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  • Subtitle: Behind the Scenes of Geofabric Version 3 Pilot & the Future of Geospatial Surface Water Information The Bureau of Meteorology's Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) was established in 2008 as the spatial information database to support water accounting and resource assessment mandated under the Water Act 2007. Foundation layers for Geofabric versions 1 and 2 were developed from 1:250K streamline data and the 9 second resolution national DEM. The uses of the Geofabric data have expanded to new disciplines and have resulted in increased demand for finer national resolution. Version 3 of the Geofabric is now under development in a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia, CSIRO, Australian National University (ANU) and the Bureau of Meteorology. The foundation inputs for Geofabric version 3 are based on the integrated national surface hydrology dataset which uses the best available scale data from the jurisdictions and the 1 second resolution SRTM DEM. This significant enhancement presents both challenges and opportunities. This presentation at the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) ACT Region conference on 16 August 2013 aims to show the work being undertaken in the pilot areas of the Namoi and Murrumbidgee River Regions.

  • These datasets covering all of the Logan City Council were captured under the 2008 Logan LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Schlencker Mapping Pty Ltd on behalf of the Logan City Council captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 1 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground and non-ground) - 5 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 5 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 0.5 metre contours in ESRI Shape Purpose: To provide highly accurate elevation data for use in risk assessment, the management of natural disasters, infrastructure planning, developing strategies to support climate change, topographic mapping and modelling.

  • These datasets cover approximately 2250 sq km in the central sector of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council and over all of Dunk and Hinchinbrook Islands and are part of the 2009 Tropical Coast LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 2 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - ASCII xyz dataset of LiDAR ground returns - ASCII xyz dataset of LiDAR ground returns - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI binary grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape

  • Melbourne 2007-2008

  • These datasets cover approximately 132 sq km along the eastern boundary of the Yarrabah Shire Council and were captured as part of the 2010 Cairns LiDAR project. This project, undertaken by Terranean Mapping Technologies on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 1 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, vegetation or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape

  • These datasets cover approximately 4500 sq km along the entire coastal strip of the Gladstone Regional Council and over all of Curtis and Facing Islands and are part of the 2009 Gladstone LiDAR capture project. This project, undertaken by Fugro Spatial Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of the Queensland Government captured highly accurate elevation data using LiDAR technology. Available dataset formats (in 2 kilometre tiles) are: - Classified las (LiDAR Data Exchange Format where strikes are classified as ground, non-ground or building) - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ASCII xyz - 1 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in ESRI ASCII grid - 0.25 metre contours in ESRI Shape

  • This job is part of the Town capture program as prioritized by the SES

  • This job was part of the Coastal capture program. It captures from the 10m contour interval to the coastline in the east. To the north are the Nowra job and the Batemans Bay job to the south.

  • Melbourne Geelong LiDAR 2007

  • Kakadu_2004_ortho_DEM