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  • Proterozoic Gold Mineralising events on Australian Proterozoic Georgions base, 1:5 000 000 October 2007 Version (PDF and JPG)

  • A magnetic survey of the Kunimo creek area near Kuta in the Central Highlands of New Guinea was carried out between July 17th and July 28th, 1950. It was hoped that the survey would trace the course of the auriferous wash originally laid down in the bed of a former creek but now concealed by overburden of soil and unconsolidated volcanic ash. This report gives an account of the magnetic survey and its results.

  • Geological investigation by the Bureau commenced late in July, 1948, and continued until the end of October of that year. The objects of the survey were to lay the foundation for future detailed studies of the mining field, to study the factors controlling ore localization, to assess the quantity and value of ore exposed to date, and to estimate the potential value of the field. In the search for orebodies, a knowledge of the geological factors can be of great assistance, and it is felt that the information given in this report and in the accompanying plans should be of considerable help in this respect. However, the prospector's methods - loaming, dollying, panning etc. are still quite fundamental to success in a prospecting field such as Tennant Creek and the suggestions made in this report are intended to supplement this type of work. The climate, topography, vegetation, gold production, general geology, and gold deposits of the area are described in this report. Detailed descriptions are given of the individual mines examined to date.

  • A map showing the distribution of selected mines and mineral depsosits for a range of commodities. It also shows the distribution of petroleum resources in basic form. The map base is the Radiometric Map of the Australian Region

  • A map showing the distribution of selected mines and mineral depsosits for a range of commodities. It also shows the distribution of petroleum resources in basic form. The map base is the georegions of Australia

  • Australian Gold Resources Maps, 1:10 000 000, October 2005 Version

  • Australian Gold Resources Map, 1:10 000 000, December 2006 Version

  • Australian Gold Resources Map, 1:10 000 000, June 2008 Version

  • This investigation was undertaken primarily to assess the importance of a discovery of gold in the tributaries of the Porgera River west of Mt. Hagen, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Two patrols were carried out. The first patrol was from Wabag to Mongureba. The purpose of the patrol was to inspect the main gold find in the vicinity of Mongureba. The occurrence of alluvial gold was also reported from the River Timen area, and consequently a patrol from Wabag to Mt. Hagen Police Post by way of the River Timen was undertaken. This report gives an account of the geological reconnaissance and its findings. The physiography, geology, geomorphology, and economic geology of the area are described. Accompanying maps and photographs are included.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) is planning for a third regional airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey under the auspices of the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). The survey would include the South Australian side of the Frome Embayment and parts of the southern Eromanga Basin, northern Adelaide Fold Belt, Curnamona Craton and northwestern Murray Basin and is in the advanced planning stage. Flight planning is based on a flight line spacing of 5 km, covering the equivalent area of about six 1:250,000 map sheets along the South Australian side of the South Australia-New South Wales border.The Frome Embayment-Olary-Murray basin region of South Australia is one of Australia's most highly prospective areas for uranium and base metals but is also prospective for gold and heavy mineral sands (HMS). The region hosts South Australia's only active in situ leach (ISL) uranium mine at Beverley, the recently approved Four Mile ISL uranium mine, active uranium developments at Goulds Dam and Honeymoon, numerous other uranium prospects including Crocker Well, East Kalkaroo, Glencoe, Mt Gee, Mt Victoria and Oban (amongst others) and the inactive Radium Hill mine. Further afield, uranium occurrences are noted in the southern Eromanga Basin within the Marree 1:250,000 sheet area and in sediments draining south from the Curnamona Craton into the Murray Basin in the Olary 1:250,000 sheet area. Other mineral occurrences in the area include the Portia (Au), Kalkaroo (Cu-Au-Mo), White Dam (Au), Mutooroo (Cu-Co) and Brooks Bore (HMS) deposits, amongst others.