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  • Introductory video to explaining Linked Data and DGGS practices and philosophies

  • This linked data API allows online access to all the AusPIX cells as a database. All DGGS cells, at all common resolutions, are mapped on individual landing pages, along with descriptors for spatial extent, centroid, neighbours, parent cells and child cells. Includes alternate views in a variety of formats, and can be manually or machine read. This is an online resource for the "AusPIX Data Integration by Locality Framework". It is built as a virtual database where the AusPIX DGGS Engine calculates information on demand. Location of this Linked data API is:

  • <div>A set of Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) datasets built as Linked-Data RDF triples. Includes Electrical Infrastructure, Emergency Facilities, and Placenames. (Sits alongside other Geoscience RDF data bases and their APIs). An API built over this RDF database supplies mapped detail of each individual feature along with metadata, geometry, alternate views and profiles. RDF provides a standardized schema for use with any other datasets based on RDF Triples. The API is human readable and machine readable. Machine readability allows web based APIs and dashboards to consume the data in a number of standardized formats, to value add and build specialized tools for a great variety of uses, including emergency use dashboards and higher level APIs.</div><div><br></div><div>The API conforms with the OGC LA API standard and uses VocPrez and SpacePrez technology.</div>

  • The linked data API for National Composite Gazetteer of Australia. Uses linked data principles to provide Human readable and machine readable resources for data sharing and linking. Includes alternate views for machine readable services, and links to vocab resources, as well as a landing page map for visualisation. Link:

  • An AusPIX Integration Table for major Australian geographies. Based on the standard AusPIX DGGS 2.4408 hectare plot, this dataset integrates each major geography with all others in the table. It is a core dataset that describes all the AusPIX DGGS level 10 cells in Australia and extends them into a cross-walk that references point, line, polygon, or grid data to those AusPIX DGGS cells. This table can be easily linked to further integrate and reference any other AusPIX enabled dataset available. The Integration set is designed to allow a wide variety of statistical enquiry, as well as visualisation of data and outputs. For example Python Pandas can consume csv downloads of selected parts of this database to allow employment of all Pandas functions. For visualisation, QGIS can connect (and visualise on the desktop), your SQL queries on the database for example. This table is a 430 million row PostgreSQL database provisioned on AWS. It can be filtered and searched using SQL, and results can be downloaded to CSV. It is a pre-calculated dataset using the 'AusPIX framework for data integration, statistics and visualisation by DGGS Location (linked in "Associations" in the panel on the right). An API over the top of this dataset is available at:

  • <div>A set of Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) datasets along with related data - built as Linked-Data RDF triples and provided with a modern API. The custodian of these datasets is the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Published by Geoscience Australia (GA). These feature collections are included in this database as of October 2022:</div><div> ● ASGS 2016</div><div> ● ASGS 2021</div><div> ● Australian Drainage Divisions</div><div> ● Commonwealth Electoral Divisions 2021</div><div> ● Destinations Zones</div><div> ● Greater Capital City Statistical Areas</div><div> ● Indigenous Locations</div><div> ● Indigenous Areas</div><div> ● Indigenous Regions</div><div> ● Local Government Areas 2021</div><div> ● Local Government Areas 2022</div><div> ● ASGS Mesh Blocks</div><div> ● Postal Areas</div><div> ● State Electoral Divisions 2021</div><div> ● State Electoral Divisions 2022</div><div> ● State and Territories </div><div> ● Statistical Areas Level 1</div><div> ● Statistical Areas Level 2</div><div> ● Statistical Areas Level 3</div><div> ● Statistical Areas Level 4</div><div> ● Suburbs and Localities</div><div> ● Tourism Regions</div><div>This data and the associated API sits alongside other Geoscience RDF databases and their APIs. The API supplies mapped detail of each individual feature along with metadata, geometry, alternate views and profiles. RDF provides a standardized schema for use with any other dataset based on RDF Triples. The API is human readable and machine readable. Machine readability allows web based APIs and dashboards to consume the data in a number of standardized formats - to value add and build specialized tools for a great variety of uses, including emergency use dashboards and higher level APIs.</div><div><br></div><div>The API conforms with the OGS LD API and is built on VocPrez and SpacePrez technology.</div>