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  • A 3D map of the Cooper Basin region has been produced over an area of 300 x 450 km to a depth of 20 km. The 3D map was constructed from 3D inversions of gravity data using geological data to constrain the inversions. It delineates regions of low density within the basement of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins that are inferred to be granitic bodies. This interpretation is supported by a spatial correlation between the modelled bodies and known granite occurrences. The 3D map, which also delineates the 3D geometries of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, therefore incorporates both potential heat sources and thermally insulating cover, key elements in locating a geothermal play. This study was conducted as part of Geoscience Australia's Onshore Energy Security Program, Geothermal Energy Project.

  • Report on energy assessment of north Queensland as part of the Onshore Energy Security Program. As part of the Onshore Energy Security Program, Geoscience Australia has undertaken a series of energy potential assessments, both on a national scale and on a regional scale in association geological framework studies. These framework studies, which are designed to provide information on geodynamic and architectural controls on energy systems, are linked to the acquisition of deep seismic, magnetotelluric and airbourne electromagnetic data. The focus of fiscal year 2008-2009 was north Queensland, stretching from the Northern Territory border to the coast, between 17° and 22° south latitude. In addition to the seismic data acquisition and interpretation, these framework studies have included geochronological studies as well as uranium mineral system and geothermal system studied in collaboration with the Uranium and Geothermal Projects. The main goal of these studies is to provide background data that can be used by industry for exploration, however the data also provide new information that can be used in assessing the potential of north Queensland for uranium and geothermal resources using geosystems (i.e. mineral and geothermal systems) methodologies in a GIS environment. This report provides such an assessment in a qualitative to semi-quantitative way. One of the goals of this analysis is to define the extent of areas or regions with known deposits; another goal was to define areas with previously unrecognised potential.

  • This is a paper submitted for the 29th NZ Geothermal Workshop, presenting information about the geothermal industy in Australia, the impediements the industry faces and Geoscience Australia's role in reducing the geoscience-related impediments. Paper abstract is as follows: Australia's emergent geothermal energy industry is growing rapidly, with 29 geothermal companies currently prospecting for Hot Rock and hydrothermal resources. The Hot Rock model in the Australian context comprises a thick sequence (>3km) of low-thermal conductivity sediments overlying deeper high-heat-producing granites. Until now, the key datasets available to industry to guide their geothermal exploration have been a map of crustal temperature at 5km depth, and heat-flow data. Both datasets suffer from regions of low data density and heterogeneous data distribution. The Australian Government has provided Geoscience Australia with funding for an Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP). Established as part of the OESP, a new Geothermal Project will generate precompetitive geoscientific information for geothermal explorers through two major activities: mapping heat across Australia, and developing a geothermal information system. The Australian Government has also awarded several renewable energy and start-up grants to the geothermal industry since 2000, and is currently funding the preparation of a Geothermal Industry Development Framework (GIDF). The GIDF aims to support the industry by developing strategies to ensure that technical, economic and regulatory obstacles are tackled in a coordinated way.

  • The thermal conductivity dataset is from the Geothermal Energy Project's thermal conductivity database. It contains thermal conductivity value for rocks sampled from minerals and stratigraphic wells across Australia. Currenlty there are 405 measurements from 45 drill holes in the database. Access to these drill holes and samples has been provided by mining and exploration companies and state surveys. Samples have been measured for thermal conductivity by either Geoscience Australia or by Hot Dry Rocks Pty Ltd (HDR) using the divided bar apparatus.

  • Educational factsheet about direct-use of geothermal energy - what it is, why do it, where can it be done, international figures for direct-use of geothermal energy and opportunities for using geothermal energy directly in Australia. Mini-abstract on factsheet as follows: Geothermal energy is a natural source of heat contained within the Earth, and it can be extracted and used either indirectly to generate electricity, or directly for heating applications. There are some examples of geothermal direct-use projects in Australia already and there is significant potential for additional domestic, industrial and commercial applications.

  • Educational factsheet summarising geothermal systems (hydrothermal and Hot Rock systems), advantages of geothermal power generation in Australia, geothermal power generation systems, and future electricity generation in Australia using geothermal energy. The mini-abstract on the factsheet is as follows: Geothermal energy is the heat contained within the Earth and it can be used to generate electricity by utilising two main types of geothermal resources. Hydrothermal resources use naturally-occurring hot water or steam circulating through permeable rock, and Hot Rock resources produce super-heated water or steam by artificially circulating fluid through the rock. Electricity generation from geothermal energy in Australia is currently limited to an 80kW net power plant at Birdsville in south west Queensland. However this is likely to change in the future as Hot Rock power plants become increasingly commercially viable.

  • Educational factsheet discussing geothermal induced seismicity, what it is, why it happens, potential risks and mitigation strategies. Short abstract from factsheet header below: Hot Rock geothermal power production relies on using buried hot rocks to heat water and generate electricity. Australia is thought to have an enormous geothermal resource, capable of providing low-emission, cost-competitive energy for centuries to come. The nature of most Hot Rock resources in Australia necessitates artificial enhancement of the resources to make them viable for geothermal power production. One possible hazard associated with developing geothermal resources is induced seismicity. Induced seismicity is the term used to describe earthquakes generated by human activities. Induced earthquakes are associated with the movement of material into or out of the earth, for example during water reservoir filling, underground mining, and development of Hot Rock reservoirs. Exploration for geothermal energy in Australia has rapidly increased over the last five years, and geothermal exploration leases have been taken out around Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Geelong. If shown to have viable geothermal resources, geological enhancement of these areas for Hot Rock power production may generate induced seismicity. However, experience in Australia to date suggests that the risks associated with geothermal induced seismicity are very low compared to that of natural earthquakes, and can be reduced by careful management and monitoring.

