seismic survey
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Seismic and navigation data for selected lines from seismic surveys T69A and T70A in SEGY format.
The Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics (BMR) conducted a seismic survey in the Denison Trough, in the western part of the Bowen Basin in Queensland in 1979. The survey continued work commenced in 1978 aimed at delineating the configuration of the trough and providing stratigraphic information from the Permian sequence which, in conjunction with current Geological Survey of Queensland stratigraphic studies, would enable reliable stratigraphic correlations to be made throughout the trough. The survey obtained 265 km of digitally recorded mainly six-fold Common-Depth-Point seismic reflection data.
turned off record due to the lack of metadata, author/custodian and the product itself is un-locatable
From ORGCHEM database
During the period September to December 1970 the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) carried out an experimental airborne seismic survey in swamp and other areas of the Northern New Guinea Basin, which are inaccessible to conventional seismic land operations. A helicopter was used to place explosives, shooting equipment and geophones connected to sonobuoy transmitters into position on the ground. Seismic signals are received from the sonobuoy transmitters and recorded on a conventional recording system mounted in an aircraft flying over the seismic field set-up at the time of each shot. Preliminary investigations indicated that the airborne seismic technique is practicable and operationally feasible for use in the swamp areas of the Northern New Guinea Basin.