structural geology
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Legacy product - no abstract available
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The Joint Development Zone (JDZ) and adjacent areas cruise is part of a program beingundertaken by AGSO, to determine the structural architecture of the northwestern margin ofAustralia and the influence of structuring on the location, migration and trapping ofhydrocarbons in the region. The major objectives of the cruise are: 1) to determine the regional structural framework of the eastern Timor Sea region by examiningthe boundaries between the major structural elements along a series of transects; 2) to provide modern regional seismic tie lines through key wells in the region to facilitateprovince-wide correlations; 3) to determine the deep crustal structure of the Sahul Syncline, Sahul Platform, Timor Troughand Malita Graben; 4) to examine the effects of the deep crustal structure and their various phases of reactivationon the stnitural development of the region. To meet these objectives it is proposed that the R V Rig Seismic collect approximately 2600km of deep crustal (16 sec record length) multichannel seismic and other geophysical data along13 lines in and around the JDZ. The proposed lines tie major wells in the region. Wherepossible the lines are orthogonal to the principal trends in the region. Some strike lines areincluded to assist the regional ties between wells and existing data sets.
Legacy product - no abstract available
The East Malita cruise is part of a program designed to determine the structural architecture ofthe northwestern margin of Australia and the influence of structuring on the location of,migration and trapping of hydrocarbons in the region. The major objectives of the East MalitaGraben project are: 1) determine the regional structural framework of the eastern Timor Sea region by examiningthe boundaries between the major structural elements along a series of transects; 2) provide modern regional seismic tie lines through the wells in the region to facilitateprovince wide correlations; 3) determine the deep crustal structure of the Malita and Calder Grabens; 4) examine the effects of the deep crustal structure and its reactivation on the location of theknown petroleum accumulations. To examine these problems it is proposed that the R V Rig Seismic be used to collect a total ofapproximately 3000 km of deep crustal multichannel seismic and other geophysical data along 17lines in the East Malita Graben region. The proposed lines tie all 8 wells in the region plusTuatara-1 and Kulka -1 to the east. The lines are designed to examine the major structuralrelationships in the region. Where possible the lines are orthogonal to the principal trends in theregion.
The Browse Basin underlies the outer shelf and upper slope of the central part of Australia'sNorth West Shelf, in water depths of 100-1000 m. Although the North West Shelf is generallyconsidered to be one of Australia's most heavily explored offshore regions, there aresignificant portions of it, such as the offshore Canning and Browse Basins, that remain under-explored. Relatively little is known of the primary structural architecture of the basin systemsof the North West Shelf, and the influence of that architecture on the occurrence ofhydrocarbons. The Browse Basin study (AGSO Project 121.28 - Basin development andhydrocarbon potential of the Browse Basin and adjacent margin) is part of a major AGSOregional research program over the north western Australian margin, and has the following main objectives: 1) Determine the regional structural framework of the Browse Basin and its relationship toadjacent features such as the Vulcan Sub-basin, Rowley Sub-basin, Scott Plateau andKimberley Block; 2) Define the broad deep-crustal structure of the region and develop a model explaining the tectonic, subsidence and thermal history of the basin in relation to the development of thecontinental margin and adjacent ocean basin (the Argo Abyssal Plain); 3) Assess the effects of deep structure and reactivation on the development of knownpetroleum accumulations. To address these objectives it is proposed that RV Rig Seismic be used to acquire about 3200km (up to a maximum of 3600 km depending on contingencies) of deep seismic and othergeophysical data along 11 lines tying 18 exploration wells in the Browse Basin/Scott Plateauregion. The survey will also tie into the 1990 Vulcan Sub-basin survey (98) to the northeast,and the forthcoming survey over the offshore Canning Basin to the southwest. In line with the Marine Geoscience and Petroleum Geology Program's (MGPGP's) most recentdeep seismic surveys over the North West Shelf, the Browse Basin survey will use a 4800 mstreamer, configured with 192 x 25 m active groups; data will be recorded with a 16 secondrecord length, and a 2 millisecond sample interval; the seismic source will be dual airgunarrays with a total capacity of 49 litres, and will be fired every 50 metres to give 48-fold CDPcoverage; and navigation will be by differential GPS. These parameters are the same as usedon two surveys over the northern Carnarvon Basin (SNOWS-1 and SNOWS-2) and threesurveys over the Bonaparte Basin - Timor Sea, and will also be used on the SNOWS-3 surveyover the offshore Canning Basin, following the Browse survey. Using these parametersAGSO has consistently recorded reflections down to 8-12 seconds two-way time (12-20 kmdepth), as well as obtaining good resolution in the upper 6 seconds of data, which is normallythe limit recorded by industry.
Legacy product - no abstract available