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  • Workshop Proceedings of the National Coastal Groundwater Management Knowledge Transfer Workshop held in Canberra on 28-29 May 2013

  • This record contains the raw Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data and scanned field notes collected on fieldwork at Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 16-19 February 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded, 100 MHz unshielded and 50 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This record contains the raw Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data and scanned field notes collected on fieldwork at Old Bar and Boomerang Beaches, NSW for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 3 - 5 March 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded and 100 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles.

  • This record contains the processed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data (.segy), field notes, and shapefiles collected on fieldwork at Old Bar and Boomerang Beaches, NSW for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 3 - 5 March 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded and 100 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • This record contains the processed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data (.segy), field notes, and shapefile collected on fieldwork at Adelaide Metropolitan Beaches, South Australia for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC Project, Resilience to Clustered Disaster Events on the Coast - Storm Surge. The data was collected from 16-19 February 2015 using a MALA ProEx GPR system with 250 MHz shielded, 100 MHz unshielded and 50 MHz unshielded antennaes. The aim of the field work was to identify and define a minimum thickness for the beach and dune systems, and where possible depth to any identifiable competent substrate (e.g. bedrock) or pre-Holocene surface which may influence the erosion potential of incident wave energy. Surface elevation data was co-acquired and used to topographically correct the GPR profiles. This dataset is published with the permission of the CEO, Geoscience Australia.

  • Permeable, sandy sediments cover most of the continental shelf. The important role of pore-water advective flow on biogeochemical processes in these sediments has been highlighted in recent studies. Such flow can be driven by wave-action, water-density and interactions between topography and bottom currents, in addition to biological activity, and can create spatially complex and highly dynamic benthic environments in which processes vary on timescales ranging from minutes to months. It is well known that the patchiness of soft sediment (organic matter/bacteria, particle diversity, redox) is likely to be a major determinant of species diversity, but previous studies have not specifically defined patches based on a range of biologically-relevant physico-chemical variables, nor observed how patches change across time. This study, as part of the Surrogates Program in the Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities Marine Biodiversity Hub, investigated temporal changes in the geochemistry, physical sediments and infauna of sandy sediments in Jervis Bay at two times.

  • This is a joint product developed by GA and Skyring Environment Entetrprises. It is an animated CDROM developed specifically in Authoware software for state of the art visual presentation.

  • Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in Jervis Bay (NSW) in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (GA303, GA305, GA309, GA312) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments (for textural and biogeochemical analysis) and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Defence Science & Technology Organisation (DSTO) Research Vessel Kimbla. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and tide/wave measurement were concentrated in a 3x5 km survey grid (named Darling Road Grid, DRG) within the southern part of the Jervis Bay, incorporating the bay entrance. Additional sampling and stills photography plus bathymetric mapping along transits was undertaken at representative habitat types outside the DRG. This 42 sample data set comprises the mineraology of surface seabed sediment (~0-2 cm) in Jervis Bay. More information: Radke, L.C., Huang, Z., Przeslawski, R., Webster, I.T., McArthur, M.A., Anderson, T.J., P.J. Siwabessy, Brooke, B. 2011. Including biogeochemical factors and a temporal component in benthic habitat maps: influences on infaunal diversity in a temperate embayment. Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (12): 1432 - 1448. Huang, Z., McArthur, M., Radke, L., Anderson, T., Nichol, S., Siwabessy, J. and Brooke, B. 2012. Developing physical surrogates for benthic biodiversity using co-located samples and regression tree models: a conceptual synthesis for a sandy temperature embayment. International Journal of Geographical Information Science DOI:10.1080/13658816.2012.658808.

  • This resource contains geochemistry data for the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) in the Timor Sea collected by Geoscience Australia during September and October 2012 on RV Solander (survey GA0339/SOL5650). This dataset comprises inorganic element data from the fine fraction (Mud: <63um) of the upper ~2cm of seabed sediment. The Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve survey was undertaken as an activity within the Australian Government's National Environmental Research Program Marine Biodiversity Hub and was the key component of Research Theme 4 - Regional Biodiversity Discovery to Support Marine Bioregional Plans. Hub partners involved in the survey included the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Geoscience Australia, the University of Western Australia, Museum Victoria and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. Data acquired during the survey included: multibeam sonar bathymetry and acoustic backscatter; sub-bottom acoustic profiles; physical samples of seabed sediments, infauna and epibenthic biota; towed underwater video and still camera observations of seabed habitats; baited video observations of demersal and pelagic fish, and; oceanographic measurements of the water column from CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) casts and from deployment of sea surface drifters. Further information on the survey is available in the post-survey report published as Geoscience Australia Record 2013/38 (Nichol et al. 2013).

  • Geoscience Australia carried out marine surveys in Jervis Bay (NSW) in 2007, 2008 and 2009 (GA303, GA305, GA309, GA312) to map seabed bathymetry and characterise benthic environments through co-located sampling of surface sediments (for textural and biogeochemical analysis) and infauna, observation of benthic habitats using underwater towed video and stills photography, and measurement of ocean tides and wave-generated currents. Data and samples were acquired using the Defence Science & Technology Organisation (DSTO) Research Vessel Kimbla. Bathymetric mapping, sampling and tide/wave measurement were concentrated in a 3x5 km survey grid (named Darling Road Grid, DRG) within the southern part of the Jervis Bay, incorporating the bay entrance. Additional sampling and stills photography plus bathymetric mapping along transits was undertaken at representative habitat types outside the DRG. This 128 sample data set comprises major, minor and trace elements derived from x-ray fluorescence analysis of surface seabed sediments (~0-2 cm). Sediment surface area data are also presented. More Information: Radke, L.C., Huang, Z., Przeslawski, R., Webster, I.T., McArthur, M.A., Anderson, T.J., P.J. Siwabessy, Brooke, B. 2011. Including biogeochemical factors and a temporal component in benthic habitat maps: influences on infaunal diversity in a temperate embayment. Marine and Freshwater Research 62 (12): 1432 - 1448. Huang, Z., McArthur, M., Radke, L., Anderson, T., Nichol, S., Siwabessy, J. and Brooke, B. 2012. Developing physical surrogates for benthic biodiversity using co-located samples and regression tree models: a conceptual synthesis for a sandy temperature embayment. International Journal of Geographical Information Science DOI:10.1080/13658816.2012.658808.