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  • <p>The Geological Survey of South Australia commissioned the Gawler Craton Airborne Survey (GCAS) as part of the PACE Copper initiative. The airborne geophysical survey was flown over parts of the Gawler Craton in South Australia. The program was designed to capture new baseline geoscientific data to provide further information on the geological context and setting of the area for mineral systems ( <p>The survey design of 200 m spaced lines at a ground clearance of 60 m can be compared with the design of previous regional surveys which generally employed 400 m line spacing and a ground clearance of 80 m. The new survey design results in ~2 x the data coverage and ~25% closer to the ground when compared to previous standards for regional surveys in South Australia. <p>Survey blocks available for download include: <p>Streaky Bay, block 5 <p>Gairdner, block 6A <p>Spencer, block 7 <p>Kingoonya, block 9B <p>The following grids are available in this download: <p>• Laser-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. <p>• Radar-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. <p>• Total magnetic intensity grid (nT). <p>• Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole applied (nT). <p>• Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole and first vertical derivative applied (nT/m). <p>• Dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr). <p>• Potassium concentration grid (%). <p>• Thorium concentration grid (ppm). <p>• Uranium concentration grid (ppm). <p>• NASVD processed dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr). <p>• NASVD processed potassium concentration grid (%). <p>• NASVD processed thorium concentration grid (ppm). <p>• NASVD processed uranium concentration grid (ppm). <p>The following point located data are available in this download: <p>• Elevation. Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. Datum: GDA94 <p>• Total Magnetic Intensity. Datum: GDA94 <p>• Radiometrics. Datum: GDA94

  • <div>This document defines the technical standards set by Geoscience Australia for the acquisition, processing and supply of airborne magnetic, horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric (gamma-ray spectrometric) data. The technical standards cover the requirements for equipment, calibrations, quality control checks, reporting and data formats for airborne surveys.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><strong>Table of Contents</strong></div><div><br></div><div>Attachment 1A – Data Acquisition and Processing</div><div><br></div><div>1 Aircraft</div><div>2 Flight and Tie Lines</div><div>3 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)</div><div>4 Parallax Correction</div><div>5 Altimeter</div><div>6 Barometer</div><div>7 Digital Elevation Model</div><div>8 Magnetic System Equipment</div><div>9 Magnetic Gradient System Equipment</div><div>10 Magnetic / Gradient Calibration and Quality Tolerances</div><div>11 Magnetic Base Station (Diurnal Monitoring)</div><div>12 Magnetic Data Reduction</div><div>13 Magnetic Gradient Data Reduction</div><div>14 Radiometric System Equipment</div><div>15 Radiometric Calibration and Quality Tolerances</div><div>16 Radiometric Data Reduction</div><div><br></div><div>Attachment 1B – Reporting and Data Supply</div><div><br></div><div>1 General</div><div>2 Calibration Report</div><div>3 Daily Acquisition Report</div><div>4 Weekly Acquisition Report</div><div>5 Operations and Processing Summary Report</div><div>6 Supply Schedule</div><div><br></div><div>Attachment 1C – Data Formats</div><div><br></div><div>1 General</div><div>2 Point-Located Data Files</div><div>3 Definition Files</div><div>4 Description Files</div><div>5 Raw-Edited Magnetic Data File</div><div>6 Reduced Magnetic Data File</div><div>7 Diurnal Magnetic Data File</div><div>8 Raw-Edited Magnetic Gradient Data File</div><div>9 Reduced Magnetic Gradiometry Data File</div><div>10 Raw-Edited Radiometric Data File</div><div>11 Reduced Radiometric Data File</div><div>12 Gridded Data Files</div><div>13 Image Enhanced GeoTIFF Files

  • <div>As part of the Australia's Resources Framework Project, in the Exploring for the Future Program, Geoscience Australia and CSIRO have undertaken a magnetic source depth study across four areas. These are: 1) the western part of Tasmania that is the southernmost extension of the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (DCD) project area; 2) northeastern Queensland; 3) the Officer Basin area of western South Australia and southeastern West Australia; and 4) the 'Eastern Resources Corridor' (ERC) covering eastern South Australia, southwest Queensland, western New South Wales and western Victoria. This study has produced 2005 magnetic estimates of depth to the top of magnetization. The solutions are derived by a consistent methodology (targeted magnetic inversion modelling, or TMIM; also known as ‘sweet-spot’ modelling). </div><div><br></div><div>The magnetic depth estimates produced as part of this study provide depth constraints in data-poor areas. They help to construct a better understanding of the 3D geometry of the Australian continent, and aid cover thickness modelling activities. </div><div><br></div><div>A supplementary interpretation data release is also available through Geoscience Australia's enterprise catalogue (ecat) at</div><div><br></div><div>Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future program provides precompetitive information to inform decision-making by government, community and industry on the sustainable development of Australia's mineral, energy and groundwater resources. By gathering, analysing and interpreting new and existing precompetitive geoscience data and knowledge, we are building a national picture of Australia’s geology and resource potential. This leads to a strong economy, resilient society and sustainable environment for the benefit of all Australians. This includes supporting Australia’s transition to net zero emissions, strong, sustainable resources and agriculture sectors, and economic opportunities and social benefits for Australia’s regional and remote communities. The Exploring for the Future program, which commenced in 2016, is an eight year, $225m investment by the Australian Government. This work contributes to building a better understanding of the Australian continent, whilst giving the Australian public the tools they need to help them make informed decisions in their areas of interest.</div>

