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  • <div>The production of rare earth elements is critical for the transition to a low carbon economy. Carbonatites (&gt;50% carbonate minerals) are one of the most significant sources of rare earth elements (REEs), both domestically within Australia, as well as globally. Given the strategic importance of critical minerals, including REEs, for the Australian national economy, a mineral potential assessment has been undertaken to evaluate the prospectivity for carbonatite-related REE (CREE) mineralisation in Australia. CREE deposits form as the result of lithospheric- to deposit-scale processes that are spatially and temporally coincident.</div><div><br></div><div>Building on previous research into the formation of carbonatites and their related REE mineralisation, a mineral system model has been developed that incorporates four components: (1) source of metals, fluids, and ligands, (2) energy sources and fluid flow drivers, (3) fluid flow pathways and lithospheric architecture, and (4) ore deposition. This study demonstrates how national-scale datasets and a mineral systems-based approach can be used to map the mineral potential for CREE mineral systems in Australia.</div><div><br></div><div>Using statistical analysis to guide the feature engineering and map weightings, a weighted index overlay method has been used to generate national-scale mineral potential maps that reduce the exploration search space for CREE mineral systems by up to ∼90%. In addition to highlighting regions with known carbonatites and CREE mineralisation, the mineral potential assessment also indicates high potential in parts of Australia that have no previously identified carbonatites or CREE deposits.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Citation: </b>Ford, A., Huston, D., Cloutier, J., Doublier, M., Schofield, A., Cheng, Y., and Beyer, E., 2023. A national-scale mineral potential assessment for carbonatite-related rare earth element mineral systems in Australia, <i>Ore Geology Reviews</i>, V. 161, 105658.</div>

  • <div>High purity quartz (HPQ) is the only naturally occurring and economically viable source for the production of silicon. Silicon is a critical mineral, and a key component in modern technologies such as semiconductors and photovoltaic cells. Critical minerals support the move towards a greater reliance on electrification, renewable energy sources and economic security. The global transition to net zero carbon emissions means there is a growing need for new discoveries of HPQ to supply the silicon production chain. High purity quartz deposits are identified in a multitude of geological settings, including pegmatites, hydrothermal veins, sedimentary accumulations and quartzite; however, deposits of sufficient volume and quality are rare. Quartz is abundant throughout Australia, but the exploration and discovery of HPQ occurrences is notably under-reported, making assessment of the HPQ potential in Australia extremely difficult. This paper presents a much-needed summary of the state of the HPQ industry, exploration and deposit styles in Australia. <b>Citation:</b> Jennings, A., Senior, A., Guerin, K., Main, P., & Walsh, J. (2024). A review of high-purity quartz for silicon production in Australia. <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 1–13.

  • High-purity quartz (HPQ) is the only naturally occurring and economically viable source for the production of silicon. Silicon is a critical mineral, and a key component in modern technologies such as semiconductors and photovoltaic cells. Critical minerals support the move towards a greater reliance on electrification, renewable energy sources and economic security. The global transition to net zero carbon emissions means there is a growing need for new discoveries of HPQ to supply the silicon production chain. HPQ deposits are identified in a multitude of geological settings, including pegmatites, hydrothermal veins, sedimentary accumulations and quartzite; however, deposits of sufficient volume and quality are rare. Quartz is abundant throughout Australia, but the exploration and discovery of HPQ occurrences are notably under-reported, making assessment of the HPQ potential in Australia extremely difficult. This paper presents a much-needed summary of the state of the HPQ industry, exploration and deposit styles in Australia. KEY POINTS: 1. High-purity quartz (HPQ) is a key material for the manufacture of photovoltaic cells, semiconductors and other high-technology applications. 2. HPQ can be recovered from a variety of different source rocks in a range of geological settings. 3. Currently, the HPQ industry in Australia is under-utilised for high-technology applications, and historical exploration and mining records are under-reported and opaque. 4. This review presents an outline of the characteristics, processing requirements and end uses of HPQ, and a summary of the operations, deposits, exploration targets and known occurrences of HPQ in Australia. <b>Citation:</b> Jennings, A., Senior, A., Guerin, K., Main, P., & Walsh, J. (2024). A review of high-purity quartz for silicon production in Australia. <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 1–13.

