M. Bennet. The results of the survey are presented in this report. History and production, general geology, economic geology, and the prospects of further discovery are discussed.
A geological investigation of the Maranboy Tin Field was commenced by officers of the Bureau of Mineral Resources in May, 1951. The object of the survey is, primarily, to obtain a detailed preliminary assessment of the potential ore reserves of the field. Geological mapping and sampling of the major lode lines has been carried out in an attempt to determine the features which control ore deposition and to enable estimates to be prepared of the grade and tonnage of ore per vertical foot, which may be expected from these lode lines. The main emphasis of this work during the 1951 field season was on the major producing lines in what has been called the Southern Field, the Main Lode and part of the Stannum King lode. In addition to this programme, an area of approximately nine square miles was mapped in detail using aerial photographs. Approximately 1,000 square miles of the area surrounding Maranboy was mapped on a regional basis. The history of the field, general geology, and the geology of the individual lodes are discussed in this report. The accompanying maps are enclosed.
The period 7th to 28th January, 1951 was spent at Selwyn by the writer: approximately one week was spent in preparing a semi-regional map at a scale of 1 inch to 400 feet; one week was given to mapping a smaller area at a scale of 1 inch to 40 feet. Level plans have been constructed showing what are considered to be the broad outlines of ore arrangement and structure and a number of sections have been constructed. Nineteen plans and sections illustrate this report. Twelve typical ore and rock specimens were studied in thin section and the information obtained has been incorporated in this report. An account of the regional geology of the prospect and the geology of the ore deposits is given in this report.
Ore reserves in the Geiger-Main and Whip Lodes at Radium Hill have been calculated from up-to-date plans and assay data provided by the South Australian Mines Department and results obtained agree closely with estimates made by the Mines Department. Tonnage of ore (not including dilution) to 600 feet depth on Geiger-Main and Whip Lodes and to 400 feet in Main Lode South block is estimated at 337,500 tons containing 938 tons U3O8, corresponding to an approximate average of 160 tons U3O8 per 100 feet of vertical depth. The data used, method of calculation, and results, are discussed at length in this report.
This report comprises notes on the geology, ores reserves, and exploration of the Maude and Yellow Girl Gold Mining Company.
These notes are supplementary to an earlier report (1948/016), and are designed to elucidate certain points brought up in that report. The issues of grade, workings, development, expenditure, production, and future prospects are generally discussed.