Administrative Boundary
Type of resources
Publication year
Close up map of Submarine Cables and northern protection zone around Narrabeen, Sydney. For internal use by ACMA
Boundary of seabed and exclusive economic zone under Article 3 of the Treaty between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Establishing an Exclusive Economic Zone Boundary and Certain Seabed Boundaries (1997) Diagram AU/INDON-16 Refer previous GeoCat 65638 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at: Note that this is a signed text but has not yet entered into force
Maritime Delimitation under Article 2 of the Agreement on Maritime Delimitation between the Government of Australia and the Government of the French Republic (1982) Diagram AU/FR-04 Refer to previous GeoCat 65635 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at:
This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products
Australias Maritime Jurisdiction & Security Forces Authority Area Map was created from the AMJ with SAR boundary map (GeoCat Number 74929) located in the Products\Australias Maritime Jurisdiction directory in LOSAMBA drive. Vanessa Corbett requested the change for use in a particular context (Australian Government Piracy Response Plan). Mark Alcock received email from Camille Goodman at AG office to verify the use of the words for this map. The LOSAMBA advice record number is 677
This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products
Using AMBIS and other primary source data to show contemporary changes to coastal waters around Scott Reefs. To be used during the consultation phase with the states. Not for publication or public release until further noticee
This map has been created to update the old Crimes at Sea maps produced in 2000. These maps have been checked & approved by the Attorney Generals Office April 2013. There are 13 maps in the series plus the main map showing all of the Australian Territory. The AAT maps have not been released to the public as yet. Located in M:\Products\Australias Crimes Act Offshore Areas\products
Water Column Jurisdiction Boundary under Article 8 of the Treaty between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (2006) Diagram AU/TL-06 Refer previous GeoCat 65643 Treaty text and coordinates can be found at:
Boundary of Traditional Indonesian Fishers Permitted Access pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia Regarding the Operations of Indonesian Traditional Fishermen in Areas of the Australian Exclusive Fishing Zone and Continental Shelf (1974) Diagram AU/INDON-08 Refer to previous GeoCat 65268