  • <div>Australian sediment-hosted mineral systems are important sources of base metals and critical minerals that are vital to delivering Australia’s low-carbon economy. In Australia, sediment-hosted resources account for ~82% and ~86% of the total zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) resources respectively. Given their significance to the Australian economy, four national-scale mineral potential models for sediment-hosted Zn-Pb mineral systems have been developed: clastic-dominated siliciclastic carbonate, clastic-dominated siliciclastic mafic, Mississippi Valley-type and Irish-type. In addition to the potential for Zn-Pb mineralisation, the uncertainty related to data availability has been examined. The mineral potential models were created using a mineral systems-based approach where mappable criteria have been used to assess the prospectivity of each system. Each model has been derived from a large volume of precompetitive geoscience data. The clastic-dominated siliciclastic carbonate mineral potential model predicts 92% of known deposits and occurrences within 15.5% of the area, the clastic-dominated siliciclastic mafic mineral potential model predicts 85% of deposits and occurrences within 27% of the area, and the Mississippi Valley-type mineral potential model predicts 66% of known deposits and occurrences within 31% of the area. Each model successfully predict the location of major sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits while highlighting new areas of elevated prospectivity in under-explored regions of Australia, reducing the exploration search space by up to 85% for sediment-hosted Zn-Pb mineral systems.</div>

  • <div>Maps showing the potential for iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) mineral systems in Australia. Each of the mineral potential maps is a synthesis of four component layers (source of metals, fluids and ligands; energy sources and fluid flow drivers; fluid flow pathways and architecture; and ore depositional gradients). The model uses a hybrid data-driven and knowledge driven methodology to produce the final mineral potential map for the mineral system. An uncertainty map is provided in conjunction with the mineral potential maps that represents the availability of data coverage over Australia for the selected combination of input maps. Uncertainty values range between 0 and 1, with higher uncertainty values being located in areas where more input maps are missing data or have unknown values. The input maps and mineral deposits and occurrences used to generate the mineral potential map are provided along with an assessment criteria table which contains information on the map creation.</div>

  • <p>Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are consequences of lithospheric- to deposit-scale earth processes, and form where there was a coincidence of ore-forming processes in space and time. Building on previous conceptualisations we view a ‘mineral system’ as an ore-forming geological system in which four components are required to have operated efficiently and coincidentally, namely: (1) available sources of ore metals (i.e., copper, gold, uranium, rareearth elements) and hydrothermal fluids; (2) energy sources to drive fluids in the ore-forming system; (3) active crustal and mantle lithospheric architecture, representing hydrothermal fluid and/or magma flow pathways; and (4) physico-chemical gradients along which ore metals were deposited to form ore bodies. <p>This holistic multi-scale mineral systems framework has been used to develop a practical, knowledge-based yet data-rich, prospectivity mapping method applicable at regional to continental scales for hydrothermal and orthomagmatic ore-forming systems. We demonstrate how the mineral system components can be translated into mappable criteria and show how maps of mineral potential are generated by integrating diverse and rich input data sets. The method enables prediction of mineral potential not only in brownfields areas but also in greenfields and covered terranes with no previously known mineralisation. Here we report the application of this methodology in regional-scale mapping of the potential for iron oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) deposits in Australia, using examples from five studies over the last decade in northern Queensland, eastern South Australia, and southern and central-eastern Northern Territory. Uncertainties in the results arising from assignment of weightings to input data layers were investigated by the application of Monte Carlo-type probabilistic simulations. The results of 500 iterations using randomly assigned weightings overall support the deterministic results but also show that modelled prospectivity is controlled mainly by variations in intrinsic values of the input geoscientific data sets (e.g. highs and lows of gravity values) rather than by the weightings. <p>The results of the knowledge-driven data-rich analyses of IOCG potential have been validated against known IOCG deposits (not used directly in the analysis). We find in all five studies (Queensland, South Australia and Northern Territory) a good spatial correspondence, with few exceptions. Statistical analysis of prospectivity mapping results from the Tennant Creek – Mt Isa study area demonstrate that 15 of 16 IOCG deposits occur in the highest modelled prospectivity areas within 4.2% of the study area, representing an area reduction of 95.8%. Moreover, several new discoveries of Cu-Au mineralisation have been made within areas previously highlighted as highly prospective. This success and validation support the utility of Geoscience Australia’s approach as a decision-support tool to assist exploration companies and governments in cratonto regional-scale area selection for discovery of IOCG and other mineral systems.

