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  • The CO2CRC Otway Project is Australia's first demonstration of geological storage of CO2 within deep underground reservoirs. The project has undergone many phases of implementation and the latest work program, Phase 2C, is aimed at injecting between 10,000 and 30,000 tonnes of CO2 into the saline Paraatte Formation located around 1,400m below surface. One of the key measures of success for Phase 2C is successful seismic detection of the injected gas stream. The geophysics team from Curtin University of Technology have previously conducted three 3D surface seismic surveys, and numerous smaller experiments, at the Otway CO2 re-injection site. These tests were completed during Phase 1 of the Otway Project whereby an (80-20%) CO2-CH4 gas mixture was re-injected into the depleted Warre-C gas reservoir. The feasibility of seismic monitoring of the CO2-CH4 gas mixture injected into the Paraatte Formation is expected to be improved over the Warre-C reservoir due to the increased fluid property contrast between brine and the CO2-CH4 mixture and the shallower depth of the reservoir. A comprehensive desktop feasibility study has been completed by the Curtin/CSIRO geophysics team to assess the probability of successful seismic detection and the preliminary results are encouraging. A Seismic Assurance Review workshop was completed incorporating seismic expertise from both academia and industry to assess the risk of unsuccessful seismic detection. The workshop was held on the 3rd and 4th of November, 2011, at Curtin University of Technology.

  • Australia's coal-based power-stations produce about 70% of its energy needs and consequently have led, to the adoption of a multi-disciplinary approach to instigating low emission technologies, which include CO2 capture, injection and storage. The onshore Bowen Basin could provide potential multi-scale storage site projects. Storage potential was demonstrated within a 256 square kilometer area on the eastern flank of the 60-km by 20-km Wunger Ridge using a regional model pertaining to a potential commercial-scale 200 megawatt power-station with emission/injection rates of 1.2 million ton/year. Palaeogeography interpretations of the targeted reservoir indicate a dominantly meandering channel system with permeabilities of up to 1 darcy on the ridge's eastern flank, waning to a deltaic system downdip. Seismic interpretation indicates a relatively unfaulted reservoir-to-seal section on the flank with low-relief structures. Depth to reservoir ranges from 2100 to 2700-m. Simulation from a simplified 3-D block model indicates at least two vertical wells are needed to inject at 1.2 million ton/year in permeabilities of 1 darcy, and reservoir thicknesses of about 5-m. The presence of intra-reservoir baffles reduces the injection rate possible, with a subsequent increase in the number of wells required to maintain the project injection rate, also true for a low-permeability trapping scenario. Long-term storage of acceptable volumes would involve intra-reservoir baffle, stratigraphic, residual, and potentially depleted field trapping scenarios along a 10 to 15-km migration route. Trapping success is ultimately a function of optimal reservoir characteristics both estimated from more complex modeling and, ultimately, collection of infill seismic and new wells.

  • The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Survey GA-0335 (SOL5463) was acquired by the RV Solander during May 2012 as part of the Commonwealth Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). The survey was undertaken as a collaboration between the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and GA. The purpose was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on shallow (less then 100m water depth) seabed environments within two targeted areas in the Petrel Sub-basin to support investigation for CO2 storage potential in these areas. The survey mapped two targeted areas of the Petrel-Sub-basin located within the Ptrl-01 2009 Greenhouse Gas acreage release area (now closed). Data acquired onboard the AIMS research vessel, Solander included multibeam sonar bathymetry (471.2 km2 in Area 1 and 181.1 km2 in Area 2) to enable geomorphic mapping, and multi-channel sub-bottom profiles (558 line-kilometres in Area 1 and 97 line-kilometres in Area 2) to investigate possible fluid pathways in the shallow subsurface geology. Sampling sites covering a range of seabed features were identified from the preliminary analysis of multibeam bathymetry and shallow seismic reflection data. Sampling equipment deployed during the survey included surface sediment grabs, vibrocores, towed underwater video, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profilers and ocean moorings. A total of 14 stations were examined in Area 1 (the priority study area) and one station in Area 2. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the survey activities and preliminary results from survey SOL5463. Detailed analyses and interpretation of the data acquired during the survey will be integrated with new and existing seismic data. This new information will support the regional assessment of CO2 storage prospectivity in the Petrel Sub-basin and contribute to the nation's knowledge of its marine environmental assets.

