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  • This publication is an outcome of a meeting entitled "Transient and Induced Variations in Aeromagnetics" that was held in Canberra on 18 September 1996 to discuss the effects of rapid fluctuations of the geomagnetic field on high-resolution aeromagnetic surveys and airborne detection systems. The meeting brought together people from the exploration and mining industry, Defence, Government Science, and Universities with common interests in the nature and applications of external magnetic fields and of the electromagnetic properties of the Earth's crust and oceans. Inevitably, much of the focus was on the use of base stations and tie lines for correcting for the influence of geomagnetic fluctuations in survey data. However, the discussion ranged widely from magnetospheric physics to the magnetic effects of ocean swells at aeromagnetic elevations.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) has recently released regional airborne electromagnetic data (AEM) in two survey areas of the Pine Creek region. The Woolner Granite-Rum Jungle survey in the western part of the region was flown using TEMPESTTM and the Kombolgie survey in the eastern part was flown using VTEMTM. These data assist in mapping geological features deemed to be critical for fertile unconformity-related uranium and sandstone-hosted uranium systems. These mapped features in combination with other datasets are used to assess the prospectivity of uranium systems.

  • Geoscience Australia (GA) is a leading promoter of airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveying for regional mapping of cover thickness, under-cover basement geology and sedimentary basin architecture. Geoscience Australia flew three regional AEM surveys during the 2006-2011 Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP): Paterson (Western Australia, 2007-08); Pine Creek-Kombolgie (Northern Territory, 2009); and Frome (South Australia, 2010). Results from these surveys have produced a new understanding of the architecture of critical mineral system elements and mineral prospectivity (for a wide range of commodities) of these regions in the regolith, sedimentary basins and buried basement terrains. The OESP AEM survey data were processed using the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) at the Australian National University to produce GIS-ready interpretation products and GOCADTM objects. The AEM data link scattered stratigraphic boreholes and seismic lines and allow the extrapolation of these 1D and 2D objects into 3D, often to explorable depths (~ 500 m). These data sets can then be combined with solid geology interpretations to allow researchers in government, industry and academia to build more reliable 3D models of basement geology, unconformities, the depth of weathering, structures, sedimentary facies changes and basin architecture across a wide area. The AEM data can also be used to describe the depth of weathering on unconformity surfaces that affects the geophysical signatures of underlying rocks. A number of 3D models developed at GA interpret the under-cover geology of cratons and mobile zones, the unconformity surfaces between these and the overlying sedimentary basins, and the architecture of those basins. These models are constructed primarily from AEM data using stratigraphic borehole control and show how AEM data can be used to map the cross-over area between surface geological mapping, stratigraphic drilling and seismic reflection mapping. These models can be used by minerals explorers to more confidently explore in areas of shallow to moderate sedimentary basin cover by providing more accurate cover thickness and depth to target information. The impacts of the three OESP AEM surveys are now beginning to be recognised. The success of the Paterson AEM Survey has led to the Geological Survey of Western Australia announcing a series of OESP-style regional AEM surveys for the future, the first of which (the Capricorn Orogen AEM Survey) completed acquisition in January 2014. Several new discoveries have been attributed to the OESP AEM data sets including deposits at Yeneena (copper) and Beadell (copper-lead-zinc) in the Paterson region, Thunderball (uranium) in the Pine Creek region and Farina (copper) in the Frome region. New tenements for uranium, copper and gold have also been announced on the results of these surveys. Regional AEM is now being applied in a joint State and Commonwealth Government initiative between GA, the Geological Survey of Queensland and the Geological Survey of New South Wales to assess the geology and prospectivity of the Southern Thomson Orogen around Hungerford and Eulo. These data will be used to map the depth of the unconformity between the Thomson Orogen rocks and overlying sedimentary basins, interpret the nature of covered basement rocks and provide more reliable cover thickness and depth to target information for explorers in this frontier area.

