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  • DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography as part of the Land Monitor salinity study program. The status of coverage is available either directly or via remote access to Land Monitor's website Information relative to a specific map DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • This data disk contains SunRISE 21 Licensed Data prepared for: - CLIENT: Geoscience Australia / CRC LEME - SUPPLY DATE: 30/8/2006 - Under Terms and Conditions of Data Licence Agreement(DLA): 0046 OR as set out below The data has been derived photogrammetrically from aerial photography: - Date of Photography: Various - Scale of Photography: Various DATUM: - Horizontal Datum: GDA94 MGA54 - Vertical Datum: AHD (Australian Height Datum) ABOUT the CONTOURS / DEM: - DEM: 10m x 10m height grid points - Contour Interval: 1 metre form lines derived from 2 metre contours. The contours have been interpolated from the height grid, and a smoothing spline fitted. ACCURACY ESTIMATE: - Horizontal 0.5 metres Vertical 1.0 metre In areas subject to dense vegetation, shadow or where the terrain is not confidently visible, the stated horizontal and vertical accuracy should be regarded with caution.

  • GA acts as a portal for all State geophysical datasets with the exception of South Australia. The data is located in the Geophysical Archive Data Delivery System (GADDS) and also mirrored on the externally located GA website. An internal link to the data is: \\Marl\export\jet\3\data (GA specific data is located here and State data is further segregated into folders). OEMD adds new survey datasets to GADDS as they become available. Each State Government requires a different license statement (refer to Licence Details). The height component of these surveys is acquired using radar altimetry. Errors inherent to this process are included in the attached .pdf document or

  • This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 1- 5 Contours and Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains point features delineating ground surface points photogrammetric control points. Includes; Spot heights and Rocky Outcrops. This layer is part of Vicmap Elevation 1-5 Contours and Relief, a subset of Vicmap Elevation. It contains relief features represented by lines at 1 metre intervals with some areas at 5 metres intervals. Data has been derived from Melbourne Water base maps and converted to Microstation .DGN format. Data is incomplete ie. there are "holes" in the data where for example there are quarries, or large building sites.

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • Metadata acquired by GA for the purposes of the National DEM Project from WA Landgate. DEMs are a mass of ground heights representing a terrain surface. In this instance they are spaced at a regular grid interval. This dataset has been developed from aerial photography to assist in the digital imagery Orthorectification program. The status of coverage or other information relative to specific DEM data may be obtained directly through the DOLA contact.

  • The Aerometrex2000 DEM was sourced by CRC LEME from SunRISE 21 and created by concatenating 6 txt files, and gridded (10mx10m) in Intrepid. ERMapper .ers file created. Data was also supplied as contours [see readme file].

  • Digital Elevation Model Image - 9 second Version 2 National Geoscience datasets corporate store directory - /d/geo/store/data/national_data/dem/9second_v2 Dataset(s) in this directory - aus_dem_lmhs (LAMBERT projected greyscale hillshaded ArcInfo Grid) pixel size is 260m NOTE : These data can be opened by ArcView or ArcGIS. Jpeg representations are also stored with each image for a quick view. The original 9 second Version 2 DEM data is stored in GEOGRAPHIC coordinates in /d/geo/store/data/topo/dem/9second_v2 These datasets are generated from the aus_dem ArcInfo Grid stored in that directory. Aus_demlm is projected from aus_dem and aus_demlmhs is a slope aspect index grid generated from aus_demlm, done in ArcInfo Grid. The hillshading is done using colormap files generated using the SAI command. Contact for further information - Bruce Kilgour