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This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of rock samples from Pidinga.
This report gives an overview of the bauxite resources of the Inverell district, New South Wales, including, in particular, those deposits held or examined by the Australian Aluminium Production Commission. A description of each deposit is given, which includes information on the geology of the area, grade of bauxite, and production figures. Figures are given for the proven reserves of economic bauxite in the district.
The Tennant Creek Mining Field occupies an area extending some 70 miles east and west and 40 miles north and south. Over this area are scattered a large number of small mines and prospects and it is sometimes difficult to bring a field such as this into perspective so as to obtain some idea of its true valuation. The following notes are designed to help in this direction. The output and nature of the orebodies, and the respective positions and productivity of the major deposits, are discussed in this report.
In 1946 and 1947 the writer had excellent opportunities to study the effect of lateritisation in the course of geological reconnaissances in Northern Australia. From field evidence which has been collected on several aspects of lateritisation - origin, products and relationship to geomorphological processes - a detailed account of lateritisation in Australia can be given. Lateritisation and the occurrence of opal are discussed in this report.
This report comprises notes on the geology, ores reserves, and exploration of the Maude and Yellow Girl Gold Mining Company.
The possibilities of finding evaporite deposits in Queensland were investigated by C.L. Knight and E.K. Sturmfels on a reconnaissance trip from 10th July until 5th August, 1949. The localities where indications of evaporite deposits were found or from which they are reported, are classified on the following pages according to the geological formations, and their position is shown on the accompanying map.
The possibilities of finding evaporite deposits in Western Australia were investigated by C.L. Knight and E.K. Sturmfels on a reconnaissance trip from 12th September until 14th October, 1949. The localities in which primary gypsum beds or other indications of evaporites at depth were found or from which they are reported, are classified on the following pages according to the geological formations, and their position is shown on two accompanying maps.
In testing the properties of a bentonic rock from Cardabia by the Sadler's method, the coarsest residue was examined for microfossils. Three samples were examined. A detailed list of the forms noted in each sample is given in this report.
This report, on a collection of rocks made by M.A. Condon from the Northwest Basin, is divided into two sections. Section A gives a detailed description of lithology and the microfaunal content of the samples. Section B comprises stratigraphic and faunal notes.
This report describes the results of a micropalaeontological examination of samples from the Kopperamanna bore.