  • <div>This report contains information about the operation of Geoscience Australia’s ten permanent geomagnetic observatories, repeat stations and other relevant information covering the period from 2017 to 2021.</div><div>Information regarding the activities and services of Geoscience Australia’s Geomagnetism program, distribution of geomagnetic data, geomagnetic instrumentation and data processing procedures is also provided.</div><div><br></div>

  • Survey Name: East Tasmania Datasets Acquired: Magnetics, Radiometrics and Elevation Geoscience Australia Project Number: P5020 Acquisition Start Date: 20/03/2022 Acquisition End Date: 23/06/2022 Flight line spacing: 200 m Flight line direction: East-West (090-270) Total distance flown: 57,709 line-km's Nominal terrain clearance: 80 m Data Acquisition: Magspec Airborne Surveys Pty Ltd Project Management: Geoscience Australia Quality Control: Geoscience Australia Dataset Ownership: Geoscience Australia and Mineral Resources Tasmania Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) Projection: Map Grid of Australia 55 (MGA55) Included in this release: 1. Point-located Data - ASCII-column (.dat) or NetCDF (.nc) format. • Magnetic diurnal; • Magnetics raw-edited; • Magnetics reduced; • Radiometrics raw-edited; • Radiometrics reduced. 2. Gridded data - ERMapper (.ers) format. • Total magnetic intensity (TMI); • TMI reduced to pole (RTP); • TMI RTP with first vertical derivative (1VD) applied; • Dose rate (with NASVD and standard processing); • Potassium concentration (with NASVD, standard processing); • Thorium concentration (with NASVD, standard processing); • Uranium concentration (with NASVD, standard processing); • Radar-derived digital elevation model (geoidal). 3. Reports. • Calibration report; • Operations and processing summary report. © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) and Mineral Resources Tasmania, Government of Tasmania 2022. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (

  • <div>Near-surface magnetizations are ubiquitous across many areas of Australia and complicate reliable estimation of depth to deeper magnetizations. We have selected four test areas in which we use equivalent source dipoles to represent and quantify the near-surface magnetizations. We present a synthetic modelling study that demonstrates that field variations from the near-surface magnetizations substantially degrade estimation of depth to a magnetization 500 metres below the modelled sensor elevation and that these problems persist even for anomalies with significantly higher amplitudes. However, preferential attenuation of the fields from near surface magnetizations by upward continuation proved quite effective in improving estimation of depth to those magnetizations.</div> This Abstract was submitted/presented at the 2023 Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) 13-18 March (

  • The Geological Survey of South Australia (GSSA) designed the Gawler Craton Airborne Survey (GCAS) to provide high resolution magnetic, gamma-ray and elevation data covering the northern portion of the Gawler Craton. In total, 1.66 million line km were planned over an area of 295,000 km2 , covering approximately 30% of the state of South Australia. The survey design of 200 m spaced lines at a ground clearance of 60 m can be compared with the design of existing regional surveys which generally employed 400 m line spacing and a ground clearance of 80 m. The new survey design results in ~2 x the data coverage and ~25% closer to the ground when compared to previous standards for regional surveys in South Australia. Due to the enormous scale of the survey, the data were acquired using four contractors who employed ten systems to fly the sixteen blocks. To standardise the data from the multitude of systems, Geoscience Australia (GA) employed a comprehensive set of technical specifications. As part of these specifications the contractors were required to fly each of the ten systems over a series of test lines termed the “Whyalla Test Lines” (Whyalla). The final GCAS data provide truly impressive high resolution regional scale products. These will allow more detailed geological interpretation of the prospective Gawler Craton. Survey blocks available for download include: Tallaringa North, block 1A Tallaringa South, block 1B Coober Pedy West, block 8A Billa Kalina, block 8B Childara, block 9A Lake Eyre, block 10 The following grids are available in this download: • Laser-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. • Radar-derived digital elevation model grids (m). Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. • Total magnetic intensity grid (nT). • Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole applied (nT). • Total magnetic intensity grid with variable reduction to the pole and first vertical derivative applied (nT/m). • Dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr). • Potassium concentration grid (%). • Thorium concentration grid (ppm). • Uranium concentration grid (ppm). • NASVD processed dose rate concentration grid (nGy/hr). • NASVD processed potassium concentration grid (%). • NASVD processed thorium concentration grid (ppm). • NASVD processed uranium concentration grid (ppm). The following point located data are available in this download: • Elevation. Height relative to the Australian Height Datum. Datum: GDA94 • Total Magnetic Intensity. Datum: GDA94 • Radiometrics. Datum: GDA94