  • <div>Tin and tungsten have good potentials for increased demand applications particularly in the electrical and energy storage areas. Similar to other critical metals like Li and Co, Sn and W are essential ingredients for many applications and technologies that are important for a sustainable future. </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Granite related hydrothermal mineral systems are the predominant source for Sn and W deposits.Cassiterite, wolframite and scheelite are primary Sn and W ore minerals in nature. The distribution of Sn rich areas around the world is uneven, which may reflects that geochemical heritage is fundamental to form Sn and W deposits. Besides, magmatic differentiation has been considered as another efficient way to enrich Sn in various geological reservoirs. The tectonic setting of Sn and W mineralisation is well understood, with most Sn and W deposits having formed at active margin settings. A comparison between the Tethyan and Andean Sn-W mineral systems confirmed that Sn and W mineral systems can form under thickened continental crust associated with an oceanic crust subduction. The importance of granitoids for the formation of Sn and W mineral systems is well understood. The genetic affinity of causative intrusions can be either S-type, I-type or A-type, but a common feature is that they are reduced (or ilmenite series) and highly evolved (high SiO2 content and high Rb/Sr ratio). Another prominent feature for Sn and W mineral systems is their high concentration of critical metals, including Li, Ce, Ta and In etc. Therefore, Sn and W mineralisation has a close association with other critical metal mineralisation. Overall, the precipitation mechanisms of W (wolframite and scheelite) and Sn (cassiterite) ore minerals from the hydrothermal fluid include (1) fluids mixing, (2) boiling and, (3) water-rock interaction.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Recent studies have highlighted discrepancies in Sn mineralisation and W mineralisation conditions. Although Sn- and W-associated granites have substantial overlapping characteristics, many of their physico-chemical natures (e.g., aluminum-saturation index (ASI) values, zirconium saturation temperatures and crystal fractionation degrees) are distinctive, suggesting Sn- and W-granites may form under different geological conditions. The difference between Sn mineralisation and W mineralisation is also evident by their contrasting fluid-melt partitioning coefficients. Tungsten strongly partitions into the aqueous fluid and can be transported farther away from the intrusion, but Sn slightly partitions into the silicate melt and can precipitate as magmatic cassiterite or be incorporated into crystallizing micas (which can have >100 ppm Sn). Another area warranting more study is understanding the elemental associations observed in Sn and W mineral systems. It is common to have many other metals in Sn-dominant mineral systems, for example W, Li, Nb, Ta. For W-dominant mineral systems, apart from with Sn, other common associated metals include Mo, Au-Bi and Cu. Nevertheless, the relationship between Sn-W and Cu-Au mineral systems at both the regional/provincial-scale and deposit-scale is an intriguing puzzle, because Sn-W and Cu-Au deposits are generally formed under different geological conditions, though their tectonic setting are similar, i.e., arc-related subduction and continental collision. An emerging field for understanding Sn and W mineral systems is made possible with the development of micro-analytical techniques, e.g., in-situ U-Pb geochronology and O-isotopic analyses on cassiterite and wolframite enable a greater understanding of Sn and W mineralising systems. Since both are the primary ore minerals, U-Pb dating on them can deliver direct age information - an advantage compared with many other commodities types like Cu, Au and Ag. However, unlike those commodities, impactful advances on Sn and W exploration models, techniques, and tools have been deficient in recent years; therefore, more attention and effort is needed to boost Sn and W mineral exploration in the future.</div><div><br></div>This paper was presented to the 2022 Asian Current Research on Fluid Inclusions IX (ACROFI IX) Conference 12-13 December (

  • <div><strong>Output type:</strong> Exploring for the Future Extended Abstract</div><div><br></div><div><strong>Short abstract: </strong>Iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits are a significant source of copper and gold and can also contain critical minerals that are required for the transition to a low carbon economy and to increase Australia’s security of mineral supply. Given their strategic importance, a national-scale assessment of the mineral potential for IOCG mineral systems in Australia has been undertaken using a hybrid data- and knowledge-driven approach. The national-scale assessment includes the evaluation of the statistical importance of mappable criteria used in previously published regional-scale IOCG models, resulting in the removal of five criteria and the inclusion of four new or revised criteria derived from datasets developed through the Exploring for the Future program. The new mineral potential model successfully predicts the location of 91.7% of known IOCG deposits and occurrences in 8.3% of the area, reducing the exploration search space by 91.7% and highlighting new areas of elevated prospectivity in under-explored regions of Australia. When compared to existing regional-scale mineral potential assessments for IOCG mineral systems published by Geoscience Australia, the new national-scale model demonstrates higher prospectivity in areas with known IOCG deposits and occurrences, while also highlighting new prospective areas for IOCG mineral systems. Areas with assessed high prospectivity but lacking known IOCG mineralisation include parts of the Curnamona, Etheridge and Musgrave provinces, and the Delamerian, Halls Creek and Tanami orogens.</div> <div><strong>Citation</strong>: Cloutier J., et al., 2024. First national mineral system assessment of Australia's iron oxide copper-gold potential. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,</div>

