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  • This web service delivers data from an aggregation of sources, including several Geoscience Australia databases (provinces (PROVS), mineral resources (OZMIN), energy systems (AERA, ENERGY_SYSTEMS) and water (HYDROGEOLOGY). Information is grouped based on a modified version of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Indigenous Regions (IREG). Data covers population centres, top industries, a regional summary, groundwater resources and uses, energy production and potential across six sources and two energy storage options. Mineral production and potential covers 36 commodities that are grouped into 13 groups.

  • This web service delivers data from an aggregation of sources, including several Geoscience Australia databases (provinces (PROVS), mineral resources (OZMIN), energy systems (AERA, ENERGY_SYSTEMS) and water (HYDROGEOLOGY). Information is grouped based on a modified version of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2021 Indigenous Regions (IREG). Data covers population centres, top industries, a regional summary, groundwater resources and uses, energy production and potential across six sources and two energy storage options. Mineral production and potential covers 36 commodities that are grouped into 13 groups.

  • <div>This A1 poster aims to introduce Year 3/4 and older students to the many ways that minerals and elements are used in our everyday lives. </div><div>&nbsp;6 key uses of 14 critical and strategic minerals are highlighted by colourful lines linking images. Students should take their time viewing the poster; they can follow the wiggly lines from minerals to product or vice versa and work out how many minerals link to each type of use.</div><div>&nbsp;The poster is also suitable for secondary students with the inclusion of a specific element name with each highlighted mineral plus the element symbol and atomic number.</div><div>&nbsp;The poster is intended to be a colourful rich stimulus to engage student interest in the resources from the ground used in our modern world.</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>This guide and template details data requirements for submission of mineral deposit geochemical data to the Critical Minerals in Ores (CMiO) database, hosted by Geoscience Australia, in partnership with the United States Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada. The CMiO database is designed to capture multielement geochemical data from a wide variety of critical mineral-bearing deposits around the world. Samples included within this database must be well-characterized and come from localities that have been sufficiently studied to have a reasonable constraint on their deposit type and environment of formation. As such, only samples analysed by modern geochemical methods, and with certain minimum metadata attribution, can be accepted. Data that is submitted to the CMiO database will also be published via the Geoscience Australia Portal ( and Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative Portal (;</div><div><br></div>

  • <div>High purity quartz (HPQ) is the only naturally occurring and economically viable source for the production of silicon. Silicon is a critical mineral, and a key component in modern technologies such as semiconductors and photovoltaic cells. Critical minerals support the move towards a greater reliance on electrification, renewable energy sources and economic security. The global transition to net zero carbon emissions means there is a growing need for new discoveries of HPQ to supply the silicon production chain. High purity quartz deposits are identified in a multitude of geological settings, including pegmatites, hydrothermal veins, sedimentary accumulations and quartzite; however, deposits of sufficient volume and quality are rare. Quartz is abundant throughout Australia, but the exploration and discovery of HPQ occurrences is notably under-reported, making assessment of the HPQ potential in Australia extremely difficult. This paper presents a much-needed summary of the state of the HPQ industry, exploration and deposit styles in Australia. <b>Citation:</b> Jennings, A., Senior, A., Guerin, K., Main, P., & Walsh, J. (2024). A review of high-purity quartz for silicon production in Australia. <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 1–13.

  • This web service delivers datasets produced by the Critical Minerals Mapping Initiative (CMMI), a collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA), the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Data in this service includes geochemical analyses of over 7000 samples collected from or near mineral deposits from 60 countries, and mineral prospectivity models for clastic-dominated (Zn, Pb) and Mississippi Valley-type (Zn-Pb) deposits across Canada, the United States, and Australia.

  • <div>Airborne electromagnetics surveys are at the forefront of addressing the challenge of exploration undercover. They have been essential in the regional mapping programmes to build Australia's resource potential inventory and provide information about the subsurface. In collaboration with state and territory geological surveys, Geoscience Australia (GA) leads a national initiative to acquire AEM data across Australia at 20 km line spacing, as a component of the Australian government Exploring for The Future (EFTF) program. Regional models of subsurface electrical conductivity show new undercover geological features that could host critical mineral deposits and groundwater resources. The models enable us to map potential alteration and structural zones and support environmental and land management studies. Several features observed in the AEM models have also provided insights into possible salt distribution analysed for its hydrogen storage potential. The AusAEM programme is rapidly covering areas with regional AEM transects at a scale never previously attempted. The programme's success leans on the high-resolution, non-invasive nature of the method and its ability to derive subsurface electrical conductivity in three dimensions – made possible by GA's implementation of modern high-performance computing algorithms. The programme is increasingly acquiring more AEM data, processing it, and working towards full national coverage.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference 13-18 Mar (

  • This map shows the locations and status, as at 31 December 2021, of Australian operating mines, mines under development, mines on care and maintenance and resource deposits associated with critical minerals. Developing mines are deposits where the project has a positive feasibility study, development has commenced or all approvals have been received. Mines under care and maintenance and resource deposits are based on known resource estimations and may produce critical minerals in the future. The critical mineral deposits on this map may not be comprehensive for all commodities. For the purposes of this map, critical minerals are defined as minerals and elements (solid and gaseous) that are vital for modern technology and whose supply may be at risk of disruption. The Australian critical minerals list comprises aluminium (high-purity alumina), antimony, beryllium, bismuth, chromium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, graphite, hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, niobium, platinum group elements, rare earth elements, rhenium, scandium, silicon (high-purity silica), tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vanadium and zirconium. These commodities are coloured by mineral groupings on the map.

  • This map shows the locations and status, as at 31 December 2022, of Australian operating mines, mines under development, mines on care and maintenance and resource deposits associated with critical minerals. Developing mines are deposits where the project has a positive feasibility study, development has commenced or all approvals have been received. Mines under care and maintenance and resource deposits are based on known resource estimations and may produce critical minerals in the future. The critical mineral deposits on this map may not be comprehensive for all commodities. For the purposes of this map, critical minerals are defined as minerals and elements (solid and gaseous) that are vital for modern technology and whose supply may be at risk of disruption. The Australian critical minerals list comprises aluminium (high-purity alumina), antimony, beryllium, bismuth, chromium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, graphite, hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, niobium, platinum group elements, rare earth elements, rhenium, scandium, silicon (high-purity silica), tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vanadium and zirconium. These commodities are coloured by mineral groupings on the map.

  • This map shows the locations and status, as at 30 June 2020, of Australian operating mines, mines under development, mines on care and maintenance and resource deposits associated with critical minerals. Developing mines are deposits where the project has a positive feasibility study, development has commenced or all approvals have been received. Mines under care and maintenance and resource deposits are based on known resource estimations and may produce critical minerals in the future. The critical mineral deposits on this map may not be comprehensive for all commodities. For the purposes of this map, critical minerals are defined as minerals and elements (solid and gaseous) that are vital for modern technology and whose supply may be at risk of disruption. The Australian critical minerals list comprises antimony, beryllium, bismuth, chromium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, graphite, hafnium, helium, indium, lithium, magnesium, niobium, platinum group elements, rare earth elements, rhenium, scandium, tantalum, titanium, tungsten, vanadium and zirconium. These commodities are coloured by mineral groupings on the map.