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Legacy product - no abstract available
This brief report is based partly upon the following typewritten reports obtained from the Tasmanian Mines Department [see record] and partly on a short visit to the deposit. The geology and mineral content of the deposit are described.
Car traverses were made in several directions over an area of 30 miles square with Coorabin as a centre, with the object of delimiting, if possible, the margins of the coal basin. The results of the geological survey are summarised herein.
This report deals with the results of a geophysical test survey which was carried out in the vicinity of the Burra mine between March 4th and 13th, 1942.
This series of samples from 650 down to 1262 feet from W.R. Johnston's Bore, near Bourke, is in continuation of that reported upon on 13th November, 1941. The samples are described in detail within the report.
Preliminary assessment of core recovered from drill holes Nos. 22, 23, and 24, King Island.
Mount Kitchin lies about thirty miles west from Chillagoe in Northern Queensland and is 13 miles by bush-track south-west from the now deserted town site of Arbouin on Cardross copper field. Six claims embrace the mica deposits at Mount Kitchin, but only three of these could be examined, on the 8th October, 1942, in the short time at disposal. The brief examination of these three claims, namely, "Wonder", "Anniversary" and "Southern Cross" confirms the remarks of Mr C.C. Morton in his report dated 1/5/42 to the Chief Geologist, Brisbane, and it appears that the "Southern Cross" and "Anniversary" claims contain the only deposits which may become producers in the future. When compared with the mica deposits of Central Australia the pegmatite bodies at Mount Kitchin are very small.
In company with Mr. L.A. Richardson an inspection was made of this deposit on Friday, December 4th. The workings were plotted and examined, though these sections off the main drives could not be inspected very thoroughly owing to having no lighting available except matches.
Historical data concerning the operations and findings at the Coorabin coalfield between 1915 and 1937 has been compiled in this report.
The Wymah reefs are situated in fairly rugged mountainous country, between 1,500 and 2,000 feet above sea level, about 25 miles easterly from Albury. This report provides an account of the general and economic geology of the reefs. Prospects and recommendations are discussed.