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  • Various aspects of isostasy concept are intimately linked to estimation of the elastic thickness of lithosphere, amplitude of mantle-driven vertical surface motions, basin uplift and subsidence. Common assumptions about isostasy are not always justified by existing data. For example, refraction seismic data provide essential constraints to estimation of isostasy, but are rarely analysed in that respect. Average seismic velocity, which is an integral characteristic of the crust to any given depth, can be calculated from initial refraction velocity models of the crust. Geoscience Australia has 566 full crust models derived from the interpretation of such data in its database as of January 2012. Average velocity through velocity/density regression translates into average density of the crust, and then into crustal column weight to any given depth. If average velocity isolines become horizontal at some depth, this may be an indication of balanced mass distribution (i.e., isostasy) in the crust to that depth. For example, average velocity distribution calculated for a very deep Petrel sedimentary basin on the Australian NW Margin shows no sign of velocity isolines flattening with depth all the way down to at least 15 km below the deepest Moho. Similar estimates for the Mount Isa region lead to opposite conclusions with balancing of average seismic velocities achieved above the Moho. Here, we investigate average seismic velocity distribution for the whole Australian continent and its margins, uncertainties of its translation into estimates of isostasy, and the possible explanations for misbalances in isostatic equilibrium of the Australian crust.

  • Stations on the Australian continent receive a rich mixture of ambient seismic noise from the surrounding oceans and the numerous small earthquakes in the earthquakes belts to the north in Indonesia and east in Tonga-Kermadec as well as more distant source zones. The noise field at a station contains information about the structure in the vicinity of the site and this can be exploited by applying an autocorrelation procedure to continuous records. Continuous vertical component records from 242 stations (permanent and temporary) across the continent have been processed using running windows of 6 hours long with subsequent stacking. A distinctive pulse, with a time delay between 8 and 30 s from zero offset, is found in the autocorrelation results. This pulse has a frequency content between 1.5 and 3 Hz suggesting P-wave multiples trapped in the crust. Synthetic modeling, with control of multiple phases, shows that a local PmP phase can be recovered with the autocorrelation method. We are therefore able to use this identification to map out the depth to Moho across the continent, and obtain results that largely conform to those from previous studies using a combination of data from refraction, reflection profiles and receiver functions. This approach can be used for Moho depth estimation using just vertical component records and effective results can be obtained with temporary deployments of just a few months.

  • The Oaklands-Coorabin Coalfield in the Riverina Division of New South Wales has been known for many years. Seismic refraction tests were carried out on a number of sections to assist in the interpretation of the gravity results during July and Sepetember, 1949.

  • A seismic reflection traverse was surveyed across the Perth Basin, Uestern Australia, between the townships of Rockingham and Mundijong. It was planned in order to give information regarding the depth of the Basin and its structure adjacent to the Darling Scarp. Seismic refraction traverses were surveyed to give the longitudinal velocities in the near surface granitic gneisses on the Precambrian Shield, and in the Cardup Series (Proterozoic) abutting the Darling Scarp. At least 14,000 ft of sediments are indicated in the deepest part of the Basin but there is no clear seismic evidence of what a maximum thickness might be. Seismic reflection results indicate that the sediments on the west of the Darling Scarp abut the older rocks on a plane that dips at about 60 degrees to the west and that cuts the surface some distance in front of the present position of the scarp. This suggests that the Darling Scarp at Eundijong is the surface expression of a normal fault. However, the presence of reflection alignments east of this postulated fault plane, and thus apparently arising within the granitic gneisses, is contrary to the fault hypothesis. The true nature of the tectonic features is thus unresolved. Seismic results indicate that faulting occurred within the Basin and such faulting may have completed closure of possible oil traps. Further seismic investigation of the faults and associated structures is recommended.

  • On 30th March 1960, a seismic velocity survey was made in the A.A.O. Timbury Hills No. 2 bore, jointly by the Bureau of Mineral Resources and Associated Australian Oilfields N.L. The bore had been drilled to a depth of 4400 ft and was surveyed to a depth of 4304 ft below the rotary table. There remains a doubt whether the breaks recorded on the well geephone were, in fact, cable breaks, particularly between 2300 and 3305 ft below the rotary table. The interpretation has boon made with the belief that true breaks wore recorded. Average and interval velocities were computed and are acceptable geologically. Sandstones, particularly cemented ones, have Renerally higher velocities than shale. The average velocity of the Mesozoic sequence is about 9800 ft/sec. A velocity of 17,980 ft/sec was measured at the bottom of the bore and corresponds to the Timbury Hills Formation of unknown age. The Moolayember Shale has a low velocity calculated as 8360 ft/sec.

  • A seismic velocity survey of the APM Development Pty Limited No. 1 bore at Rosedale, Victoria, was made by the Geophysical Branch of the Bureau on the 3rd May 1960 using a TIC three-component well geophone. Measurements were taken with the geophone suspended in the well at selected intervals down to 5500 ft. It was apparent that signals reached the geophone by transmission along the cable by which it was suspended, and these interfered with the signals reaching the geophone along a path directly through the ground. This made interpretation difficult; however, by careful inspection of both the vertical and horizontal components of the signals received by the geophone at each depth, an interpretation has been made that yields a series of velocity/depth determinations. The average vertical velocity increases from 5000 ft/sec at the surface to 8930 ft/sec at a depth of 5500 ft. The average velocity in the Tertiary (0-2159 ft below datum) was computed to be 6420 ft/sec; the -werage velocity in the Mesozoic rocks penetrated (2159-5314 ft below datum) was 12,180 ft/sec. Two reflection spreads laid out and recorded in the vicinity of the bore showed the presence of reflectors at depths estimated to be in excess of 7700ft.

