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  • GeoSciML is the international standard for transfer of digital geological maps and relational database data. GeoSciML was developed over the past decade by the IUGS Commission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI), and was adopted as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard in June 2016. Ratification as an official OGC standard marked a coming of age for GeoSciML - it now meets the highest standards for documentation and current best practice for interoperable data transfer. GeoSciML is the preferred standard for geoscience data sharing initiatives worldwide, such as OneGeology, the European INSPIRE directive, the Australian Geoscience Portal, and the US Geoscience Information Network (USGIN). GeoSciML is also used by OGC's GroundwaterML data standard [1] and CGI's EarthResourceML standard [2]. Development of GeoSciML version 4 learnt considerably from user experiences with version 3.2, which was released in 2013 [3]. Although the GeoSciML v3 data model was conceptually sound, its XML schema implementation was considered overly complex for the general user. Version 4 developments focussed strongly on designing simpler XML schemas that allow data providers and users to interact with data at various levels of complexity. As a result, GeoSciML v4 provides three levels of user experience - 1. simple map portrayal, 2. GeoSciML-Basic for common age and lithology data for geological features, and 3. GeoSciML-Extended, which extends GeoSciML-Basic to deliver more detailed and complex relational data. Similar to GeoSciML v3, additional GeoSciML v4 schemas also extend the ISO Observations & Measurements standard to cover geological boreholes, sampling, and analytical measurements. The separate levels of GeoSciML also make it easier for software vendors to develop capabilities to consume relatively simple GeoSciML data without having to deal with the full range of complex GeoSciML schemas. Previously mandatory elements of GeoSciML, that were found to be overly taxing on users in version 3, are now optional in version 4. GeoSciML v4 comes with Schematron validation scripts which can be used by user communities to create profiles of GeoSciML to suit their particular community needs. For example, the European INSPIRE community has developed Schematrons for web service validation which require its users to populate otherwise-optional GeoSciML-Basic elements, and to use particular community vocabularies for geoscience terminology. Online assistance for data providers to use GeoSciML is now better than ever, with user communities such as OneGeology, INSPIRE, and USGIN providing user guides explaining how to create simple and complex GeoSciML web services. CGI also provides a range of standard vocabularies that can be used to populate GeoSciML data services. Full documentation and user guides are at

  • We have completed a new Web interface that makes it easier for AGSO's clients to find and order products sold by the AGSO Sales Centre. The new system is on AGSO's Web site at /html. Alternatively, from AGSO's home page at, click on the `Products' button and select `AGSO Products' from the pull-down menu of online databases. The new interface is similar to the `Products Database' it replaces, but is based on the `AGSO Catalog', a new metadata system designed to keep track of all of AGSO outputs - including products, publications, datasets and resources. The new interface will be followed shortly by a Web interface for finding publications, papers and articles by AGSO staff members.

  • The fruits of geoscientists' labours are consigned increasingy to computer files. Although the capacities of electronic media are expanding rapidly, the means of keeping track of all these files is lagging. Knowledge-based organisations like AGSO need the electronic equivalent of libraries to house this information, the analogue of library catalogues to allow us to find critical bits, and the equivalent of librarians to manage the metadata. Files worth keeping must be kept permanently online, referenced by a metadatabase, visible on the Web, accessible from around the world, and in compliance with changing hardware, software and data standards.

  • Part of one of the key initiatives of the Australian Minerals Exploration Action Agenda released in June 2004 was to request that `Australian Government, State and Territory geoscience agencies, work together to cooperatively develop and implement nation-wide protocols, standards and systems that provide internet-based access to? ?? `government exploration-related data.? It is clear that this key initiative could be achieved by implementing web-based services across all government agencies that supply geoscience data. A demonstrator project was set up to highlight the value of `Interoperability of Geospatial data? for the Australian Minerals Industry, and was funded by the AUSIndustry Innovation Access Program, the Minerals Council of Australia, the pmd*CRC, GA and every State and Territory Geoscience agency. The OpenGIS? Reference Model was used to develop this reference implementation which was based on a standard Web Services Architecture. As the existing Australian Geoscience Portal enabled `finding? and `publishing? on-line geoscience data, the focus of the project became `binding? client applications in real time to data services. The main technology modifications were to the Geoserver Open source software. This software was modified to enable data to be sourced from complex data bases (ie many tables of data) and to produce complex application schemas. The clear lessons learnt from this project was that more work needs to be done in developing the XML data models used in accessing data systems within and between each community. There are no clear governance models at the national or international level for coordinating their development. Without coordinated development of all of the required `languages? at the international level, web services for the geosciences will fail to flourish.

  • This Record provides a description of the development and use of the version of the AGSO Library catalogue accessible from AGSO's World Wide Web site. The Library's in-house catalogue of books and serials is part of the Datatrek Professional Series library management system. Although this system operates from a Novell network server, the lack of integration of AGSO's Novell networks and lack of access to them from the Unix system means that direct access to Datatrek system is only available in the Library itself. Also, the Datatrek system has no provision for access, either directly or indirectly, from the Internet. In the interests of making the Library catalogue more readily available to both AGSO's staff and AGSO's clients, a decision was made to develop a version of the Datatrek catalogue as an Oracle database, and that that version would be made available on the World Wide Web of the Internet with a forms-based search interface usable on any Web browser.

  • Papua New Guinea lies in a very active volcanic region of the world, where eruptions and other volcanic hazards can have disastrous results. To monitor the volcanoes, the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO) was established in 1940. Geoscience Australia has provided the RVO with technical aid in many forms, including (since 2010) advice and assistance in the creation of an information management system (IMS). The purpose, scope and design features of this system are described.