Research Newsletter
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Titles in this newsletter: Potential applications of palaeomagnetism to mineral exploration in the Proterozoic of northern Australia Geology and geological processes of Australian national parks Empirical observations on granite-associated gold ± base-metal mineral deposits in the Proterozoic of Australia Geochronological results from the Eastern Fold Belt, Mount Isa Inlier The relationship between granite composition, host rock types, and Au ± base-metal mineralisation in the Cullen Mineral Field, Pine Creek Inlier Environmental monitoring strategies and non-renewable resources, offshore Sydney Correlation of structurally disrupted layered ultramafic-mafic intrusions in the East Kimberley: Is Big Ben part of the Panton intrusion? Mapping natural hazards Earth science and environmental diversity in the Jervis Bay area Hydrocarbon plumes on the continental shelf Nd-isotopic 'fingerprinting' of Cu/Au mineralisation in the Lachlan Fold Belt Pliocene to Holocene stratigraphic chart for Antarctica records a fluctuating ice sheet Albian and Maastrichtian nannofloral biogeographic provinces in Western Australia: Implications for palaeolatitudes and pole positions for Australia High-nitrate groundwater in the Australian arid zone: Origin of the nitrate, and possible denitrification technology
Titles in this newsletter: Lead-isotope-based stratigraphic correlations and ages of Proterozoic sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits in the Mount Isa Inlier Potential for magnetostratigraphy as a correlation tool in the Late Permian coal measures of eastern Australian basins New geological and geochronological constraints on volcanogenic massive sulphide prospectivity near Halls Creek (WA) Revision of Late Triassic biostratigraphy of the North West Shelf Permian-Carboniferous magmatism in north Queensland: a new perspective Mineralisation potential of the granites of the Cape York Peninsula Batholith, Cape Weymouth, Coen, and Ebagoola 1:250 000 Sheet areas Implications of Pb-isotope data for tectonostratigraphic correlations in the Proterozoic of central Australia Benthic chamber technology and the sea-floor of Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne Landscape evolution in the East Kimberley region, Western Australia Mapping large-scale hydrothermal systems using coincident magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometric anomalies The 'Keith-Kilkenny Lineament': fault or fiction? A milestone in geomagnetic processing Plate tectonics of the Christmas Island region, northeast Indian Ocean
Titles in this newsletter: 'Australian crustal elements' map: a geophysical model for the tectonic framework of the continent A reality and a winner - automated AF demagnetisation comes of age in palaeomagnetic methodology at AGSO Is oil being generated beneath the northern Arafura Sea? Ocean-bottom-seismograph cruise on the North West Shelf NABRE's first field season facilitates the discrimination of sequence boundaries and maximum-flooding and transgressive surfaces in the Mount Isa-Lawn Hill region AGSO's 'fill-spill ' project: reducing exploration risk on the North West Shelf The Fundamental Gravity Network in Victoria Reworked Ordovician conodonts lead to an enhanced mineral and hydrocarbon potential in the southern Petrel Sub-basin, Western Australia The Broken Hill Exploration Initiative - seeking renewed prospectivity in an historically prospective area of New South Wales and South Australia
Titles in this newsletter: Recent NGMA mapping highlights the metallogenic potential of the East Kimberley Ocean outfall discharges of nutrients, offshore Sydney Applications of the laser Raman microprobe to the study of layered intrusions Preservation of old accumulations - key to Canning hydrocarbon exploration High-precision geochronology of Palaeoproterozoic layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the East Kimberley The Lakefield Basin: a newly named Permian basin in far north Queensland New mineral discoveries in the East Kimberley Late Palaeozoic magmatism in north Queensland: recent new perspective expanded by transfer-structure hypothesis Airborne gamma-ray spectrometry as a tool for assessing relative landscape activity and weathering development of regolith, including soils Palaeomagnetism suggests mid-Carboniferous convergence between Greater Australia and Altaids Magnetic reference field models for 1995 Geochemistry as an aid to interpreting relationships in the Narwietooma Metamorphic Complex, Central Province of the Arunta Block, central Australia Chemical oceanography of Port Phillip Bay Geochronology of an exposed late Archaean basement terrane in The Granites-Tanami region
Titles in this newsletter: Gold targets in the northeast Duketon 1:250 000 Sheet area, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia How ancient is the Bungle Bungle Range of the East Kimberley, Western Australia? The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: The deep seismic reflection profile south of Mount Isa and Cloncurry The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: Implications of the seismic refraction model The Mount Isa geodynamic transect: A 2.5-dimensional metallogenic GIS analysis A major magmatic event during 1050-1080 Ma in central Australia, and an emplacement age for the Giles Complex The effective elastic thickness of the Australian crust: a major control on the wavelength and shape of topography and basins The precious-metals potential of the Rockley Volcanics in the Lachlan Fold Belt A continued effort to improve lead-isotope model ages
