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  • Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) systems are increasingly being used for mapping conductivity in areas susceptible to secondary salinity, with particular attention on near-surface predictions (ie those in the top 5 or 10 metres). Since measured AEM response is strongly dependent on the height of both the transmitter loop and receiver coil above conductive material, errors in measurements of terrain clearance translate directly into significant errors in predicted near-surface conductivity. Radar altimetry has been the standard in airborne geophysical systems for measuring terrain clearance. In areas of agricultural activity significant artifacts up to five metres in magnitude can be present. One class of error, related to surface roughness and soil moisture levels in ploughed paddocks and hence termed the ?paddock effect?, results in overestimation of terrain clearance. A second class of error, related to dense vegetation and hence termed the ?canopy effect?, results in underestimation of terrain clearance. A survey example where terrain clearance was measured using both a radar and a laser altimeter illustrates the consequences of the paddock and canopy effects on shallow conductivity predictions. The survey example shows that the combination of the dependence of AEM response on terrain clearance and systematic radar altimeter artefacts spatially coincident with areas of differing land-use may falsely imply that land-use practices are the controlling influence on conductivity variations in the near surface. A laser altimeter is recommended for AEM applications since this device is immune to the paddock effect. Careful processing is still required to minimise canopy effects.

  • The first large scale projects for geological storage of carbon dioxide on the Australian mainland are likely to occur within sedimentary sequences that underlie or are within the Triassic Cretaceous Great Artesian Basin aquifer sequence. Recent national and state assessments have concluded that certain deep formations within the Great Artesian Basin show considerable geological suitability for the storage of greenhouse gases. These same formations contain trapped methane and naturally generated carbon dioxide stored for millions of years. In July 2010, the Queensland Government released exploration permits for Greenhouse Gas Storage in the Surat and Galilee basins. An important consideration in assessing the potential economic, environmental, health and safety risks of such projects is the potential impact carbon dioxide migrating out of storage reservoirs could have on overlying groundwater resources. The risk and impact of carbon dioxide migrating from a greenhouse gas storage reservoir into groundwater cannot be objectively assessed without an adequate knowledge of the natural baseline characteristics of the groundwater within these systems. Due to the phase behaviour of carbon dioxide, geological storage of carbon dioxide in the supercritical state requires depths greater than 800m, but there are few hydrogeochemical studies of these deeper aquifers in the prospective storage areas. Historical hydrogeochemical data were compiled from various State and Federal Government agencies. In addition, hydrogeochemical information has been compiled from thousands of petroleum well completion reports in order to obtain more information on the deeper aquifers, not typically used for agriculture or human consumption. The data were passed through a quality checking procedure to check for mud contamination and ascertain whether a representative sample had been collected. The large majority of the samples proved to be contaminated but a small selection passed the quality checking criteria.

  • Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) systems are increasingly being used for mapping conductivity in areas susceptible to secondary salinity, with particular attention on near-surface predictions (ie those in the top 5 or 10 metres). Since measured AEM response is strongly dependent on the height of both the transmitter loop and receiver coil above conductive material, errors in measurements of terrain clearance translate directly into significant errors in predicted near-surface conductivity. Radar altimetry has been the standard in airborne geophysical systems for measuring terrain clearance. In areas of agricultural activity significant artifacts up to five metres in magnitude can be present. One class of error, related to surface roughness and soil moisture levels in ploughed paddocks and hence termed the ?paddock effect?, results in overestimation of terrain clearance. A second class of error, related to dense vegetation and hence termed the ?canopy effect?, results in underestimation of terrain clearance. A survey example where terrain clearance was measured using both a radar and a laser altimeter illustrates the consequences of the paddock and canopy effects on shallow conductivity predictions. The survey example shows that the combination of the dependence of AEM response on terrain clearance and systematic radar altimeter artefacts spatially coincident with areas of differing land-use may falsely imply that land-use practices are the controlling influence on conductivity variations in the near surface. A laser altimeter is recommended for AEM applications since this device is immune to the paddock effect. Careful processing is still required to minimise canopy effects.

  • This report documents the findings of the 'Northern Territory Coastal Plain: Mapping Seawater Intrusion (SWI) in Coastal Plain Aquifers Using Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data' project. The principal objective of this project is to carry out an assessment of the potential for SWI to impact on aquifers within the Darwin Rural Water Control District (DRWCD). The project was funded by the National Water Commission (NWC), with significant in-kind resources and funding provided by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Northern Territory Department of Resources, Environment, Tourism, Arts and Sports (NRETAS). The project entailed acquisition of regional AEM data over the priority areas within the DRWCD, small sonic and rotary mud drilling programs, borehole geophysical logging, groundwater sampling, laboratory analysis of pore fluids and groundwater samples, and integration, analysis and interpretation of results.

  • Demonstrates the application of modelling gamma-ray spectrometry and DEM for mapping regolith materials and in predicting salt stores.

  • This study reports the findings of salt store and salinity hazard mapping for a 20-km wide swath of the Lindsay - Wallpolla reach of the River Murray floodplain in SE Australia. The study integrated remote sensing data, an airborne electromagnetics (AEM) survey (RESOLVE frequency domain system), and lithological and hydrogeochemical data obtained from a field mapping and drilling program. Maps of surface salinity, and surface salinity hazard identified Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands, and the lower Darling Floodplain as areas of high to extreme surface salinity hazard. In the sub-surface, salt stores were found in general to increase away from drainage lines in both the unsaturated and saturated zones. Beneath the Murray River floodplain, salt stores in both unsaturated and saturated zones are high to very high (100 to 300t/ha/m) across most of the floodplain. Sub-surface salinity hazard maps (incorporating mapped salt stores and lithologies, depth to water table and the hydraulic connectivity between the aquifers), identify Lindsay and Wallpolla Islands; the northern floodplain between Lock 8 and Lock 7; and northern bank of Frenchman's Creek as areas of greatest hazard. Overall, the new data and knowledge obtained in this study has filled important knowledge gaps particularly with respect to the distribution of key elements of the hydrostratigraphy and salinity extent across the Murray River and lower Darling floodplain. These data are being used to parameterise groundwater models for salinity risk predictions, to recalculate estimates of evapotranspiration for salt load predictions, address specific salinity management questions, and refine monitoring and management strategies.

  • The map shows regions favourable for calcrete-hosted uranium mineral systems. For a more detailed description of selection method see Jaireth et al. (2013).

  • The map shows salt lake regions favourable for potash deposits. For a more detailed description of selection method see Jaireth et al (2013)