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  • The national mineral deposits dataset covers 60 commodities and more than 1050 of Australia's most significant mineral deposits - current and historic mines and undeveloped deposits. Subsets can also be created based on any attribute in the database (e.g. commodity, geological region, state/territory).

  • OZCHEM is AGSO's national whole-rock geochemical database (previously known as ROCKCHEM). This documentation explains the database structure and includes definitions of the database tables and columns (attributes). It is provided with all purchases of OZCHEM data, but can also be purchased separately. The documentation includes summaries and highlights of all the regional data sets that comprise OZCHEM.

  • An integrated package comprising geological, structural, geophysical, geochronological and geochemical data. The GIS encompasses the outcropping and covered portions of Palaeoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic rocks straddling the NSW-SA border (the Broken Hill, Euriowie, Olary, Mount Painter and Mount Babbage Inliers). The GIS features recent data collected by the Broken Hill Exploration Initiative.

  • Over the past 10 years, Australia has maintained 65-85% self-sufficiency in oil and better than 100% suffiency in gas. This has generated significant societal benefits in terms of employment, balance of payments, and revenue. However the decline of the super-giant Gippsland fields, discovery of smaller oil pools on the Northwest Shelf, and the increasing reliance on condensate to sustain our liquids supply sharpens the focus on Australia's need to increase exporation and discover more oil. Australia is competing in the global market place for exploration funds but as it is relatively under-explored there is a need to simulate interest through access to pre-competitive data and information. Public access to exploration and production data is a key plank in Australian promotion of petroleum exploration acreage. Access results from legislation that initially subsidised exploration in return for lodgement and public availability of exploration and production (E&P) data. Today publicly available E&P data ranges from digital seismic tapes, to core and cuttings samples from wells, and access to relational databases, including organic geochemistry, biostratigraphy, and shows information. Seismic information is being progressively consolidated to high density media. Under the Commonwealth Government?s Spatial Information and Data Access Policy, announced in 2001, company data is publicly available at the cost of transfer, after a relatively brief confidentiality period. In addition, pre-competitive regional studies relating to petroleum prospectivity, undertaken by Government, and databases and spatial information is free over the Internet, further reducing the cost of exploration. In cooperation with the Australian States and the Northern Territory, we are working towards jointly presenting Australian opportunities through the Geoscience Portal ( and a virtual one stop data repository. The challenge now is to translate data availability to increased exploration uptake, through client information, and through ever-improving on-line access.

  • No abstract available

  • These data represent whole rock geochemical analyses from the OZCHEM Database. Each analysis includes a geographic location and a geological description, which includes the host stratigraphic unit, where known, and the lithology. Most samples have been collected by Geoscience Australia field parties. These data are a snapshot at the "Ending Date" of the current database entries and are also a subset of the full database managed by GA which includes data from Papua NewGuinea, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and New Zealand.

  • Generic Geoscience Australia, web based, external database entry kit

  • Australia's Identified Mineral Resources is an annual nationwide assessment which takes a long term view of mineral resources likely to be available for mining. The highest category in the national inventory is Economic Demonstrated Resources (EDR), which in essence, combines the Joint Ore Reserve Committee (JORC) Code categories of ore reserves and most of the Measured and Indicated Resources. JORC Code ore reserves of commodities are included for comparison, which provide a short to medium-term view of mineral stocks. The assessment also includes evaluations of long-term trends in mineral resources, world rankings, summaries of significant exploration results, and brief reviews of mining industry developments.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available