Titles in this newsletter: Multibeam sonar reveals sea-bed structure and processes off east Tasmania and Gippsland The continental margin off west Tasmania, and Tasmania's marginal plateaus Multiple filling history in the Gilmore gas field, Adavale Basin, central Queensland Archaean geology of the Lake Violet 1:100 000 Sheet area, Yandal greenstone belt, Eastern Goldfields Province, Western Australia Oil families, petroleum systems and supersystems: North West Shelf and eastern Indonesian synergies - today Australia, tomorrow the world! Lineament interpretation for groundwater assessment in arid central Australia Are there Voisey's Bay-type Ni-Cu-Co sulphide deposits in the East Kimberley of Western Australia? Speculations relating to the layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the East Kimberley, Western Australia Nutrients, catchment run-off, and estuarine response in the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia Solid geology of the Nabberu 1:250 000 Sheet area, Western Australia
Titles in this newsletter: Mineral-mapping in the north Pilbara Craton: A directed-principal-components-of-band-ratios method for correlating Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper spectral data with geology Proterozoic thrusting in the Osmand Range area of the East Kimberley, Western Australia Rock magnetism gets under way in AGSO Piercing the regolith veil: Identifying parent rocks from weathered equivalents, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia Pieces of eight: Charting the event-related surfaces of the Mount Isa and McArthur basins Balanced petrology of the crust in the Mount Isa region Rocks of Mount Isa Group age in the Eastern Fold Belt Recent tectonics and landscape evolution in the Broken Hill region Why sequence stratigraphy and not lithostratigraphy for exploration? Geodynamic models and palaeomagnetic constraints on the evolution of the North West Shelf
Titles in this newsletter: A newly discovered major Proterozoic granite-alteration system in the Mount Webb region, central Australia, and implications for Cu-Au mineralisation A Mesoproterozoic palaeomagnetic age for the gold-bearing Quamby Conglomerate, Queensland A comparison of Ordovician and Devonian magmatism in the eastern Lachlan Fold Belt: re-evaluating exploration targets AGSO's new confocal laser Raman microprobe Problems with the Cretaceous biostratigraphic system of Australia: time for a review Gamma-ray spectrometric data: modelling to map primary lithology and later chemical mobilisation Using images in a geological interpretation of magnetic data Average composition of the crust in the Australian, Fennoscandian and Ukrainian shields from refraction seismic studies and petrophysical modelling Shrimp U-Pb dating of ignimbrites in the Pul Pul Rhyolite, Northern Territory: A cautionary tale New Nd-isotopic and geochemical data from the west Pilbara: Implications for Archaean crustal accretion and shear zone movement Basement studies in basin analysis: new insights into the evolution of the Lawn Hill Platform
Titles in this newsletter: Finding new mineral prospects with HYMAP: early results from a hyperspectral remote-sensing case study in the west Pilbara Nutrient recycling and benthic activity in a shallow coastal lagoon in Western Australia Crustal reflectivity and bulk seismic velocity: how close is the relationship? Ocean-floor volcanism in the Lachlan Fold Belt: new evidence from the Wyalong area, New South Wales The evolution of geoscientific metadata Scientific visualisation and 3D modelling applications for mineral exploration and environmental management Evidence for possible zinc transport in hydrocarbon-bearing (C1-C9) fluids in the formation of Cobar-style deposits? Preliminary AGSO scheme for standard database entry of sequence stratigraphic units New age constraints for Cu-Au(-Mo) mineralisation and regional alteration in the Olary-Broken Hill region Geochemical characteristics of ca 3.0-Ga Cleaverville greenstones and later mafic dykes, west Pilbara: implication for Archaean crustal accretion Small-angle neutron scattering: A new technique to detect generated source rocks Tectonic provinces of the Lord Howe Rise: 'Law of the Sea' study has implications for frontier hydrocarbons
Titles in this newsletter: Nutrients from sediments: Implications for algal blooms in Myall Lakes More sources for gas and oil in Perth Basin: Study highlights potential for multiple petroleum systems The importance of the 'backend' to online delivery of geoscience information Minerals laboratory staff develops new ICP-MS preparation method Bonaparte Basin: Geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbon families and petroleum systems Customised regolith maps incorporate hydrologic modelled attributes for geochemical exploration Publications involving AGSO authors:May-November 2000