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  • The unexpected discovery of oil in Triassic sedimentary rocks of the Phoenix South 1 well on Australia’s North West Shelf (NWS) has catalysed exploration interest in pre-Jurassic plays in the region. Subsequent neighbouring wells Roc 1–2, Phoenix South 2–3 and Dorado 1–3 drilled between 2015 and 2019 penetrated gas and/or oil columns, with the Dorado field containing one of the largest oil resources found in Australia in three decades. This study aims to understand the source of the oils and gases of the greater Phoenix area, Bedout Sub-basin using a multiparameter geochemical approach. Isotopic analyses combined with biomarker data confirm that these fluids represent a new Triassic petroleum system on the NWS unrelated to the Lower Triassic Hovea Member petroleum system of the Perth Basin. The Bedout Sub-basin fluids were generated from source rocks deposited in paralic environments with mixed type II/III kerogen, with lagoonal organofacies exhibiting excellent liquids potential. The Roc 1–2 gases and the Phoenix South 1 oil are likely sourced proximally by Lower–Middle Triassic TR10–TR15 sequences. Loss of gas within the Phoenix South 1 fluid due to potential trap breach has resulted in the formation of in-place oil. These discoveries are testament to new hydrocarbon plays within the Lower–Middle Triassic succession on the NWS.

  • Understanding the character of Australia's extensive regolith cover is crucial to the continuing success of mineral exploration. We hypothesize that the regolith contains geochemical fingerprints of processes related to the development and preservation of mineral systems at a range of scales. We test this hypothesis by analysing the composition of surface sediments within greenfield regional (southern Thomson Orogen) and continental (Australia) study areas. In the southern Thomson Orogen area, the first principal component (PC1) derived in our study (Ca, Sr, Cu, Mg, Au, and Mo at one end; rare earth elements (REEs) and Th at the other) is very similar to the empirical vector successfully used by a local company exploring for Cu-Au mineralisation (enrichment in Sr, Ca and Au concomitant with depletion in REEs). Mapping the spatial distribution of PC1 in the region reveals several areas of elevated values and possible mineralisation potential. One of the strongest targets in the PC1 map is located between Brewarrina and Bourke in northern New South Wales. Here both historical and recent exploration drilling has intersected mineralisation with up to 1 % Cu, 0.1 g/t Au, and 717 ppm Zn, purportedly related to a volcanic arc setting. The analysis of a comparable geochemical dataset at the continental scale yields a similar PC1 (Ca, Sr, Mg, Cu, Au, and Mo at one end; REEs and Th at the other) to the regional study. Mapping PC1 at the continental scale shows patterns that (1) are compatible with the regional study, and (2) reveal several geological regions possibly with an enhanced potential for this style of Cu-Au mineralisation. These include well-endowed mineral provinces such as the Curnamona, southern Pilbara, and Capricorn regions, but also some greenfield regions such as the Albany-Fraser/western Eucla, western Murray, and Eromanga geological regions. We conclude that the geochemical composition of Australia's regolith may hold critical information pertaining to mineralisation within/beneath it.

  • <p>The Roebuck Basin on Australia’s offshore north-western margin is the focus of a regional hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment being undertaken by the North West Margin Energy Studies Section (NWMES). This offshore program is designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of the central North West Shelf and attract exploration investment to Australia. <p>The recent oil and gas discoveries at Phoenix South 1 (2014), Roc 1 (2015-16), Roc 2 (2016), Phoenix South 2 (2016), Phoenix South 3 (2018) and Dorado 1 (2018) in the Bedout Sub-basin demonstrate the presence of a petroleum system in Lower Triassic strata. The current study aims to better understand this new petroleum system and establish its extent. <p>As part of this program, compositional and isotopic analyses were undertaken by Geoscience Australia on gas samples from the wells Roc 1 and Roc 2 and data from these analyses are released in this dataset.

  • Petroleum geochemical datasets and information are essential to government for evidence-based decision making on natural resources, and to the petroleum industry for de-risking exploration. Geoscience Australia’s newly built Data Discovery Portal ( enables digital discoverability and accessibility to key petroleum geochemical datasets. The portal’s web map services and web feature services allow download and visualisation of geochemical data for source rocks and petroleum fluids, and deliver a petroleum systems framework for northern Australian basins. The Petroleum Source Rock Analytics Tool enables interrogation of source rock data within boreholes and field sites, and facilitates correlation of these elements of the petroleum system within and between basins. The Petroleum Systems Summary Assessment Tool assists the user to search and query components of the petroleum system(s) identified within a basin. The portal functionality includes customised data searches, and visualisation of data via interactive maps, graphs and geoscientific tools. Integration of the petroleum systems framework with the supporting geochemical data enables the Data Discovery Portal to unlock the value of these datasets by affording the user a one-stop access to interrogate the data. This allows greater efficiency and performance in evaluating the petroleum prospectivity of Australia’s sedimentary basins, facilitating and accelerating decision making around exploration investment to ensure Australia’s future resource wealth <b>Citation:</b> Edwards, D.S., MacFarlane, S.K., Grosjean, E., Buckler, T., Boreham, C.J., Henson, P., Cherukoori, R., Tracey-Patte, T., van der Wielen, S., Ray, J. and Raymond, O., 2020. Australian source rocks, fluids and petroleum systems – a new integrated geoscience data discovery portal for maximising data potential. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • The Roebuck Basin on Australia’s offshore north-western margin is the focus of a regional hydrocarbon prospectivity assessment being undertaken by the Offshore Energy Studies section. This offshore program is designed to produce pre-competitive information to assist with the evaluation of the hydrocarbon resource potential of the central North West Shelf and facilitate exploration investment in Australia. The recent oil and gas discoveries at Phoenix South 1 (2014), Roc 1 (2015-16), Roc 2 (2016), Phoenix South 2 (2016), Phoenix South 3 (2018), Dorado 1 (2018), Dorado 2 (2019) and Dorado 3 (2019) wells in the Bedout Sub-basin demonstrate the presence of a petroleum system in Lower Triassic strata (Thompson, 2020; Thompson et al., 2015 and 2018). The current study aims to better understand this new petroleum system and establish its extent. As part of this program, a range of organic geochemical analyses were acquired on petroleum fluids from the Roc 1 and Roc 2 wells with these data released in this report.

  • The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (<a href="" title="NGSA website" target="_blank">NGSA</a>) is Australia’s only internally consistent, continental-scale <a href="" title="NGSA geochemical atlas and dataset" target="_blank">geochemical atlas and dataset</a>. The present dataset contains additional mineralogical data obtained on NGSA samples selected from the Darling-Curnamona-Delamerian (<a href="" title="DCD website" target="_blank">DCD</a>) region of southeastern Australia for the first partial data release of the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia (HMMA) project. The HMMA, a collaborative project between Geoscience Australia and Curtin University underpinned by a pilot project establishing its feasibility, is part of the Australian Government-funded Exploring for the Future (<a href="" title="EFTF website" target="_blank">EFTF</a>) program. The selected 223 NGSA sediment samples fall within the DCD polygon plus an approximately one-degree buffer. The samples were taken on average from 60 to 80 cm depth in floodplain landforms, dried and sieved to a 75-430 µm grainsize fraction, and the contained heavy minerals (HMs; i.e., those with a specific gravity >2.9 g/cm<sup>3</sup>) were separated by dense fluids and mounted on cylindrical epoxy mounts. After polishing and carbon-coating, the mounts were subjected to automated mineralogical analysis on a TESCAN® Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA). Using scanning electron microscopy and backscatter electron imaging integrated with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, the TIMA identified over 140 different HMs in the DCD area. The dataset, consisting of over 29 million individual mineral grains identified, was quality controlled and validated by an expert team. The data released here can be visualised, explored and downloaded using an online, bespoke mineral network analysis tool (<a href="" title="MNA website" target="_blank">MNA</a>) built on a cloud-based platform. Accompanying this report are a data file of TIMA results and a mineralogy vocabulary file. When completed in 2023, it is hoped the HMMA project will positively impact mineral exploration and prospectivity modelling around Australia, as well as have other applications in earth and environmental sciences.

  • The Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic McArthur Basin and Mount Isa region of northern Australia (Figure 1) is richly-endowed with a range of deposit types (e.g., Ahmad et al., 2013; Geological Survey of Queensland, 2011). These include the basin-hosted base metal (Zn-Pb-Ag) deposits of the North Australian Zinc Belt, the richest zinc province in the world (Geological Survey of Queensland, 2011; Huston et al., 2006), as well as Cu (e.g., Mt Isa Copper) and IOCG (e.g., Ernest Henry) deposits (Geological Survey of Queensland, 2011). The giant size of the base metal deposits makes them attractive exploration targets and significant effort has been undertaken in understanding their genesis and setting and developing methodologies and data sets to aid in further discovery. As part of its Exploring for the Future program, Geoscience Australia is acquiring new, and reprocessing old, data sets to provide industry with new exploration tools for these basin-hosted Zn-Pb and Cu deposits, as well as iron-oxide copper-gold deposits. We have adopted a mineral systems approach (e.g., Huston et al., 2016) focussing on regional aspects such as source rocks, locations of mineral deposits, mineralisation haloes and footprints. Increased understanding of these aspects requires knowledge of the background variability of unaltered rocks within the basin. To assist in this we have undertaken a campaign of baseline geochemical studies, with over 800 new samples collected from sedimentary and igneous units of selected parts of the greater McArthur Basin–Mount Isa region. This has allowed us to document temporal and regional background geochemical (and mineralogical) variation within, and between sedimentary and igneous units. The main focus of this work was directed towards aspects of base metal mineralisation; a concurrent GA study (e.g., Jarrett et al., 2019) looking at aspects of hydrocarbon potential was undertaken in parallel. Appeared in Annual Geoscience Exploration Seminar (AGES) Proceedings, Alice Springs, Northern Territory 24-25 March 2020, p. 105

  • We describe a vision for a national-scale heavy mineral (HM) map generated through automated mineralogical identification and quantification of HMs contained in floodplain sediments from large catchments covering most of Australia. The composition of the sediments reflects the dominant rock types in each catchment, with the generally resistant HMs largely preserving the mineralogical fingerprint of their host protoliths through the weathering-transport-deposition cycle. Heavy mineral presence/absence, absolute and relative abundance, and co-occurrence are metrics useful to map, discover and interpret catchment lithotype(s), geodynamic setting, magmatism, metamorphic grade, alteration and/or mineralization. Underpinning this vision is a pilot project, focusing on a subset from the national sediment sample archive, which is used to demonstrate the feasibility of the larger, national-scale project. We preview a bespoke, cloud-based mineral network analysis (MNA) tool to visualize, explore and discover relationships between HMs as well as between them and geological settings or mineral deposits. We envisage that the Heavy Mineral Map of Australia and MNA tool will contribute significantly to mineral prospectivity analysis and modeling, particularly for technology critical elements and their host minerals, which are central to the global economy transitioning to a more sustainable, lower carbon energy model. The full, peer-reviewed article can be found here: Caritat, P. de, McInnes, B.I.A., Walker, A.T., Bastrakov, E., Rowins, S.M., Prent, A.M. 2022. The Heavy Mineral Map of Australia: vision and pilot project. Minerals, 12(8), 961,

  • Rapid, efficient, and accurate prediction of mineral occurrence that takes uncertainty into 20 account is essential to optimise defining exploration targets. Traditional approaches to mineral 21 potential mapping often fail to fully appreciate spatial uncertainties of input predictors and their 22 spatial cross-correlation. In this study a stochastic technique based on multivariate 23 geostatistical simulations and ensemble tree-based learners is introduced for predicting and 24 uncertainty quantification of mineral exploration targets. The technique is tested on a synthetic 25 case inspired by the characteristics of a hydrothermal mineral system model and a real-world 26 dataset from the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia. Results from the two cases proved the 27 superior performance and robustness of the proposed stochastic technique, especially when 28 dealing with high dimensional and large data sets. <b>Citation:</b> Talebi, H., Mueller, U., Peeters, L.J.M. et al. Stochastic Modelling of Mineral Exploration Targets. <i>Math Geosci </i>54, 593–621 (2022).

  • NDI Carrara 1 is a deep stratigraphic drill hole completed in 2020 as part of the MinEx CRC National Drilling Initiative (NDI) in collaboration with Geoscience Australia and the Northern Territory Geological Survey. It is the first test of the Carrara Sub-Basin, a depocentre newly discovered in the South Nicholson region based on interpretation from seismic surveys (L210 in 2017 and L212 in 2019) recently acquired as part of the Exploring for the Future program. The drill hole intersected approximately 1120 m of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks unconformably overlain by 630 m of Cambrian Georgina Basin carbonates. Continuous cores recovered from 283 m to a total depth of 1750 m provide samples of the highest quality for a comprehensive geochemical program designed to inform on the energy and mineral prospectivity of the Carrara Sub-basin. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) contents from Rock-Eval pyrolysis of the Cambrian and Proterozoic sections demonstrate the potential for several thick black shales as source rocks and unconventional plays. Evidence for retained hydrocarbons included bituminous oil stains in centimetre-scale vugs within the Cambrian Georgina Basin and several oil bleeds within the Proterozoic section. The latter also contains surface gas with up to 2% methane concentrations measured within carbonaceous mudstones. Geochemical analyses of hydrocarbon shows highlight the occurrence of several petroleum systems operating in this frontier region. The results at NDI Carrara 1 offer the promise of a new exciting resource province in northern Australia.