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Zircons within the Eocence Garford Paleochannel, central South Australia, were derived from two main sources: (1) local Archean-Mesoproterozoic rocks of the Gawler Craton exposed within the paleocatchment, including the 2525-2440 Ma Mulgathing Complex and 1595-1575 Ma Gawler Range Volcanics-Hiltaba Suite, and (2) Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks within the catchment that contribute a late Mesoproterozoic to Cretaceous component of recycled zircons from a variety of primary sources. These sources include the 1190-1120 Ma Pitjantjatjara Supersuite and 1080-1040 Ma Giles Complex, within the Musgrave Province; c. 510 Ma syn-Delamerian magmatism possibly derived from the Adelaide Rift Complex; and Jurassic-Cretaceous zircons ranging from ~220 Ma to ~100 Ma, with one statistical population at 122 ± 3 Ma. It is likely that zircons from these sources outside the paleocatchment were transported into the Mesozoic rocks of the Eromanga Basin within the catchments, before being re-eroded into the Garford Paleochannel. Given the presence of significant gold mineralization within the Neoarchean rocks of the Gawler Craton, the abundance of locally-derived Archean zircons may support the potential for paleoplacer gold deposits within the Eocene paleodrainage system. Likewise, the abundance of zircons derived from the Gawler Range Volcanics/Hiltaba Suite may support the notion that potential secondary uranium mineralisation within the paleochannels may have a source in these commonly uranium-enriched Mesoproterozoic volcanics and granites. Finally, these data suggest that the Garford Paleochannel was not a major contributor to the zircon budget of the paleo-beach heavy mineral sands province of the adjacent Eucla Basin.
Geological framework of the South Tasman Rise and East Tasman Plateau: structure, tectonics, basin development
Seismic reflection data show the existence of two major sedimentary basins along the continental margin of Wilkes Land and Terre Adélie, East Antarctica, that contain more than 5 s TWT (> 9 km) of sediments. Four seismic megasequences are identified (MS4 to MS1) that are bounded by: basement, unconformities of interpreted Turonian, Maastrichtian and early Middle Eocene age, and the seafloor. The 4-5 km thick rift and pre-rift sediments are concentrated in a margin-parallel basin (Sabrina Basin). On the basis of seismic correlation with the Australian margin, this basin is interpreted to be of Late Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous age. The post-rift sediments are generally thick along the margin and in the adjacent deep-ocean basin, but are particularly thick in a major depocentre off west Wilkes Land, named here the Budd Coast Basin (BCB). The BCB contains a maximum observed thickness of 5 s TWT (9 km) of post-rift sediments and its location suggests that the sediments were largely derived from a sub-glacial basin currently occupied by the Totten Glacier.
Poorly exposed Paleoproterozoic sandstones and siltstones of the Killi Killi Formation record developement of a large turbidite complex. Killi Killi Formation sediments were eroded from the uplifted ~1860 Ma Nimbuwah and Hooper Orogens as indicated by detrital zircons with sediment deposition at ~1840 Ma. Facies analysis, isopach maps and detrital zircon populations, combined with Sm-Nd data from the Tanami region and Halls Creek Orogen, confirm the previously suggested correlation of the Paleoproterozoic successions in the Eastern zone of the Halls Creek Orogen and the Tanami region. Detrital zircons from the Aileron Province suggest the turbidite complex extends into the Arunta region, however, high metamorphic grade precludes direct facies comparisons in the Arunta region. Portions of the turbidite complex in the Tanami region are dominated by mudstones, consisting of low-density turbidites and associated hemipelagites, that potentially acted as a redox boundary to gold-bearing fluid. Gold prospectivity in turbiditic systems is increased within these mudstone sequences with the potential for further gold discoveries.