  • Geoscience Australia is the custodian of the most comprehensive publicly available Australian airborne magnetic, gamma-ray, seismic, electromagnetic and gravity data sets. The airborne geophysics data set contains approximately 34 million line kilometres of data, which, at current prices, would cost approximately $197 million to acquire. The gravity data set contains more than 1.57 million reliable onshore stations gathered during more than 1800 surveys. The collection also includes a large number of seismic surveys from Australia's offshore basins. The onshore component of this data set was previously approved for RDSI for 8 TB. This proposal extends the collection to 150TB. The data types and access methods for the Offshore and Onshore data are identical Certain holdings are additionally hosted at the NCI (see downloads)

  • Survey Name: Cobar magnetic and radiometric survey, 2021 Datasets Acquired: Magnetics, Radiometrics and Elevation Geoscience Australia Project Number: P5009 Acquisition Start Date: 8/06/2021 Acquisition End Date: 10/08/2021 Flight line spacing: 200 m Flight line direction: East-West (090-270) Total distance flown: 53,617 line-km Nominal terrain clearance: 60 m Blocks: 7 Data Acquisition: Magspec Airborne Surveys Project Management: Geoscience Australia Quality Control: Baigent Geosciences P.L. on behalf of Geoscience Australia Dataset Ownership: Geological Survey of NSW and Geoscience Australia Included in this release: 1. Point-located Data ASCII-column data with accompanying description and definition files. • Magnetics corrected i. Magnetic data with corrections for diurnal, IGRF, tie-levelling, micro-levelling. ii. Elevation data converted to geoidal values and a digital elevation model. • Radiometrics corrected i. Equivalent ground concentrations of radioelements with and without NASVD spectral filtering and standard IAEA processing, pressure, temperature and survey altitude. 2. Grids Gridded data in ERMapper (.ers) format (GDA94, MGA55). • Total magnetic intensity (TMI). • TMI reduced to pole (RTP). • TMI RTP with first vertical derivative applied. • Dose rate (with NASVD and standard processing). • Potassium concentration (%, with NASVD, standard processing). • Thorium concentration (ppm, with NASVD, standard processing). • Uranium concentration (ppm, with NASVD, standard processing). • Radar-derived digital elevation model (geoidal). 3. Images Data in tagged image format (TIF), (GDA94, MGA55). • Total magnetic intensity (TMI). • TMI reduced to pole (RTP). • TMI RTP with first vertical derivative applied. • Dose rate (with NASVD and standard processing). • Potassium concentration (% with NASVD, standard processing). • Thorium concentration (ppm, with NASVD, standard processing). • Uranium concentration (ppm, with NASVD, standard processing). • Radar-derived digital elevation model (geoidal). 4. Reports • P5009_2585_V3_GA_Cobar_Logistics_Report • P5009_BGS_GA_CobarQCReport © Geological Survey of New South Wales and Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2021. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, this product is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. (

  • <div>In July 2022 an airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey was flown over and around the proposed site of the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility near the township of Kimba in South Australia.&nbsp;The survey was commissioned by the Australian Radioactive Waste Agency, and was project managed by Geoscience Australia. The survey has Geoscience Australia airborne survey project number P5008.</div><div><br></div><div>The survey was flown by Skytem Australia Pty Ltd using its SkyTEM312Fast AEM system.&nbsp;The survey was conducted on east-west lines at 500 m spacing, with a smaller central focus area of 100 m spaced lines, acquiring a total of 2,545 line kilometres of data. Skytem Australia Pty Ltd also processed the data.</div><div><br></div><div>This data package includes the acquisition and processing report, the final processed AEM data and the results of the 1D laterally constrained inversion of the data to conductivity-depth estimates that was carried out by the contractor.</div>