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  • Extended abstract describing metallogenic significance of georgina-Arunta seismic line. The abstract discusses mainly the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic mineral potential, including implications to U, Cu-Co, Au, Cu-U and energy.

  • The presence of alluvial gold in the river gravels of Mastuj and Chitral has been known for many years, and local inhabitants have realised the value of the gold and have worked the deposits. Tipper (1923), Coulson (1937), Ikramuddin Ali (1951) and Tayyab Ali (1951), have reported on the placers but no accurate determinations have been made of their size or grade. In August, 1951, the Australian Geological Party, J.F. Ivanac, D.M. Traves, and D. King, examined the deposits between Mastuj and Drosh, with the objects of reporting on the size and nature of the placers, and if warranted, to suggest suitable sites for testing. This report gives an account of the examination and its results.

  • The Tennant Creek Mining Field occupies an area extending some 70 miles east and west and 40 miles north and south. Over this area are scattered a large number of small mines and prospects and it is sometimes difficult to bring a field such as this into perspective so as to obtain some idea of its true valuation. The following notes are designed to help in this direction. The output and nature of the orebodies, and the respective positions and productivity of the major deposits, are discussed in this report.

  • This report is compiled of four separate reports. (1) "Note on the Application by the Chamber of Mines, W.A." Yield, production, industry costs, and the subsidy proposal are discussed in this report. (2) "Proposal for a Subsidy to the Gold Mining Industry". This report is concerned with details of the economic position of the mines and Western Australian gold industry as a whole. (3) "Supplementary Report on the Proposal for a Subsidy to the Gold Mining Industry". This report summarises the findings of the earlier enquiry into the position of the Western Australian gold industry. (4) "The General Effect on Gold Mine Surplus of Assistance based on Production". The object of this note is to outline briefly some of the principles which require consideration in determining whatever form of assistance may be decided.

  • A magnetic survey of the Kunimo creek area near Kuta in the Central Highlands of New Guinea was carried out between July 17th and July 28th, 1950. It was hoped that the survey would trace the course of the auriferous wash originally laid down in the bed of a former creek but now concealed by overburden of soil and unconsolidated volcanic ash. This report gives an account of the magnetic survey and its results.

  • Globally supracrustal sedimentary rocks are known to preferentially precipitate gold between 2400 Ma and 1800 Ma (Goldfarb et al. 2001). The Palaeoproterozoic Tanami and Pine Creek regions of Northern Australia host one world-class gold deposit and many other gold deposits in anomalously iron-rich marine mudstones (Figure 1). New fluid-rock modelling at temperatures between 275 - 350C suggest a strong correlation between gold grade and these Palaeoproterozoic iron-rich, fine-grained sedimentary rocks.

  • The Archean Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, is not only one of the largest extant fragments of Archean crust in the world, but is also one of the most richly-mineralised regions in the world. Understanding the evolution of the craton is important, therefore, for constraining Archean geodynamics, and the influence of such on Archean mineral systems. The Yilgarn Craton is dominated by felsic intrusive rocks - over 70% of the rock types. As such these rocks hold a significant part of the key to understanding the four-dimensional evolution of the craton, providing constraints on the nature and timing of crustal growth, the role of the mantle, and also the timing of important switches in crustal growth geodynamics. The granites also provide constraints on the nature and age of the crustal domains within the craton. Importantly, this crustal pre-history appears to have exerted a significant, but poorly understood, spatial control on the distribution of mineral systems, such as gold, komatiite-associated nickel sulphide and volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) base metal systems

  • Map showing distribution of a selected range of mineral deposits, operating mines and historic mines for selected commodities.

  • Australian Gold Resources Map, 1:10 000 000, June 2008 Version