The Ceduna Sub-basin of the deep-water frontier Bight Basin contains a Middle Jurassic-Late Cretaceous sedimentary succession in excess of 15 km thick. Nine offshore exploration wells have been drilled in the basin, mostly clustered around the inboard edge of the Ceduna Sub-basin. As a result, the distal mid-Late Cretaceous strata predicted to contain potential source rock facies, had previously not been sampled. The presence of high quality source rocks in the basin was therefore an open question. 2D seismic data was used to delineate targets for sampling of the pre-Campanian section of the basin. Identified targets included potential source intervals of Albian-Santonian age at locations on the seaward edge of the Ceduna and Eyre Terrace where canyon formation, slumping and faulting have exposed the section. Also, a series of sites were selected to test for potential hydrocarbon seepage in the basin. These sites include areas where recently reactivated deep-seated faults were exposed at the seafloor, basin margin areas where facies thin, and areas where possible seepage was identified from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. In February and March 2007, a 3-week marine acquisition programme was carried out on the RV Southern Surveyor. Potential dredge targets were first surveyed with 30 kHz EM300 swath bathymetry and observed with Topaz 3.5 kHz sub-bottom profiler. Near-live swath processing and slope analysis techniques enabled site specific dredge sampling of seafloor terrains where Cretaceous section outcropped or slopes were sufficient to ensure only a thin cover of overlying sediments. Targets include fault scarps and eroded sides of canyons. A better-than-expected number of successful dredges were collected (total of 37) from water depths ranging from 1600-4500m. Geochemical analysis of 259 dredge samples for total organic carbon (TOC) and pyrolysis yields (Rock Eval) identified good to very good organic richness in 13 samples, with TOC values between 2.1% and 6.2%. Of these, seven show liquids potential with Hydrocarbon Index (HI) values ranging between 274 and 479 (mgHC/TOC). The rocks with the best source rock characteristics came from high priority sampling sites in the westernmost Ceduna Sub-basin. Organic geochemical analysis has provided evidence for preservation of organic matter under anoxic conditions close to or at the sediment-water interface. Biostratigraphic analysis of these organic-rich rocks has yielded an age around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. Although the dredged rocks are immature for hydrocarbon generation, interpretation of an extensive seismic grid across the basin and petroleum system modelling have shown that this succession occurs with the oil window in the central Ceduna Sub-basin. The results of this study provide the best evidence to date for the presence of good quality liquids-prone source rocks in the basin, successfully addressing a key industry concern in this petroleum exploration frontier.
Two facies models are proposed to explain siliciclastic and carbonate depositional systems of 1800 Ma to 1640 Ma age in the Western Fold Belt of the Mt Isa Inlier. Both models record the response of depositional systems to storm-driven processes of sediment transport, dispersal and deposition on a shallow water shelf. The same suite of facies belts can also be identified in sedimentary successions of the Eastern Fold Belt. Slope driven processes of sediment transport and dispersal characterise turbidite and debrite deposits of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formation and provide evidence for significantly greater water depths in this part of the basin from ~1685 Ma. Through the recognition of unconformity surfaces, their correlative conformities, maximum flooding and ravinement surfaces the facies belts are packaged into 7 supersequences for the interval 1800-1640 Ma. The new correlations are shown in an Event Chart that correlates linked depositional systems across the entire Mt Isa Inlier. Thick successions of turbidite and debrite deposits are restricted to the eastern parts of the Mt Isa Inlier and do not occur in the Western Fold Belt. A major phase of extension and rifting commenced at ~1740 Ma and by ~1690 Ma led to significant crustal thinning and increased rates of accommodation over an area east of the Selwyn Fault and Burke River Structural Belt. In the Mitakoodi and Selwyn Blocks the rapid transition from shallow water shelf depositional systems of the Prize Supersequence to significantly deeper water slope environments of the Gun Supersequence coincided with the development of a platform margin, the deposition of turbidite and debrite deposits in deep water on the continental slope and the intrusion of mafic sills and dykes. Turbidite and debrite depositional systems of the Soldiers Cap Group and Kuridala Formations are restricted to a lowstand wedge of siliciclastic facies deposited basinward of a platform margin. Basin geometries and sediment architectures associated with this extensional event and recorded in the Gun Supersequence (~1685 Ma to 1650 Ma) provide an explanation for the geographic separation and fluid evolution pathways responsible for the Mt Isa Type and Broken Hill Type Zn-Pb-Ag deposits.
Abstract: The Tasman Frontier region is a vast submerged continental fragment of over 3,000,000 sq km between Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. It hosts a number of unexplored sedimentary basins, some of which may share a common geological origin with the Taranaki and Gippsland basins, where petroleum production is established. The Tasman Frontier database is a compilation of all digital seismic reflection data that can be made publicly available. The database contains c. 100,000 km of seismic lines that have been modified to common segy format with uniform header information so that they can be easily loaded into a computer workstation. The project is a collaborative initiative between GNS Science, Geoscience Australia and Service Géologique de Nouvelle-Calédonie. GNS Science Report 2012/01, which contains the database as a supplement, can be obtained from GNS Science ( The report outlines the exploration history and geological setting of the region, gives a technical description of the database, and specifies licence terms and registration instructions for users.
A quantitative synthesis of the sedimentology and geomorphology of the South West Planning Region of Australia. Sediment data used was sourced from previous and new quantitative carbonate and grainsize data generated from surficial seabed sediment samples. All sample information and assays are available in the MARS database. The report and new assays were generated as part of an MOU with the Department of Environment and Heritage (National Oceans Office) and the results are reported in a format appropriate for use in regional marine planning.
Literature review and spatial analysis of the sedimentology and geomorphology of the Northwest Marine Region (boundary as defined by the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2007). Sedimentology information is based on consistent quantitative point assays of grainsize (weight % sand/mud/gravel) and carbonate content (weight % carbonate) of sediments in the MARS database at 01/08/07.
This record summarises the physical environments of the seabed for the Ceduna and Eyre Sub-basins.