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  • At 1:15,000 scale, this map is larger than previous editions. It is printed on both sides, with the reverse portraying colourful photographs and text describing Norfolk Islands flora and fauna, history, things to do and see etc. This map is sold as a flat or folded product through Geoscience Australia`s Sales Centre or our map retailers, located throughout Australia.

  • This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products

  • In June 1980 the Department of Housing and Construction (DHC) completed a report on the proposed water supply iand swerage project for Norfolk Island (Goldfinch & Cross, 1980). This report requested that the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) implement the following recommendations: 1. Undertake hydrogeological investigations on Norfolk Island as recommended in a Groundwater reprot on Norfolk Island (Abell, 1976). 2. Undertake investigations, drilling and testing as appropriate to provide observation and production bores in either or both of the Broken Bridge/Mission Creek valleys. A sufficient number of bores are to be drilled so that a production rate of not less than 10.4 L/sec is achieved with at least one bore in exess of minimum requirements to provide standby capacity. Each production bore is to be cased and fitted with screens. The main objective of the survey was a hydrogeological/geophysical investigation in the Broken Bridge - Mission Creek valleys leading to the selection of drill sites and recommendations on drilling to ascertain whether a groundwater supply at deeper levels on the island can be developed free of pollution from human or other agencies.

  • This map shows the boundary of the security regulated port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 1 Sheet (Colour) April 2010 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD

  • This map shows the boundaries of the Maritime Security Zones for each port for the purpose of the Maritime Transport & Office Security Act 2003. 1 Sheet (Colour) May 2010 Not for sale or public distribution Contact Manager LOSAMBA project, PMD

  • This CD-ROM contains a rudimentary Norfolk Island GIS created by AGSO in 2001 for the Department of Transport and Regional Services to aid in the divestment of Commonwealth lands. This disk contains relevant cadastre, ArcExplorer projects, National Capital Authority planning documentation and data, and suggestions for further work.

  • The data obtained from the NCA were prepared for planning recomendations made in 1996. The data contains 1996 spatial information of cadastre, land tenure, roads, reserves, 5m contours, terrain features, slope classes, the sewer catchment area, tourist accomadation, development areas, planning subdivison codes, portion areas, proposed plans for 1996, 1985 and 1972, and the KAVHA viewshed. The data covers the entire island and does well to decribe the physical features of the island.

  • This dataset contains polygon cadastral data and non-spatial attribute data for the Norfolk Island. The dataset contains portion numbers and can be used to identify land ownership and in particular, information about Commonwealth owned land.

  • This is a post-cruise report for the collaborative Australia/France searfloor mapping survey east of Norfolk Island. Regional settings, survey design and preliminary results are discussed.