  • Towa.:ccis the end of 1960 , the Bureau. of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics made a brief seismic survey in the Winton area of Queensland to resolve an apparent contradiction between the interpretations of gravity and aeromagnetic results previously obtained in the area. Gravity and aeromagnetic results both suggested the occurrence of a large fault or fault zone about 20 miles north-west of Winton, but the gravity and aeromagnetic interpretations differed regarding the direction of throw of the fault. A nine-mile seismic reflection traverse was surveyed across the supposed fault. The seismic results indicate the presence of a large fault or monoclinal fold with dowthrown side nouth-wast as suggested by the gravity values and also a smaller fault or monocline about two miles south-east with downthrown side south-east. The variations in thckness of Mesozoic rocks caused by these features were insufficient to explain the observed Bouguer gravity anomaly values, but the seismic results left open the possibilitues that there may be a considerable thickness of pre-Mesozoic sedimemts north-west of the main monocline or fault. It is postulated that the steep gravity gradient observed may be due to a large fault whose main movement took place in pre-Mesozoic times. Indications are that there is 5000 to 6000 ft of Mesozoic sediments in tha area.

  • Between August and December 1960 a seismic party from the Bureau of Mineral Resources carried out a reconnaissance seismic survey, using reflection and refraction techniques, across the Murray Basin. Traverses were placed at selected localities at Carrathool, Hay, Maude, Balranald, Wentworth, Merbein, Lake Victoria, and Loxton. In general, the results show that the Basin, at least along the line of traverse, consists of essentially undisturbed sediments above a high-velocity basement. The thickness of Basin sediments ranges from about 900 ft at Carrathool to 2200 ft at Lake Victoria and Merbein. Most of the sediments are of Tertiary age, with Mesozoic at Loxton and Wentworth and perhaps at other traverses in the western part of the Basin. The seismic velocity in the sediments has a typical value of about 6000 to 7000 ft/sec, while the velocity in the basement ranges from 15,750 ft/sec (at Hay) up to 20,000 ft/sec (at Lake Victoria). The geological nature of basement is not known, but it is considered that it definitely marks the floor of the Tertiary (or Tertiary - Mesozoic) basin. Refraction velocities alone are of doubtful value in identifying the floor, as it is known that crystalline basement, metamorphosed sediments, or unmetamorphosed sediments such as limestone, may have velocities within this range.

  • Between February and April 1961 the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics made a seismic survey in the Rosedale area of the Latrobe Valley, partly at the request of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria to provide more information about the brown coal measures in this area, and partly in order to test the Bureau's latest seismic recording equipment. One traverse, combining both reflection and refraction profiling techniques, was run south from the A.P.M. No.1 bore at Rosedale as far as Merrimans Creek, and a second traverse was run west from the bore as far as Toongabbie. Results show that the maximum thickness of the Tertiary sequence is about 3000 ft and that it thins gradually to 1000 ft at Toongabbie and rapidly to about 750 ft on the Baragwanath Anticline. It is shown that early Tertiary deposits were laid over the whole area but have been uplifted and partly eroded in late Tertiary or post-Tertiary times in the Toongabbie and Baragwanath areas, but the main syncline sank and accumulated thick Tertiary sediments. Results show alao that on the northern flank of the Baragwanath Anticline where crossed by the seismic lines the Tertiary and Jurassic sediments are steeply folded but not necessarily faulted. No positive information was obtained below 4500 ft but long refraction shots suggest that a high-velocity basement does not exist at a depth less than 12,000 ft.

  • The northern Perth Basin is an elongate sedimentary basin, located off the southwestern margin of Australia. The basin is prospective for petroleum resources, but is relatively under-explored, and the nature of the sediment-basement contact is relatively unknown due to a high degree of structuring and deep basement depth inhibiting seismic imagining. Accurate depth conversion of seismic interpretation is vital for use as constraints in gravity modelling and in other basin modelling tasks, but depth conversion requires good quality seismic velocity information. The number and distribution of wells with velocity information in the northern Perth Basin is poor, but there exists a large amount of seismic stacking velocities. Seismic stacking velocities are an outcome of seismic processing and are thus not a direct measurement of the speed of sound in rocks. To improve the quality of stacking velocities we propose a methodology to calibrate stacking velocities against well velocities, which is as follows: 1. Check each velocity dataset for errors 2. Modify the datum of each dataset to the sea floor 3. Convert all datasets to TWT and depth domain 4. Resample all velocity datasets to the same depth intervals 5. Cross plot stacking velocity depths near a well site with corresponding well depths 6. Fit a linear polynomial to this cross-plot (higher order polynomials were tried also), and determine calibration coefficient from the gradient of the polynomial. 7. Grid calibration coefficients 8. Multiply depths derived from stacking velocities by calibration coefficient grid An assessment of depth conversion errors relative to wells shows that this methodology improves depth conversion results to within ±50m; this depth uncertainty translates into a gravity anomaly error of about ±20 gu, which is acceptable for regional scale gravity modelling.