  • We collected 38 groundwater and two surface water samples in the semi-arid Lake Woods region of the Northern Territory to better understand the hydrogeochemistry of this system, which straddles the Wiso, Tennant Creek and Georgina geological regions. Lake Woods is presently a losing waterbody feeding the underlying groundwater system. The main aquifers comprise mainly carbonate (limestone and dolostone), siliciclastic (sandstone and siltstone) and evaporitic units. The water composition was determined in terms of bulk properties (pH, electrical conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, redox potential), 40 major, minor and trace elements as well as six isotopes (δ18Owater, δ2Hwater, δ13CDIC, δ34SSO4=, δ18OSO4=, 87Sr/86Sr). The groundwater is recharged through infiltration in the catchment from monsoonal rainfall (annual average rainfall ~600 mm) and runoff. It evolves geochemically mainly through evapotranspiration and water–mineral interaction (dissolution of carbonates, silicates, and to a lesser extent sulfates). The two surface waters (one from the main creek feeding the lake, the other from the lake itself) are extraordinarily enriched in 18O and 2H isotopes (δ18O of +10.9 and +16.4 ‰ VSMOW, and δ2H of +41 and +93 ‰ VSMOW, respectively), which is interpreted to reflect evaporation during the dry season (annual average evaporation ~3000 mm) under low humidity conditions (annual average relative humidity ~40 %). This interpretation is supported by modelling results. The potassium (K) relative enrichment (K/Cl mass ratio over 50 times that of sea water) is similar to that observed in salt-lake systems worldwide that are prospective for potash resources. Potassium enrichment is believed to derive partly from dust during atmospheric transport/deposition, but mostly from weathering of K-silicates in the aquifer materials (and possibly underlying formations). Further studies of Australian salt-lake systems are required to reach evidence-based conclusions on their mineral potential for potash, lithium, boron and other low-temperature mineral system commodities such as uranium. <b>Citation:</b> P. de Caritat, E. N. Bastrakov, S. Jaireth, P. M. English, J. D. A. Clarke, T. P. Mernagh, A. S. Wygralak, H. E. Dulfer & J. Trafford (2019) Groundwater geochemistry, hydrogeology and potash mineral potential of the Lake Woods region, Northern Territory, Australia, <i>Australian Journal of Earth Sciences</i>, 66:3, 411-430, DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2018.1543208

  • Over 900 Australian mineral deposits, location and age data, combined with deposit classifications, have been used to assess temporal and spatial patterns of mineral deposits associated with convergent margins and allow assessment of the potential of poorly exposed or undercover mineral provinces and identification of prospective tracts within known mineral provinces. Here we present results of this analysis for the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane and the Tasman Element, which illustrate end-members of the spectrum of convergent margin metallogenic provinces. Combining our Australian synthesis with global data suggest that after ~3000 Ma these provinces are characterised by a reasonably consistent temporal pattern of deposit formation, termed the convergent margin metallogenic cycle (CMMC): volcanic-hosted massive sulfide – calc-alkalic porphyry copper – komatiite-associated nickel sulfide → orogenic gold → alkalic porphyry copper – granite-related rare metal (Sn, W and Mo) – pegmatite. Between ca 3000 Ma and ca 800 Ma, virtually all provinces are characterised by a single CMMC, but after ca 800 Ma, provinces mostly have multiple CMMCs. We interpret this change in metallogeny to reflect secular changes in tectonic style, with single-CMMC provinces associated with warm, shallow break-off subduction, and multiple-CMMC provinces associated with modern-style cold, deep break-off subduction. These temporal and spatial patterns can be used to infer potential for mineralisation outside well-established metallogenic tracts. <b>Citation:</b> Huston D. L., Doublier M. P., Eglington B., Pehrsson S., Mercier-Langevin P. & Piercey S., 2022. Convergent margin metallogenic cycling in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane and Tasman Element. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,