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  • AMB is a dataset depicting the limits of Australia's maritime jurisdiction as set out under UNCLOS and relevant domestic legislation. To this extent, AMB provides a digital representation of the outer limit of the 12 nautical mile territorial sea, the 24 nautical mile contiguous zone, the 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone and Australia's Continental Shelf, as well as, the 3 nautical mile coastal waters. Where Australia has agreements with neighbouring countries these treaty lines are also included in the data. The dataset has been compiled by Geoscience Australia in consultation with other relevant Commonwealth Government agencies including the Attorney-General's Department, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, as well as the Australian Hydrographic Office.

  • The Cadastral dataset is the spatial representation of property boundaries and descriptions in the Barcaldine, Charters Towers, Flinders, Longreach and Winton local government areas. It is a fundamental reference layer for spatial information systems in Queensland. This is a complete extract from the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Updates to this cadastre in 2012 will be released on the following dates: January 15 and 29 - February 12 and 26 - March 11 and 25 - April 8 and 22 - May 6 and 20 - June 3 and 17 - July 1, 15 and 29 August 12 and 26 - September 9 and 23 - October 7 and 21 - November 4 and 18 - December 2, 16 and 30. In 2013 the 1st release date will be January 13.

  • A revolution is underway in the regulatory intensity of the marine jurisdiction and the technologies by which the jurisdiction is defined, navigated on and policed. This revolution if not properly managed has the capacity to undermine the technical and legal compact by which the most fundamental aspects of UNCLOS are managed - the maritime zones. The ready availability of high resolution coastal imagery and data, collected at high repeat cycles breaks the nexus between cartographic products and the baseline determination where its legal definition is the physical coastline. It is impractical to monitor, compute, distribute and archive the baseline of a highly dynamic coastline. In addition, the increasing establishment of spatially complex marine regulations creates an insatiable demand for more certainty in the determination of maritime zones. For instance, Australia administers over eighty separate regulatory zones through a dozen different agencies. States require a new method of characterising their baselines that is defensible in a precise digital world, and does not impose the costly and burdensome process of mapping a coastline in constant flux. The practical resolution is to adopt a fixed baseline compiled from the best available digital data at an epoch, then periodically updated it when considered appropriate. A fixed baseline is the answer to this problem which will bring with it certainty and repeatability via a method that recognises the costly and complex overhead of coastline characterisation. In this paper I will present a case for the adoption of a fixed baseline; illustrate the expensive impracticality of attempting to represent a fluid coastline to a world demanding certainty; how fixed baselines could form the basis of maritime zones; and finally demonstrate that adopting a fixed baseline is consistent with and desirable to International convention.

  • Map resulting from a request by Simon Moore, the DFAT resident officer in the Torres Strait. He wanted a diagram designed to be distributed to residents of the Torres Strait explaining the treaty arrangements. TRIM reference 2011-90238 Container 2010/4054

  • Sourced from National Public & Indigenous Lands database.

  • This dataset attempts to reflect the boundaries of claimant applications for Native Title as per the Register of Native Title Claims (s185, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset but data is stored by jurisdiction (State), for ease of use. Applications stored for each jurisdiction dataset include applications which overlap into adjoining jurisdictions as well as applications which overlap with these. This dataset depicts the spatial record of registered claimant applications. Aspatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Federal Court number, application status and the names of both the NNTT Case Manager and Lead Member assigned to the application. Applicants of registered applications have the Right To Negotiate (RTN) with respect to certain types of Future Acts over the area being claimed. Whilst applications that are determined are recorded on a separate register, all registered applications remain on the Register of Native Title Claims until otherwise finalised.

  • This dataset reflects the boundaries of those Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA's) that have entered the notification process or have been registered and placed on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements (s199A, Native Title Act; Commonwealth). This is a national dataset. A spatial attribution includes National Native Title Tribunal number, Name, Agreement Type, Proponent, Area and Registration Date.

  • GEODATA Coast 100K 2004 is a vector representation of the topographic features depicting Australia`s coastline, and State and Territory borders. Data are derived from the 1:100,000 scale National Topographic Map Series and contains: -Coastline features (as determined by Mean High Water) -Survey Monument Points (survey points used to define State/Territory borders) -State and Territory land borders -Island features (please note: Australian external territories are not shown). The coastline includes the main outline of the land and includes bays, the outer edge of mangroves and closes off narrow inlets and watercourses at or near their mouths. Features of the 2004 release include: -Change of datum to GDA94 -Provision of a national coverage in addition to State/Territory coverages; and Additional points on the SA/VIC border. NOTE: The use of survey data in GEODATA COAST 100K 2004 does not imply that data are suitable for any legal interpretation of State/Territory borders. Product Specifications: Coverage: Supplied as separate State and Territory layers, along with a complete national layer Currency: Varies and is based on reliability date of 1:100,000 scale map Coordinates: Geographical Datum: GDA94 Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and Mapinfo mid/mif Medium: Free online

  • Shows the boundaries of the Australian basins as defined by the Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand (ARMCANZ). This data shows boundary and attribute information for 12 divisions, 77 regions and 245 basins. It also contains, for each basin, information relating to its individual basin/region/division name and number. State borders are also included in the data. Data for Division XIII Distant Islands Division is not included. These basins are the primary building block for the collection of national hydrologic data and the assessment of water resources. Data are suitable for GIS applications. Free online download. Available in ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif. Product Specifications Coverage: Australia Currency: June 1997 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Format: ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif Medium: Free online and CD-ROM (fee applies)

  • Contains boundary and attribute information for parcels of public, private and Aboriginal lands in Australia. Data are sourced primarly from government gazette notices, cadastral maps and plans. A nominal scale of around 1:5 million and a minimum 50 square kilometre threshold limit for land parcels was used in the generalisation of this product from the National Public and Aboriginal Lands data. Data is suitable for GIS applications. This map shows public and private land tenure, including Indigenous land for the whole of Australia at a scale of 1:4.7 million. The land tenure boundaries depicted on this map generally define broadly classified areas greater than 50 square kilometres. Indigenous land areas between 0.1 and 100 square kilometres are shown more comprehensively by symbols. The information on this map is complemented by statistical tables giving the total area of the land tenure categories for each State and Territory. This map is also available as free vector GIS data, ArcInfo Export, ArcView Shapefile and MapInfo mid/mif. Please direct any corrections or feedback on this map to Product Specifications: Coverage: Australia Currency: Mid 1993 Coordinates: Geographical Datum: AGD66 Projection: Simple Conic on two standard parallels 18S and 36S Medium: Printed map (flat and folded); Data - Free online Forward Program: See Public Lands 2004 PDF map above