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  • A new continental-scale geochemical atlas and dataset for Australia were officially released into the public domain at the end of June 2011. The National Geochemical Survey of Australia (NGSA) project, which started in 2007 under the Australian Government's Onshore Energy Security Program at Geoscience Australia, aimed at filling a huge knowledge gap relating to the geochemical composition of surface and near-surface materials in Australia. Better understanding the concentration levels and spatial distributions of chemical elements in the regolith has profound implications for energy and mineral exploration, as well as for natural resource management. In this world first project, a uniform regolith medium was sampled at an ultra-low density over nearly the entire continent, and subsamples from two depths and two grain-size fractions were analysed using up to three different (total, strong and weak) chemical digestions. This procedure yielded an internally consistent and comprehensive geochemical dataset for 68 chemical elements (plus additional bulk properties). From its inception, the emphasis of the project has been on quality control and documentation of procedures and results, and this has resulted in eight reports (including an atlas containing over 500 geochemical maps) and a large geochemical dataset representing the significant deliverables of this ambitious and innovative project. The NGSA project was carried out in collaboration with the geoscience agencies from every State and the Northern Territory under National Geoscience Agreements. .../...

  • Geochemical data from two continental-scale soil surveys in Europe and Australia are presented and compared. Internal project standards were exchanged to assess comparability of analytical results. The total concentration of 26 elements (Al, As, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Si, Sr, Th, Ti, V, Y, Zn, and Zr), Loss On Ignition (LOI) and pH are found to be comparable. In addition, for the first time, directly comparable data for 14 elements in an aqua regia extraction (Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Ce, Co, Cs, Cu, Fe, La, Li, Mn, Mo, and Pb) are provided for both continents. Median soil compositions are remarkably close, though overall Australian soils are slightly depleted in all elements with the exception of SiO2 and Zr. This is interpreted to reflect the overall longer and, in places, more intense weathering in Australia. Calculation of the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) gives a median value of 72% for Australia compared to 60% for Europe. In general, element concentrations vary over 3 (and up to 5) orders of magnitude. Several elements (As, Ni, Co, Bi, Li, Pb, Mn, and Cu) have a lower element concentration by a factor of 2-3 in the soils of northern Europe compared to southern Europe. The break in concentration coincides with the maximum extent of the last glaciation. In Australia the central region with especially high SiO2 concentrations is commonly depleted in many elements. The data provided define the natural background variation for two continents on both hemispheres based on real data. Judging from the experience of these two continental surveys it can be concluded that analytical quality is the key requirement for the success of global geochemical mapping.

  • As a results of representations made to the Bureau of Mineral Resources by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission during 1948 a brief examination was made in July, 1949, of the area known as Sogeri Plateau which is situated some 24 miles east-north-east of Port Moresby. The object of the inspection was to determine whether any bauxitic laterite was present on the plateau and if so to obtain samples for chemical determination of alumina soluble in caustic soda solution, that is, alumina extractable by the Bayer process. Three car traverses of the area were made - one along the Sogeri-Uberi road, one along the Sogeri-Subitana road and one along the Sogeri-Eilogo road. Two grab samples were collected and sent for analysis. The findings of the examination of the area and the results of the chemical analyses are described in this report.

  • Introduction Low-density geochemical surveys provide a cost-effective means to assess the composition of near-surface materials over large areas. Many countries in the world have already compiled geochemical atlases based on such data. These have been used for a number of applications, including: - establish baselines from which future changes can be measured - design geologically sensible targets for remediation of contaminated sites - support decision-making regarding appropriate land-use - explore for natural resources - study links between geology and plant/animal health (geohealth) A first pilot project was initiated to help establish sampling and analytical protocols relevant to Australian landscapes and climates. The Riverina region was chosen for this study because of its crucial economic, environmental and societal importance within the Murray-Darling basin. The region is a prime agricultural area, is bordered to the south by the Victorian goldfields, and is home to 11% of the Australian population. Results of this study are presented here. Methods Using a hydrological analysis, 142 sites near the outlets of large catchments were selected within the 123,000 km2 survey area (1 site per 866 km2 on average). At each site, two 10-cm thick overbank sediment samples were taken, one at the surface ('top overbank sediment', TOS) and the other between 60 and 90 cm depth (`bottom overbank sediment', BOS). These were described, dried, sieved (<180 m) and analysed chemically for 62 elements. Exploratory data analysis was undertaken and geochemical maps (various styles are shown here) were prepared. Results and discussion The geology of the area is dominated by Cainozoic sediments found in low-relief plains over the vast majority of the Riverina. The eastern and southern fringes of the area form higher relief landforms developed on outcropping or subcropping Palaeozoic sedimentary, mafic and felsic volcanic and felsic intrusive rocks. The geochemical results of the survey are independently corroborated by the good match between the distributions of K, U and Th concentrations in TOS and airborne gamma-ray maps. The distribution of Ca in BOS indicates generally higher concentrations in the northern part of the study area, which is also reflected in higher soil pH values there. Such data have implications for soil fertility and management in agricultural areas. In terms of applications to mineral exploration, dispersion trains of typical pathfinder elements for gold mineralisation, like As and Sb are clearly documented by the smoothly decreasing concentrations from south (near the Victorian goldfields) to north (over sediments from the Murray basin). Chromium is an element that can be associated with ill-health in animals and humans when present over certain levels. There is a smooth increase in Cr concentration from north to south, and the two sites with the highest values can be correlated with a ridge of Cambrian mafic volcanics. High total Cr concentrations in the Riverina are unlikely, however, to lead to serious health problems as only a very small proportion of Cr will be bioavailable. Conversely, some elements can be present at concentrations that are too low for optimum plant growth, such as potentially Mo. The distribution map for this element shows a general decrease from south to north. Given its lower bioavailability in acid soils, Mo is likely to be deficient in the south of the region, despite higher total concentrations here. Farmers report the necessity to use Mo-enriched fertilisers in this area. Conclusions Low-density geochemical surveys can be conducted in Australia using common regolith sampling media. They provide a cost-effective, internally consistent dataset that can be used by to support a variety of critical economic, environmental and societal decisions.

  • pH is one of the more fundamental soil properties governing nutrient availability, metal mobility, elemental toxicity, microbial activity and plant growth. The field pH of topsoil (0-10 cm depth) and subsoil (~60-80 cm depth) was measured on floodplain soils collected near the outlet of 1186 catchments covering over 6 M km2 or ~80% of Australia. Field pH duplicate data, obtained at 124 randomly selected sites, indicates a precision of 0.5 pH unit (or 7%) and mapped pH patterns are consistent and meaningful. The median topsoil pH is 6.5, while the subsoil pH has a median pH of 7 but is strongly bimodal (6-6.5 and 8-8.5). In most cases (64%) the topsoil and subsoil pH values are similar, whilst, among the sites exhibiting a pH contrast, those with more acidic topsoils are more common (28%) than those with more alkaline topsoils (7%). The distribution of soil pH at the national scale indicates the strong controls exerted by precipitation and ensuing leaching (e.g., low pH along the coastal fringe, high pH in the dry centre), aridity (e.g., high pH where calcrete is common in the regolith), vegetation (e.g., low pH reflecting abundant soil organic matter), and subsurface lithology (e.g., high pH over limestone bedrock). The new data, together with existing soil pH datasets, can support regional-scale decision-making relating to agricultural, environmental, infrastructural and mineral exploration decisions.

  • Abstract The ability of thermal infrared (TIR) spectroscopy to characterise mineral and textural content was evaluated for soil samples collected in the semi-arid environment of north-western Queensland, Australia. Grain size analysis and separation of clay, silt and sand sized soil fractions were undertaken to establish the relationship between quartz and clay emissivity signatures and soil texture. Spectral band parameters, based on thermal infrared specular and volume scattering features, were found to discriminate fine clay mineral-rich soil from mostly coarser quartz-rich sandy soil, and to a lesser extent, from the silty quartz-rich soil. This study found that there was the potential for quantifying soil mineral and texture content using TIR spectroscopy. Key Words Soil composition, quartz, kaolinite, smectite, grain size, Tick Hill

  • This report deals with an investigation of the electrical resistivities of a variety of wet surface soils, gravels and sands. The work may be regarded as preliminary to an investigation by Mr. R.F. Thyer into the detection of electrically resistive bodies buried in wet soils at shallow depths. It was required to determine the range over which the resistivities of surface soils vary, and also the changes that may be expected in any one type of soil between measurements made within any 1 foot of each other. Measurements were made in four localities, three being in the bed or on the banks of the Molonglo River, where the surface materials are sand, gravel, silts, and in some places, clay. The fourth locality was near the head of Sullivan's Creek, where the soil is a heavy black clay.

  • This report provides background information about the Ginninderra controlled release Experiment 3 including a description of the environmental and weather conditions during the experiment, the groundwater levels and a brief description of all the monitoring techniques that were trialled during the experiment. The Ginninderra controlled release facility is designed to simulate CO2 leakage through a fault, with CO2 released from a horizontal well 2 m underground. Two previous subsurface CO2 release experiments have been conducted at this facility in early and late 2012, which have helped guide and develop the techniques that have been applied herein. The aim of the third Ginninderra controlled release experiment was to further the development of detection and quantification techniques, and investigate seasonal effects on gas migration. Particular focus was given to plant health as a diagnostic detection method, via physical, biochemical and hyperspectral changes in plant biomass in response to elevated CO2 in the shallow root zone. Release of CO2 began 8 October 2013 at 4:45 PM and stopped 17 December 2013 at 5:35 PM. The CO2 release rate during Experiment 3 was 144 kg/d CO2. Several monitoring and assessment techniques were trialled for their effectiveness to quantify and qualify the CO2 that was released. The methods are described in this report and include: - soil gas - eddy covariance - mobile surveys - Line CO2 concentrations - groundwater levels and chemistry - plant biochemistry - airborne hyperspectral - soil flux - electromagnetic (EM-31 and EM-38) - meteorology This report is a reference guide to describe the Ginninderra Experiment 3 details. Only methods are described in this report, with the results of the experiment published in conference papers and journal articles.

  • Soil mapping at the local- (paddock), to continental-scale, may be improved through remote hyperspectral imaging of surface mineralogy. This opportunity is demonstrated for the semiarid Tick Hill test site (20 km2) near Mount Isa in western Queensland. The study of this test site is part of a larger Queensland government initiative involving the public delivery of 25,000 km2 of processed airborne hyperspectral mineral maps at 4.5 m pixel resolution to the mineral exploration industry. Some of the mineral maps derived from hyperspectral imagery for the Tick Hill area include the abundances and/or physicochemistries (chemical composition and crystal disorder) of dioctahedral clays (kaolin, illite-muscovite and Al smectite, both montmorillonite and beidellite), ferric/ferrous minerals (hematite/goethite, Fe2+-bearing silicates/carbonates) and hydrated silica (opal) as well as soil water (bound and unbound) and green and dry (cellulose/lignin) vegetation. Validation of these hyperspectral mineral products is based on field soil sampling and laboratory analyses (spectral reflectance, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and electron backscatter). The mineral maps show more detailed information regarding the surface composition compared with the published soil and geology (1:100,000 scale) maps and airborne radiometric imagery (collected at 200 m line spacing). This mineral information can be used to improve the published soil mapping but also has the potential to provide quantitative information suitable for soil and water catchment modeling and monitoring.

  • Several quality control measures were taken during the project. These included: - Central provision of sampling equipment and sample bags to all field teams - Randomised sample identification scheme so that samples were presented to the laboratories in a sequence unrelated to the order in which they were collected (as much as practically feasible) - Prevention of contamination in the field and in the lab - Prevention of sample mix-up in the field and in the lab - Field duplicates: every 10th site, a field duplicate sample was collected to help quantify total (sampling + analytical) precision (not identified as such to the lab) - Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) TILL-1, TILL-2 (Natural Resources Canada) were run with every batch on GA's XRF & ICP-MS to help quantify analytical precision and bias - Laboratory duplicates (splits), internal project standards (MRIS, WRIS, ORIS, MRIS2, WRIS2), exchanged project standards (GEMAS-Ap, GEMAS-Gr from EuroGeoSurveys; SoNE-1 from United States Geological Survey), and international CRMs (TILL-1, TILL-3, LKSD-1, STSD-3 from Natural Resources Canada) were covertly inserted in the analytical suites for in-house and external analyses to help quantify analytical precision and bias (not identified as such to the lab) - Internal project standard (GRIS) for pH 1:5, EC 1:5 and grain size measurements (not identified as such to the lab) In addition to the above measures, the analytical labs applied their own QA/QC procedures, including running CRMs and/or internal standards, replicating digests and/or analysis, and analysis of blanks. The present report uses some of the above data to quantitatively assess the quality of the NGSA data, which allows a quality statement to be made about the NGSA data.