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  • Existing sources of water supply are described. Proposals for improving the supply of town water are considered. Further investigations are recommended with respect to tapping the southern lobe of the local basin, surface conservation, underground water resources, and the selection of a possible dam site.

  • This report covers the work carried out by the author who was the geophysicist in charge of seismic and magnetic work conducted on Macquarie Island during 1951-52. It deals mainly with the preparation of and repairs to huts, the continuation of the seismic recording programme and the installation of a magnetic recorder. Although scientific achievement was not outstanding, the way has been prepared for a successful observing programme in the future.

  • The four field parties and the Airborne Geophysical Section continued operations in the area during the quarter ending 30th September, 1953. This report provides a summary of the geological and geophysical operations carried out during this period, and an overview of the staff and housing situation.

  • On May 3rd, and again on June 1st, the author visited the Cotter dam to investigate a reported loss of water from the fault on the northern side of the wall. This report gives an account of these visits, together with the author's observations and conclusions in relation to the reported water loss.

  • This report covers the work done by the author who was geophysicist with the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition at Macquarie Island from April to December, 1953. It is a sequel to Records 1953/30 and 1954/32 and deals with observatory routine and maintenance and other general duties required of the geophysicist. The report contains the results of absolute magnetic observations and initial earthquake phases. Detailed tables of scientific results will be published separately in reports at present in preparation.

  • Details and results are given of a seismic refraction survey made at the request of the Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania, to investigate the site of the western portal of the proposed Mossy Marsh Tunnel. The tunnel is part of the No. 2 Tarraleah Canal project to transport water from Lake King William to Tarraleah Power Station. The primary object of the survey was to determine the thickness of till overlying the dolerite bedrock, and hence contours of the bedrock surface.

  • The possibility of diverting the Upper Snowy River to provide water for irrigation has been a subject of discussion since 1884. The Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority was constituted in 1949. As the body responsible for the detailed investigation of the geology of the area it was thought desirable to publish the geological work which has been done in the Snowy Mountains region. With the authority of the Under-Secretary of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, the reports by members of the Geological Survey of New South Wales are included together with reports by geologists of the Commonwealth Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics. Reports included in this publications are: "Geology - Jindabyne to Murrumbidgee River", "Reconnaissance Survey of Dam Site at Geehi, Swampy Plain River, N.S.W", "Geological Reconnaissance of the Proposed Hydro-Electric Works in the Kosciusko Area", "Geological Reconnaissance - Eucumbene River to Tumut River", and "Geological Reconnaissance - Murrumbidgee - Tumut Area".

  • An examination of a small area flanking the Molonglo River at Acton was undertaken at the request of the Department of Works and Housing. The construction of the weir across the river within the area examined to raise the water level to 1825' is proposed, and the geological investigation was carried out in connection with this proposed work. Aspects of general geology and engineering geology are discussed. A geological plan and sketch sections are included.

  • On 29th September, 1948, the writer, assisted by K.R. Fleischman, spent one day examining the rocks of the Cotter River Valley in the neighbourhood of the dam and mapping geological features which would have a bearing on the proposed extensions. Representative rocks were collected from the quarries on the right bank of the River below the dam. The mapping was done by chain, compass and Abney level. Aspects of general geology and engineering geology are discussed in this report. Two accompanying geological plans are included.

  • An investigation into the possibility of providing additional water supplies to the township of Tennant Creek was carried out by the Department of Works and Housing. A request was made to the Bureau in March, 1947, to carry out a geological examination of possible dam sites in the Tennant Creek area. A preliminary inspection of two possible sites was made on 5th June, and a detailed plane table survey of both sites was carried out on 6th and 7th July, 1947. The location, access, topography, general geology, engineering geology, and recommendations for future investigation and work are discussed in this report.