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  • The trilobite faunas described in this Bulletin are exclusively from the Chatsworth Limestone sensu stricto, as it occurs in the immediate neighbourhood of Chatsworth Homestead, 80 km south-southeast of Duchess, in western Queensland (Fig. 1). The outcrops straddle the Duchess and Boulia 1:250000 Sheet areas, and form the central portion of the Burke River Structural Belt (Shergold, 1975, pp. 4-7; in Shergold, Druce et al., 1976, pp. 4-5). "Although trilobites have been described (Opik, 1963, 1967) from the underlying Pomegranate Limestone, at Pomegranate Creek, 19 km north of 'Chatsworth', no material from the Chatsworth Limestone s.s. has been illustrated previously. Those trilobites presently described are from collections made during initial field mapping of the Boulia Sheet area in 1957-60 (Casey, 1968; Casey et al., 1960), and the Duchess area in 1958 (Carter & Opik, 1963; 6pik, 1963). Frome-Broken Hill Pty Ltd collected two samples from the basal Chatsworth Limestone near 'Chatsworth' in 1958 (Taylor, 1959). Subsequently, collections were assembled by the BMR Northwest Queensland Phosphate Group in 1967 (de Keyser et al., in de Keyser, 1968), by the author in 1969, and by B.M. Radke during the course of 1:100 000 scale mapping. by the BMR Georgina Basin Project in 1974-75. Material is also currently. Available from two BMR stratigraphic boreholes, Boulia No. 6 and Duchess No. 13 (Fig. 2 and Appendix 3), drilled for the Georgina Basin Project in 1974. All material described in this Bulletin is deposited in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection (prefix CPC), housed in the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia. Acknowledgements The author acknowledges the time consuming aid given by H.M. Doyle (BMR) in the preparation of the photographs used herein. B.M. Radke (BMR) is thanked for permitting the reproduction of the Lily Creek section which he measured, and J.M. Kennard (BMR) for making available details of cores logged, and for providing petrographic descriptions of the rocks noted in Appendices 1 and 3. I appreciate the constructive criticism provided by Drs R.A. Henderson, James Cook University of North Queensland, and J.B. Jago, South Australian Institute of Technology, on an earlier draft of this Bulletin. The drawings were prepared by R. Fabbo and G. Clarke of BMR's Cartographic Section.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • One hundred and thirty-nine species of foraminifera belonging to 56 genera are recorded. One new genus, Haerella, is described; 31 species are described as new, 76 have been previously described, 21 are recorded as partial identifications and eleven as doubtful identifications. The internal characters of several species have been investigated. An emended description has been given for the species Spiroplectinata compressiuscula (Chapman); the concept of the genus Praebulimina is discussed, and that of the genera Anomalinoides and Gavelinopsis. The type species of Anomalinoides, Anomalina pinguis Jennings, is found to have double septal walls. The use of the names Ellipsoidella and Nodosarella in the classification of uniserial calcareous foraminifera is also discussed. A chart shows the known vertical range of the recorded species in the areas investigated.

  • Well preserved assemblages of plant microfossils have been recovered from Lower Carboniferous sediments - principally or entirely marine in origin and Visean in age encountered in four boreholes in the landward Bonaparte Gulf Basin of Western Australia and Northern Territory. The sediments are representative of the following lithostratigraphic units: Bonaparte Beds (upper portion) and overlying Tanmurra Formation (intersected by Bonaparte Nos 1 and 2 Wells, central basinal province of Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia); Milligans Beds (Spirit Hill No. 1 Well; Spirit Hill and Milligans No. 1 Bores, all located in the southeastern platform region of the basin, Northern Territory) and overlying Burvill Beds (basal portion) of Milligans No. 1 only. The 55 species of plant microfossils recognized are distributed among 32 genera of trilete sporae dispersae, including one new genus, Exallospora, which is instituted for the reception of distally annulate cingulate forms having typically verrucate sculptural elevations. Twenty-two species are referable (six tentatively so) to previously established taxa. The palynological flora is dominated by the pan-Australian, Famennian to ?mid-Carboniferous species Granulatisporites frustulentus Balme, Hassell (emended herein), which accounts for 44-83 percent of the spore populations. Certain (inevitably subordinate) spore forms, either the same as or closely similar to species known from northern hemisphere Lower Carboniferous sediments, lend confirmation to the Visean age previously adduced from the contained fauna.

  • Eighty-eight species assigned or assignable to Pseudagnostus sensu lato are divided into two broad divisions based on the position of the glabellar node with respect to the anterior or anterolateral glabellar furrows and anterolateral lobes. A spectaculate division in which the node lies to the rear of the anterior furrow and to the rear of the anterolateral lobes, is divided into nine species groups which are recognised by degree of effacement of external morphology, shield shape, border morphology, glabellar morphology, pygidial spinosity, and metamerism. Three spectaculate species groups, bulgosus, communis, and cyclopyga, are referred to Pseudagnostus Jaekel, 1909, sensu stricto; one, contracta, to Pseudagnostina Palmer, 1962; and one, securiger, to Sulcatagnostus Kobayashi, 1937, these latter taxa being regarded as subgenera of Pseudagnostus. "Four other spectaculate species groups, araneavelatus, bilobus, oanadensis, and clavus, are classified with Neoagnostus Kobayashi, 1955, pending clarification of the taxonomic status and concepts of Euplethagnostus Lermontova, 1940, and Pseudorhaptagnostus Lermontova, 1940. Hyperagnostus Kobayashi, 1955 and Machairagnostus. Harrington & Leanza, 1957 are synonymised with Neoagnostus. A papilionate division, in which the axialglabellar node lies between the anterolateral lobes and interrupts the course of the anterior furrow, consists of two species groups, convergens and clarki, which are assigned to Rhaptagnostus Whitehouse, 1936. The gneric name Plethagnostus Clark, 1923 is suppressed.

  • Contents: 1.Strusz DL. Brachiopods from the Silurian of Fyshwick, Canberra, Australia. 2.Young GC. Further petalichthyid remains (placoderm fishes, early Devonian) from the Taemas-Wee Jasper region, New South Wales. 3.Nicoll RS. Multielement composition of the conodont species Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer, 1940 and Ozarkodina brevis (Bischoff and Ziegler, 1957) from the upper Devonian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia. 4.Jones PJ. Treposellidae (Beyrichiacea: Ostracoda) from the latest Devonian (Strunian) of the Bonaparte Basin, Western Australia. 5.Dickins JM. Late Palaeozoic glaciation. 6.Shafik S. Calcareous nannofossils from the Toolebuc Formation, Eromanga Basin, Australia. 7.Belford DJ. Late Albian planktonic foraminifera, Strickland River, Papua New Guinea. 8.Smith MJ, Plane M. Pythonine snakes (Boidae) from the Miocene of Australia. 9.Casey JN, Romot N, Shergold JH. Armin Aleksander Opik (1898-1983). 10.Laurie JR, Shergold JH. Phosphatic organisms and the correlation of early Cambrian carbonate formations in central Australia. 11.Shergold JH, Cooper RA. Late Cambrian trilobites from the Mariner Group, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica.