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  • Titles in this newsletter: New hydrocarbon plays in the Bass Basin New gravity standards An exhaustive study of Permian coals concludes Release of new gravity and terrain data sets Recent BMR publications and data releases The Clarence-Moreton Basin: a multidisciplinary study begins BMR to host ISMI meeting Space-shuttle radar research soon to be launched BMR commences new offshore research program Four new petroleum-oriented cruises in the southwest Pacific Fission-track analysis to provide clues to sedimentary basin thermal histories AUSTCO: a computer-based well data system Lamproite: a new important primary source of diamond Developing methods for hydrocarbon assessment of Precambrian basins Future direction of airborne geophysical mapping and interpretation Long-wavelength magnetic anomalies Lake George: preliminary palynology of deep sediments Uranium deposits handbooks forthcoming RAD's enhanced oil recovery studies Conodont colour alteration applied to thermal maturation and mineralisation studies New stratigraphic correlations in the Tennant Creek inlier McArthur Basin hydrocarbon assessment studies

  • Titles in this newsletter: BMR strikes the world's oldest oil Murray Basin: Mid-Tertiary palynological biostratigraphy and climate Heard on the Kerguelen Plateau Structural and tectonic styles in the Eromanga Basin Farewell: John Ferguson Microbiologically enhanced oil recovery Database directory New source for industrial minerals' prices Reviews: Selected recent publications Characterisation of Australian petroleum accumulations BMR's new numerical resevoir simulator PASSCAL: a new high-resolution seismic study of the continents BMR's marine tau-p studies in preparation for a survey of the Exmouth Plateau Central Eromanga region: new ideas on the maturation history and development In-situ crustal stress measurements A new advance in dating weathered profiles BMR's contribution to the Circum-Pacific Map Project Reservoir fluid (PVT) analysis Publication of Project Investigator-1 charts Crustal geophysics research in Europe Highlights of a recent phosphate workshop and symposium, SE USA Review: The Canberra Geomagnetic Workshop, May 1985 BMR's Intergraph workstation Australia/USSR Earth-science co-operation Honour: Liz Truswell New image-processed magnetics for the 'Top End' GPS surveying for the Earth sciences Hydrocarbon indications off western Tasmania

  • Titles in this newsletter: Transpressional strike-slip faulting in the Mount Isa Inlier Sedimentary phosphate discovered on the South Tasman Rise Honour: Dan Bubela Deep-tow side-scan sonar: a new tool for seafloor studies Australian Iron Ore Industry Mission to Brazil, July 1985 Polymetallic nodules: a commercial product or a collectors' item? Erratum: BMR Report 268, Australian Geoscience 1984 Location of the southmagnetic pole737 The Nth-root stack: a process for enhancing the interpretation of geophysical data The oldest age determined for Pilbara greenstones The Ocean Drilling Program: proposed Australasian sites Mineral potential of the southwest Pacific Northeast Australia research cruises Proof of explosive origin for the Lawn Hill circular structure BMR seismic line in SE Queensland probes shallow and deep sedimentary basins Lord Howe Rise cruise: data release Towards the completion of reconnaissance aeromagnetic coverage of Australia Honour: Peter Davies Forthcoming publication: Uranium - world perspective Farewell: Cliff Oilier Research on radioisotope-rich granites International Volcanological Congress, New Zealand: Explosive volcanism, geochemistry, hazards, and metallogenesis US/Australia Joint Scanner Project: Technological advances in remote sensing applied in Australia Otway Basin: Processing of recent regional marine seismic data nears completion Archaean volcanics in the Pilbara Block: Petrogenetic, tectonic, and economic implications of a trace-element study

  • Titles in this newsletter: Platinum group minerals from a layer in the Munni Munni Complex of the Pilbara Block Review of Baas Becking Geobiological Laboratory BMR enhances database activity The Exmouth Plateau revisited Gold medal awarded to BMR Welcome: Dick Henley Palaeogeographic map project Corrigendum: 'Red Book' New Australian distributor Southwest Pacific research cruise Murray Basin subsurface stratigraphic database Towards the integration of image processing and computer graphics in BMR Woodlark Triple junction: Sonar imagery from a spreading back-arc basin Marine heatflow: A new field for Australian marine geoscience Stable isotopic evidence for high rates of organic carbon accumulation in the Late Proterozoic The notion and motion of the Australian lithosphere Computer modelling for gold tax inquiry French expeditions to the southern Kerguelen Plateau Global Geosciences Transect Project Seismic symposium Reflections of an Australian's visit to China: Rifts and resources World Ni resources 1986 BMR Research Symposium, 13-14 November - program Hydrocarbon fluid inclusions and timing of oil migration

  • Titles in this newsletter: Thermogenic gases in the offshore Otway Basin and western Tasmania margin Applied Extension Tectonics 1987 BMR Research Symposium, 24-26 November, Canberra Government Geoscience Database Policy Advisory Committee (GGDPAC) Seabed sampling off southeast Australia Geochemical research cruise off northern NSW finds evidence for new mechanism of marine phosphorite formation North Perth Basin project Recent publications and data releases More power to the Marine Division: RV Rig Seismic's seismic source upgraded Thick-skinned tectonics in central Australia: Deep seismic results from a multidisciplinary study New Hydrogeological Map of Australia Thrust sheets in the northeastern Amadeus Basin, NT: stratigraphic repetition enhances hydrocarbon prospects New model for evolution of Amadeus Basin Book review: Recent advances in understanding Precambrian gold deposits, edited by S.E. Ho & D.I. Groves Chemical modelling of ore fluids: the CSIRO-SGTE THERMODATA programs established at BMR Extensional tectonics in the Tumut Trough BMR completes study of hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Middle Proterozoic McArthur Basin McArthur Basin Bulletin released Seismic survey provides new information on eastern margin of Surat Basin, Qld Palaeogeographic Maps project: drawing to a close as a successor waits in the wings Googong Dam and the Upper Naas Valley earthquake of 4 April 1987 Cadoux earthquake, 7 March 1987