  • Currently there is no uniform methodology to estimate geological CO2 storage capacity. Each country or organization uses its own evaluation and estimation method. During 2011-2012, the International Energy Agency has convened a process among national geological survey organizations to recommend a common estimation method for countries to use. Such a method should describe a typical process for developing assessments of CO2 storage resources; recommend a sound methodology for arriving at a jurisdictional or national-scale CO2 storage resource assessment that could be applied globally; and recommend a way forward to bridge the gap between such a resource and a policy-makers aspiration to understand what proportion of the resource can be relied on and is likely to be technically accessible at any particular cost. This report will outline a 'roadmap' to address these recommendations in a way that jurisdictions can use extant methodologies or craft their own to assess their CO2 storage endowment in a manner consistent with other jurisdictions. In this way they may be able to fully utilize their endowment as well as make a contribution to the potential realization of a worldwide estimate of storage resource.

  • Between 3 May 2012 to 24 June 2012 Geoscience Australia undertook two major surveys off the coast of the Northern Territory in the Petrel Sub-Basin. The data acquisition was funded through the National Low Emissions Coal Initiative (NLECI) and the Petrel Sub-basin was selected in particular as it has been identified as a prospective area for CO2 storage. One of these surveys, GA336 acquired 4091 kilometres of 2D seismic reflection data. Following on from the completion of the seismic processing of this data was further investigative work investigative work such as this analysis. Four prime lines, GA336-107, 110, 205 and 207 along with the well logs, Flat-Top1, Petrel 1A and Petrel 4 were selected for further 2D Simultaneous Inversion and Rock Physics Modelling. Previous Pre Stack Depth Migration had been undertaken on these lines and the PSDM Angle Stacks were imported along with the relevant horizon interpretation into the Jason integration algorithms.

  • The Petrel Sub-basin Marine Environmental Survey GA-0335, (SOL5463) was acquired by the RV Solander during May 2012 as part of the Commonwealth Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative (NLECI). The survey was undertaken as a collaboration between the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and GA. The purpose was to acquire geophysical and biophysical data on shallow (less then 100m water depth) seabed environments within two targeted areas in the Petrel Sub-basin to support investigation for CO2 storage potential in these areas.

  • A short animation of an atmospheric simulation of methane emissions from a coal mine (produced using TAPM) compared to actual methane concentrations detected by the Atmospheric Monitoring Station, Arcturus in Central Queensland. It illustrates the effectiveness of both the detection and simulation techniques in the monitoring of atmospheric methane emissions. The animation shows a moving trace of both the simulated and actual recorded emissions data, along with windspeed and direction indicators. Some data provided by CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.

  • Matching of CO2 emission sources with storage opportunities or source/sink matching (SSM), involves the integration of a number of technical, social and economic issues. It requires identification of the optimal locations for both the emission source and storage site for CO2 emissions. The choice of optimal sites is a complex process and will not rest solely on the best technical site for storage, but will require a detailed assessment of source issues, transport links and integration with economic and environmental factors. Transport is one of the major costs in CO2 sequestration and in many instances it will strongly influence how locations are chosen, but itself will be dependent on what type of facilities are to be built, be they either onshore or offshore or a combination of both. Comparison of theoretical studies, and the numerous criteria they utilise in their assessments, with current or planned commercial operations indicates that it is only a few of the major criteria that determine site locations.

  • This web service shows the spatial locations of potential CO2 storage sites that are at an advanced stage of characterisation and/or development. The areas considered to be at an advanced stage are parts of the Cooper Basin in central Australia, a portion of the Surat Basin (Queensland), the offshore Gippsland Basin (Victoria), where the CarbonNet Project is currently at an advanced stage of development and the Petrel Sub-basin. This service will be presented in the AusH2 Portal.

  • This is a collection of conference program and abstracts presented at AOGC 2010, Canberra.