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  • The Global Digital Elevation Model (ETOPO2v2) represents gridded (2 minute by 2 minute) elevation and bathymetry for the world. Two versions of the grid exist, a cell centred version and a grid centred version. As the cell centred version (ETOPO2v2c) is considered to be the authoritative source, this version was used at GA to make the extract. As a result, the depth/elevation values are centred on intersections of lines of odd minutes of latitude and longitude. An extract of this dataset was made for use in the Australian Region. The extract extends from 5°S to 80°S and from 45°E to 180°E.

  • This data is purely for viewing though the AMSIS application. These bathymetry contours are an extract from the program "GEBCO Digital Atlas 2003". This dataset depicts bathymetry contours for the extent of the Australian Marine Spatial Information System (AMSIS) website, covering the general area of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. For further information see

  • The GEBCO "One-Minute Grid" is based on the most recent version of the GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA) bathymetric contours. Additional control contours and sounding data were used in many regions, particularly shallow water areas and semi-enclosed seas, to constrain the gridding process. It is a continuous digital terrain model for ocean and land, with land elevations derived from the Global Land One-km Base Elevation (GLOBE) database. As GA is only interested in the bathymetry in the Australian Region, the downloaded file was edited so that only the values in the Extents Box remained. The extract extends from 5°S to 80°S and from 45°E to 180°E. It must be stressed that although the GEBCO One Minute Grid is presented at one minute intervals of latitude and longitude, this does not imply that knowledge is available on sea floor depth at this resolution. It is important to note that, in most places, many miles exist between adjacent ship tracklines and that the grid is an interpolation based upon the input data. Further details of the data compilation and GEBCO grid construction are available from the 'User guide to the GEBCO One Minute Grid' (

  • This has been superceded by GeoCat 71670

  • This record merely highlights that Geoscience Australia holds Bathymetric data of various types. GA has at least four sub types of Hydrographic data. (1) Multibeam bathymetry holdings - ANZCW0703009768, (2) Singlebeam bathymetry holdings - ANZCW0703010858, (3) Hydrographic Soundings - ANZCW0703010875, and (4) Derived Depth Data holdings ANZCW0703010876.