  • The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEM-plus® Airborne Electromagnetic Survey was conducted by Geoscience Australia as part of a collaborative project with its partners the Geological Survey of New South Wales and the Geological Survey of Queensland. The Survey contributes to the Australian Academy of Science's UNCOVER Initiative and Geoscience Australia's response to this as part of the National Mineral Exploration Strategy. Geoscience Australia contracted Geotech Airborne Ltd to acquire VTEM-plus® airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data over part of the Southern Thomson Orogen in Queensland and New South Wales in April and May 2014. The data were also processed by Geotech Airborne Ltd using its FullWaveForm® processing techniques. The survey is designed to assess the under-cover geology and prospectivity of the Southern Thomson Orogen around Hungerford and Eulo and straddles the New South Wales-Queensland border. The survey comprises two parts: 1. A regular regional survey on 5000 m spaced East-West lines totalling 3352 line km and covering an area of 16 261 km2. 2. Two regional traverses adjacent various roads totalling 915 line km. The Southern Thomson Orogen is a priority area for mineral systems research. Much of the area lies underneath cover of sedimentary basins and is a poorly-understood element of Australia's geology. The Orogen contains Cambro-Ordovician rocks that have potential for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) resources, porphyry copper-gold and Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) deposits. Survey data will add to knowledge of cover thickness and character and will inform future geological mapping in the region. The Southern Thomson Orogen VTEM-plus® AEM Survey data release includes the final contractor supplied (Phase 1) datasets AEM survey. The data will be available from Geoscience Australia's web site free of charge: The data release package includes: 1. Point-located electromagnetic dB/dt and derived B-field data with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. These data are in ASCII column format with associated README and ASEG-GDF2 header files. The dataset consists of a separate download file for the: a. Main survey block Part 1 (flight lines 1000-1171) b. Main survey block Part 2 (flight lines 1180-1360) c. Traverse lines (flight lines 3000-3006 and 4000-4007) d. Repeat lines e. High altitude lines. 2. Waveform files for every flight containing the 192 kHz sampling of the transmitter current and receiver waveforms. 3. Point-located conductivity estimates derived using the EM Flow® conductivity depth imaging (CDI) algorithm with associated position, altimeter, orientation, magnetic gradiometer, and derived ground elevation data. Data include the conductivity estimate for each 5 m interval and selected depth slices. These data are in ASCII column format with associated README and ASEG-GDF2 header files. All regular survey, traverses and repeat lines are included in a single download file. 4. Gridded data, at 1 km cell size in, for the conductivity depth slices derived from the EM Flow® CDI data, magnetics and elevation data in ER Mapper® binary raster grid format with associated header files. 5. Graphical multiplots, in PDF format, for each flight line showing EM Flow® CDI sections and profiles of Z-component dB/dt data, magnetics, powerline monitor, height and orientation data. 6. Operations Report. 7. ESRI shapefiles and KML files of flight lines. 8. Metadata and License files.

  • The Ord is one of the largest rivers in northern Australia and is located in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. In this study we show that the lower Ord landscape near Kununurra in Western Australia consists of a large scale ancient landscape, possibly pre-Cambrian, being exhumed from beneath flat-lying Cambrian to Carboniferous cover rocks. Additional post-Permian landscapes are being formed by this process. The Ord Valley alluvium is of late Pleistocene to Holocene in age and consts off upward fining gravels, sands and clays infilling an inset valley profile. The Ord River initially flowed to the sea via the keep River estuary, however a major avulsion, possibly due to sedimentatain topping a low point in the surrounding valley walls, occurred possibly as recently as 1,800 years ago. As a result to mouth of the Ord shifted some 100 km to the east, to Cambridge Gulf, its course through the former alluvial plain and along the new course across the coastal plain was incised, and a scabland formed across the low point of Tararar Bar. This association of very ancient (pre-Paleozoic) landscape elements and by thin, very young weathering profiles and young sedimentary accumulations in alluvial valleys is paradoxical in the broader Australian pattern where very ancient landscape elements are associated with ancient sedimentary infill and weathering profiles.

  • Airborne Electromagnetic data are being acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP) in areas considered to have potential for uranium or thorium mineralisation. The surveys have been managed and interpreted by GA's Airborne Electromagnetic Acquisition and Interpretation project. In contrast to deposit scale investigations, conducted by industry, these surveys are designed to reveal new geological information at a regional scale. The Pine Creek airborne electromagnetic survey show in Figure 1 is comprised of three survey areas; Woolner Granite, Rum Jungle and Kombolgie. TEMPESTTM data were acquired for the Woolner Granite and Rum Jungle surveys and VTEMTM data were acquired for the Kombolgie survey. The Kombolgie survey, in the Pine Creek Orogen of the Northern Territory, covered sections of the Alligator River, Cobourg Peninsula, Junction Bay, Katherine, Milingimbi and Mount Evelyn, 1:250 000 map sheets (Costelloe et al., 2009). A total of 8 800 line km of VTEMTM data were acquired in 2008, covering an area of 32 000 km2. In 2009 the processed response data and EM FlowTM commercial version 3.30 (Macnae et al., 1998, Stolz and Macnae 1998) conductivity estimates to 600 m depth, produced by the survey contractor Geotech Airborne, were made available to the public in the GA Phase-1 data release. In this article we discuss an enhanced set of conductivity estimates, which are now available from the GA website free of charge. These new conductivity estimates, reveal new geological information to depths approaching 2 km in the more resistive portion of the survey area. They were generated by GA using the most recent version (5.23-13) of EM FlowTM.

