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Demands are being made of the marine environment that threaten to erode the natural, social and economic benefits that human society derives from the oceans. Expanding populations ensure a continuing increase in the variety and complexity of marine based activities - fishing, power generation, tourism, mineral extraction, shipping etc. The two most commonly acknowledged purposes for habitat mapping in the case studies contained in this book are to support government spatial marine planning, management and decision-making and to support and underpin the design of marine protected areas (MPAs; see Ch. 64).
This study presents new information on the regional geochemical characteristics of deep-sea floor sediments (1300 - 2423 m water depth) on the Lord Howe Rise (deep-sea plateau) and Gifford Guyot (seamount/tablemount), remote areas off eastern Australia. The aim was to provide a coherent synthesis for a suite of geochemical data that can be used to make habitat inferences and to develop surrogates of biodiversity. Sediment characteristics analysed were mineralogy, organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations and isotopic compositions, and concentrations of major and trace elements. We also measured parameters that convey information about the reactivity of organic matter and on the bio-availability of bioactive trace elements (e.g. chlorin indices and acid-extractable elements). Surface sediments from the region were calcareous oozes that were carbon-lean (0.26±0.1%) and had moderate to high chlorin indices (0.62 - 0.97)..
The overarching theme of this book (and for the GeoHab organisation in general) is that mapping seafloor geomorphic features is useful for understanding benthic habitats. Many of the case studies in this volume demonstrate that geomorphic feature type is a powerful surrogate for associated benthic communities. Here we provide a brief overview of the major geomorphic features that are described in the detailed case studies (which follow in Part II of this book). Starting from the coast we will consider sandy temperate coasts, rocky temperate coasts, estuaries and fjords, barrier islands and glaciated coasts. Moving offshore onto the continental shelf we will consider sandbanks, sandwaves, rocky ridges, shallow banks, coral reefs, shelf valleys and other shelf habitats. Finally, on the continental slope and deep ocean environments we will review the general geomorphology and associated habitats of escarpments, submarine canyons, seamounts, plateaus and deep sea vent communities.
Explaining spatial variation and habitat complexity of benthic habitats from underwater video through the use of maps. Different methodologies currently used to process and analyse percent cover of benthic organisms from underwater video will be addressed and reviewed.
Geoscience Australia has undertaken a classification of biophysical datasets to create seabed habitat maps (termed 'seascapes') for the Australian margin and adjacent sea floor. Seascapes describe a layer of ecologically meaningful biophysical properties that spatially represents potential seabed habitats. Each seascape area corresponds to a region of the seabed that contains similar biophysical properties and, by association, potential habitats and communities. This dataset is a seascape classification for the on-shelf zone of the North-west bioregion. The on-shelf zone is separated from the off-shelf zone due to the availability of the effective disturbance layer for the on-shelf zone only. Also, a higher resolution sea floor temperature layer has been used in the on-shelf analysis.
Publicly available bathymetry and geophysical data can be used to map geomorphic features of the Antarctic continental margin and adjoining ocean basins at scales of 1:1-5 million. These data can also be used to map likely locations for some Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. Seamounts over a certain size are readily identified and submarine canyons and mid ocean ridge central valleys which harbour hydrothermal vents can be located. Geomorphic features and their properties can be related to major habitat characteristics such as sea floor type (hard versus soft), ice keel scouring, sediment deposition or erosion and current regimes. Where more detailed data are available, shelf geomorphology can be shown to provide a guide to the distribution in the area of the shelf benthic communities recognised by Gutt (2007). The geomorphic mapping method presented here provides a layer to add to benthic bioregionalistion using readily available data.
Lord Howe Rise is a deep sea marginal plateau located in the Coral Sea and Tasman Sea, ~125,000 km2 in area and 750 to 1200 m in water depth. An area of the western flank of northern Lord Howe Rise covering ~25,500 km2 was mapped and sampled by Geoscience Australia in 2007 to characterise the deep sea environments and benthic habitats. Geomorphic features in the survey area include ridges, valleys, plateaus and basins. Smaller superimposed features include peaks, moats, holes, polygonal furrows, scarps and aprons. The physical structure and biological composition of the seabed was characterised using towed video and sampling of epifaunal and infaunal organisms. These deep sea environments are dominated by thick depositional soft-sediments (sandy mud), with local outcrops of volcanic rock and mixed gravel-boulders. Ridge, valley and plateau environments were moderately bioturbated but few organisms were directly observed or collected. Volcanic peaks were bathymetrically complex hard-rock structures that supported sparse distributions of suspensions feeders (e.g. cold water corals and glass sponges) and associated epifauna (e.g. crinoids and brittlestars). Isolated outcrops along the sloping edge of one ridge also supported similar assemblages, some with high localised densities of coral-dominated assemblages.
In this review we aim to synthesise physical and biological information on the Lord Howe Rise (LHR) region to describe its biogeography at a regional scale (100s of kilometres) and assess this in a national and global context. The LHR region is large (1.95 million km2), spans tropical and cool temperate latitudes (18.4oS to 40.3oS), and is topographically complex being formed of large expanses of soft sediment basins and plateaus (i.e. subdued bathymetric features), with scattered seamounts, guyots, knolls, and pinnacles (i.e. raised bathymetric features). Physical factors can vary between these two broad feature types, particularly regarding depth and substrate, although no clear relationship was detected between sediment texture and geomorphic features across the survey area. Biological data from two recent surveys (TAN0713 and NORFANZ) show differences in assemblages and species distribution between raised and subdued bathymetric features and suggest that biological communities are indeed influenced by substrate as well as depth-related variables, with some taxa such as demersal fish showing latitudinal gradients. There are only limited spatially-replicated studies and no time-series data available for most of the LHR region, but paleo-environmental processes and examples from other regions provide some indication of migration, speciation, and endemism in the LHR region.
Description of sampling and data acquisition activites carried out by Geoscience Australia staff as part of an Australian Antarctic Division survey to the George V Land margin, Antarctica. The survey was part of the Census of Antarctic Marine Life Project.
Seabed mapping studies are supporting the regulation and management of a range of competing industries in northern Australia. These industries include fishing and an expanding offshore energy sector, with new developments to include seabed pipelines and subsurface storage of CO2. Set in tropical waters, the northern Australian shelf is also recognised in marine management plans for its high-value marine biodiversity associated with a complex geomorphology. To reduce uncertainty and risk in the future development and management of this region, the Australian Government is supporting seabed mapping research under a series of programs aimed at delivering integrated information relevant to infrastructure development (Offshore Energy Security Program, 2007-2010), offshore storage of CO2 in deep sedimentary basins (National CO2 Infrastructure Program, 2011-2015) and biodiversity conservation of the marine estate (National Environmental Research Program, 2011-2014). In 2009 and 2010, Geoscience Australia undertook collaborative seabed mapping surveys to deliver to these programs, with an initial focus on the eastern Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (Timor Sea). Objectives were to: characterise the physical and biological properties of the seabed in representative areas; assess potential geohazards, and; identify unique or sensitive benthic habitats.