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Legacy product - no abstract available
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from 19 feet down to 50 feet.
A major purpose of the study, as it appears to me at this time, is to ascertain the presence of geochemical anomalies in the area of (copper) mineralization. Such anomalies, if established, may be correlated with the dispersion train phenomena and with the dispersion halo of the ore, in an area known as mineralization. A comparable study may be undertaken then, depending on the advice of the team, in an area of suspected but not known, mineralization. Further investigations, beyond the reconnaissance stage, may be projected, in consultation with the team, on completion of the orientation study. This report contains the author's tentative remarks on a proposed reconnaissance in South Australia. Objectives, background to the work, methods, and proposed operations are discussed.
Results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples taken from the surface down to a depth of 2130 feet.
Report on samples from the No. 1 bore, allotment 57. The samples described in this report were taken from the depth of 1130 to 1260 feet down and are in continuation of the series reported upon in record 1948/050.
This account of the micropalaeontological examination of samples is presented as a preliminary report. The samples examined were taken from the surface down to the depth of 1,130 feet. The bore is being drilled by percussion methods and consequently there is some admixture of fossil species. However, towards the lower part of the bore, these adventitious species disappear and the species recorded are characteristic of the beds in which they are found.
A geological investigation was carried out by the writer. The aim was to check the previous mapping of the geology, and if necessary, to assist the Magnetician in locating a suitable site for magnetic observations. Some aspects of geomorphology, and the reconnaissance survey work carried out are discussed in this report.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of two rock samples from the Kimberley district.
This report describes the physiography and the history of the development of the North Stradbroke Island. Two accompanying plates are included.
This work was undertaken to extend regional mapping in the central and western portions of the A.C.T. and to provide a geological map of the Cotter River Area for use in engineering investigations. The regional geology portion of the Cotter Valley between Gingera and Bull's Head had previously been mapped on a scale of 1/2 mile to the inch, and this map was extended, by the recent survey, northwards to the Territory border and north-easterly to the Murrumbidgee River.