  • In many floodplain landscapes in Australia, surface-groundwater interactions are poorly understood. There is limited mapping of recharge and discharge zones along the major river systems, and only generalised quantification of hydrological fluxes based on widely spaced surface gauging stations. This is compounded by a lack of temporal data, with poor understanding of how surface-groundwater interactions change under different rainfall, river flow and flood regimes. In this study, high resolution LiDAR, in-river sonar, and airborne electromagnetic (AEM) datasets (validated by drilling) have been integrated to produce a detailed 3-Dimensional map of surface geomorphology and hydrogeology. These maps enable potential recharge zones in the river and adjacent landscape to be identified and assessed under different flow regimes. These potential recharge zones and groundwater flow pathways were then compared against the spatial continuity of (and presence of) 'holes' in near-surface and deeper aquitard layers derived from the AEM. These 3D mapping constructs provide a framework for considering groundwater processes. Hydrochemistry data, allied with hydraulic data from a bore monitoring network, demonstrate the importance of recharge during significant flood events. In many places, the AEM data also affirm the spatial association between fresher groundwater resources and sites of river/floodplain leakage. At a more localised scale, hydrogeochemical data allows discrimination of lateral and vertical fluxes. Overall, this integrated approach provides an important conceptual framework to constrain hydrogeological modelling, and assessments of sustainable yield. The constructs are also invaluable in an assessment of managed recharge options and locations.

  • During 2007 and 2008 and under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Initiative, Geoscience Australia acquired airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data over the Paterson Province of Western Australia. The main purpose of the survey was to provide additional geophysical/geological context for unconformity and palaeochannel style uranium mineral systems and thereby promote related exploration. The survey data will also provide information on depth to basement, which is of general interest to explorers, and will be used as an input into a ground water evaluation of the region.

  • Phase-1 data, that is, contractor quality-controlled and quality-assessed data for Kombolgie, were released during 2009. New EMFlow data, that is data generated using a new EMFlow version are included in this data release. The data and products described in this report are contained on the accompanying DVD. The main products included in this data package include: sections, conductance grids and an AEM Depth of Investigation grid. The data is provided in formats which can be viewed on most computer systems. They include, JPEG (.jpg) with associated world files for easy use in geographic information system (GIS) packages, ER Mapper grids (.ers), ESRI shape files (.shp) of the flight path, and point-located ASCII data with relevant metadata for derived products. The outcomes of the Pine Creek AEM Kombolgie survey include mapping of subsurface geological features that are associated with unconformity-related, sandstone-hosted Westmoreland-type and Vein-type uranium mineralisation. The data are also capable of interpretation for other commodities including metals and potable water as well as for landscape evolution studies. The improved understanding of the regional geology to greater than 1500m resulting from the enhanced EMFlow survey results will be of considerable benefit to mining and mineral exploration companies.

  • Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data are being acquired by Geoscience Australia (GA) under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program (OESP) in areas considered to have potential for uranium or thorium mineralisation. In contrast to deposit-scale investigations carried out by industry these surveys are designed to reveal new geological information at a regional scale. The Frome AEM survey shown in Figure 1 was flown by Fugro Airborne Surveys for GA, using the TEMPESTTM time-domain system. The survey was conducted with the aims of reducing exploration risk, stimulating exploration investment and enhancing prospectivity within the region primarily for uranium, but also for other commodities including copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, iron ore and potable groundwater. The Frome AEM survey was primarily designed to be a regional mapping program for mapping surface and subsurface geological features that may be associated with sandstone-hosted uranium systems. The data are also capable of being interpreted for landscape evolution studies within the flanks of the tectonically active Curnamona Province and Flinders Ranges of South Australia. In this article we present an enhanced set of conductivity estimates which are now available from the GA website free of charge. These conductivity estimates reveal new geological information