  • This volume is a compilation of Extended Abstracts presented at the 2008 Australian Geothermal Energy Conference, 19-22 August 2008, Rydges Hotel, Melbourne, organised by the Australian Geothermal Energy Association and the Australian Geothermal Energy Group. This Conference is the first dedicated conference organised by the geothermal energy community in Australia and has been made possible by the seed funding from the Australian Government under the Sir Mark Oliphant Conference funding scheme with additional sponsorship of the companies acknowledged earlier and paying delegates. This Conference is being held at a time of rapid growth in all sectors of the geothermal community. The number of companies engaged in exploration stands at 33, the number of leases held or applied for is 320, and the value of the work program for these companies exceeds $850 million between 2002-2013. The Australian Geothermal Energy Association has been incorporated to serve as the peak industry representative body. The Universities of Queensland, West Australia, Adelaide and Newcastle have new funding specifically for geothermal research programs. The Australian Government has continued its strong support of the sector through the Geothermal Industry Development Framework and Technology Roadmap, the Geothermal Drilling Program, and the Onshore Energy Security Program. All of the States now have legislation regulating geothermal exploration activity in place, and the Northern Territory has drafted legislation for presentation to parliament. This volume of Extended Abstracts starts with a summary snapshot of the global and national geothermal energy sectors. The rest of the volume is organised under three headings: Underground Science and Technology Power Conversion Technologies Legislation, Policy and Infrastructure

  • A 3D map of the Cooper Basin region has been produced over an area of 300 x 450 km to a depth of 20 km (Figure 1). The map was constructed from 3D inversions of gravity data using geological data to constrain the inversions. It delineates regions of low density within the basement of the Cooper / Eromanga Basins that are inferred to be granitic bodies. This interpretation is supported by a spatial correlation between the modelled bodies and known granite occurrences. The map, which also delineates the 3D geometries of the Cooper and Eromanga Basins, therefore incorporates both potential heat sources and thermally insulating cover, key elements in locating a geothermal play. A smaller region of the Cooper Basin 3D map (Figure 1) has been used as a test-bed for GeoModeller's 3D thermal modelling capability. The thermal modelling described herein is a work in progress and is being carried out to test the capability of the thermal modelling component of 3D GeoModeller, as well as to test our understanding of the thermal properties of the Cooper Basin region.

  • Work at the Bureau of Mineral Resources (now Geoscience Australia) in the early 1990s was instrumental in bringing hot rocks geothermal research and development to Australia. The Energy Initiative of the Federal Government, announced in August 2006, has restarted a geothermal project in GA. This paper outlines the scope of the Onshore Energy Security Program, the development and implementation of the new Geothermal Energy Project, and progress to date. The Onshore Energy Security Program A program to acquire pre-competitive geoscience information for onshore energy prospects has begun following the Prime Minister's Energy Security Initiative. The initiative provides $58.9 million over five years to Geoscience Australia for the acquisition of new seismic, gravity, geochemistry, heat flow, radiometric, magneto-telluric and airborne electromagnetic (EM) data to attract investment in exploration for onshore petroleum, geothermal, uranium and thorium energy sources. The program will be delivered in collaboration with the States and Territory under the existing National Geoscience Agreement. A set of principles have been developed to guide the program. According to the principles, proposed work must: promote exploration for energy-related resources, especially in greenfields areas; improve discovery rates for energy-related resources; be of national and/or strategic importance; and data acquisition must be driven by science. The program is structured with national-scale projects for each energy commodity (geothermal, petroleum, uranium and thorium) and for geophysical and geochemical acquisition. Regional scale projects in Georgetown-Isa, Gawler-Curnamona, Northern WA and the Northern Territory areas will assess the energy potential of those areas in detail. Other regions will be prioritised at a later stage of the OESP. Formulating the Geoscience Australia Geothermal Energy Project Based on consultation with State and Territory geological surveys and geothermal exploration companies, a list of the impediments faced by geothermal companies was identified. The Geothermal Energy Project addresses those that require geoscience input. The greatest geological problem facing explorers is a lack of understanding of the distribution of temperature in the upper crust of Australia. The two existing datasets that map temperature and heat distribution - the Austherm map of temperature at 5 km depth, and a database of heat flow measurements - both require a great deal of infilling. It is also possible to make predictive maps of expected heat based on geological models. These three ways of mapping heat, and the work that the project will do in each of these areas, is described in more detail in later sections. Other geoscience inputs that will help improve discovery rates and/or reduce risk to explorers and investors include a comprehensive and accessible geothermal geoscience information system, a better understanding of the stress state of the Australian crust, better access to seismic monitors during reservoir stimulation, and a Reserve & Resource definition scheme. Increasing the awareness of Australia's geothermal potential amongst decision makers and the general public may also help the funding of the development of the industry through Government support and investor confidence. The Geothermal Project has involvement in all of these activities, as outlined in later sections.