  • Titles in this newsletter: Rig Seismic inivestigates Tasmanian margin Cambrian palaeogeographic maps published (Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia) New Southwest Pacific geological map Block and possible terrane boundaries in the Mount Isa Inlier Towards an Australian time scale Epithermal gold, and foreland faulting and magmatism, Kalimantan, Indonesia Release of 'GDA', BMR's new whole-rock geochemical data analysis system Thermogenic gases in sea-floor sediments, offshore Otway and Gippsland Basins Palaeogeography, Sea Level, & Climate: Implications for resource exploration: 1988 BMR Research Symposium, 8-10 November, CanberraBMR publications, maps and data releases, and how to obtain them Recent publications and data releases Issue of Precambrian Research on the Early to Middle Proterozoic of Australia New Davenport Province Bulletin Release of BMR's whole-rock geochemical database 'PETCHEM' Estimation of oil discovery and production in Australia from undiscovered accumulations (onshore) New potential reservoir identified in Clarence-Moreton Basin Is CO2 involved in the migration of hydrocarbons from type-III kerogen? Comparison of Amadeus Basin with Sichuan Basin, southwest China Non-volcanic sources of diamond Non-volcanic sources of diamond: subducted eclogites and peridotite massifs? Use of aeromagnetic flight-lineprofiles: mapping lithologicaltrends in high-grade gneiss Ocean drilling results, S. Kerguelen Plateau New waterguns improveseismic resolutionaboard Rig Seismic Murray Basin Goundwater Project New National Resource Information Centre 'NRIC' Recent symposium, 'Deep Seismic Probing of Continents and their Margins' News briefs [supplement]

  • Titles in this newsletter: Epithermal gold potential in the northern Coen Inlier The Australian groundwater quality assessment project Connecting the Riverina and Waroonga Gneisses, Eastern Goldfields Extension of the Woodroffe Thrust, Musgrave Block, into Western Australia High-pressure granulite to eclogite-facies metamorphism in the western Musgrave Block, central Australia The Australian palaeoclimatic record: the key to future climate-change modelling Prospective layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley Regional evidence for Mount Isa-style copper ore systems The Murray Basin Hydrogeological Map Series: Underpinning ecologically sustainable management strategies Christmas Island research cruise defines offshore resource potential New model for evolution of the Gippsland Basin Advanced remote-sensing mapping of shallow-marine environments Tectonic history of the Champ de Mars and westernmost Hinckley Range areas Australian petroleum systems: framework for exploration

  • Titles in this newsletter: 'Australian crustal elements' map: a geophysical model for the tectonic framework of the continent A reality and a winner - automated AF demagnetisation comes of age in palaeomagnetic methodology at AGSO Is oil being generated beneath the northern Arafura Sea? Ocean-bottom-seismograph cruise on the North West Shelf NABRE's first field season facilitates the discrimination of sequence boundaries and maximum-flooding and transgressive surfaces in the Mount Isa-Lawn Hill region AGSO's 'fill-spill ' project: reducing exploration risk on the North West Shelf The Fundamental Gravity Network in Victoria Reworked Ordovician conodonts lead to an enhanced mineral and hydrocarbon potential in the southern Petrel Sub-basin, Western Australia The Broken Hill Exploration Initiative - seeking renewed prospectivity in an historically prospective area of New South Wales and South Australia

  • Titles in this newsletter: Gold targets in the northeast Duketon 1:250 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia How ancient is the Bungle Bungle Range of the East Kimberley, Western Australia? The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: The deep seismic reflection profile south of Mount Isa and Cloncurry The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: Implications of the seismic refraction model The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: A 2.5-dimensional metallogenic GIS analysis A major magmatic event during 1050-1080 Ma in central Australia, and an emplacement age for the Giles Complex The effective elastic thickness of the Australian crust: a major control on the wavelength and shape of topography and basins The precious-metals potential of the Rockley Volcanics in the Lachlan Fold Belt A continued effort to improve lead-isotope model ages

  • Titles in this newsletter: Re-evaluating the structure of Broken Hill: Implications for mineral exploration and the interpretation ofairborne magnetic data If only Newton had had AGSO's FieldPad New insights to the evolution of the Bass Basin The use of X-rays and neutrons to evaluate hydrocarbon generation in petroleum-source rocks The age of Cu-Au mineralisation, Cloncurry district, Mount Isa Inlier, as determined by 40Ar/39Ar dating Depths of emplacement of Precambrian layered intrusions in the East Kimberley Petroleum systems of the Bowen and Surat Basins Alteration mineral mapping with the laser Raman microprobe: a new technique Complex attributes: new tools for enhancing aeromagnetic data Crustal architecture in northwest Tasmania revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling Sources of fluoride in groundwater in north Queensland Further constraints on sequence stratigraphic correlations in the Mount Isa, McNamara, and McArthur Groups: The Shady Bore Quartzite-Riversleigh Siltstone transition in the 'NABRE'-hood of Riversleigh, northwest Queensland Source and generation history of Palaeozoic hydrocarbons, Petrel Sub-basin