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  • The Geophysical Processing and Data Access (GPDA) project at Geoscience Australia has undertaken a programme of collating, editing and cataloguing all bathymetry data in the Australian Region. For convenience this region has been loosely defined as extending from 5CS to 80CS and 45CE to 180CE. The contents of the Bathymetric Database consists of four datatypes: - Multibeam Echosounder Data (including LADS) - Singlebeam Echosounder Data - Depths from the digitisation of pre-existing maps - Depths: derived from remote sensing techniques (and produced grids) The dataset described by this metadata record is the Singlebeam Echosounder Dataset. It consists of the soundings from a number of marine surveys, that vary in size from a few hours data collection to surveys of several months duration. Data coverage of the defined region is very variable with some areas having quite dense data coverage whilst others are data poor. The datasets were collected by a variety of vessels (Australian and foreign) using a range of sensor systems. Although the formats often differed, nearly all datasets have been received as well defined ASCII files. Quite often the bathymetry data are associated with additional data such as shotpoint number, gravity, magnetics and sometimes an amplitude value of the returned echo. Further details can be found in the lineage section. In general the data are of good quality, although some poor segments of data are known to exist. Intersections with sources of reliable bathymetric data are needed to determine these poor data areas and to make data corrections and edits. More subtle problems such as wide angled beams, unknown (or poor) speed of sound corrections, poor navigation tidal and vessel draft corrections (in shallow water) are also known to exist. It is hoped that many of these problems can be minimised by tying these data to better quality datasets using modern bathymetric analysis applications. The original data files are maintained in UNIX directories. Those with sufficient metadata have also been loaded into the OZMAR database at Geoscience Australia

  • Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma, H.L. Davies. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation". <b>Note</b> - The attached map for Rowley Shoals was provided by Murray Woods but was never delivered. This record was changed to internal only September 2024 when it was discovered that this map was never delivered.

  • Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation".

  • This dataset contains the Level 1 Marine Bioregionalisation as defined by the National Bioregionalisation Working Group. Province boundaries have been defined from the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone to the edge of the shelf as defined in the Geomorphic Units dataset. The boundaries in this dataset define areas of core province and transitional areas of the benthic bioregions of Australia.

  • This product is no longer available.

  • bathymetric grid of the Heard Island-Kerguelen Plateau Region (Longitudes 68 E - 80 E, Latitudes 48 S - 56 S) is produced. In doing so, the individual datasets used have been closely examined and any deficiencies noted for further follow up or have been rectified immediately and the changes documented. These datasets include modern multibeam data, coastline data obtained from the World Vector Shoreline, echosounder data from research, fishing and Customs vessels and satellite derived bathymetric data. A hierarchical system was employed whereby the best and most extensive datasets were gridded first and applied as a mask to the next best dataset. A new masking grid would be formed from these datasets to pass non-overlapping data in the next best dataset. This procedure was employed until finally the satellite data were masked. All the various levels of masked data were then brought together by the gridding algorithm (Intrepid Desmond Fitzgerald Associates) and an ERMapper format grid produced. A grid cell size of 0.005? (nominal 500m) was used with many iterations of minimum curvature gridding and several passes of smoothing. The final grid is available in ERMapper, ArcInfo and ASCII xyz formats.

  • Bathymetric map showing geological features with contours in metres. Includes Australian Fishing zone limit, seismic survey lines, petroleum exploration wells. Index to adjoining sheets, reliability diagram and locality map. Project coordination by C.R. Johnston, J. Williams, B. Willington ; data compilation D. Jongsma, H.L. Davies. "A joint project of the Hydrographic Service, RAN, Department of Defence, the Bureau of Resource Sciences and the Australian Geological Survey Organisation". <b>Note</b> - This record was changed to internal only September 2024 when it was discovered that this map was never completed or delivered.