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  • Mean monthly and mean annual areal actual, areal potential and point potential evapotranspiration grids. The grids show the evapotranspiration values across Australia in the form of two-dimensional array data. The mean data are based on the standard 30-year period 1961-1990. Gridded data were generated using the ANU (Australian National University) 3-D Spline (surface fitting algorithm). The grid point resolution of the data is 0.1 degrees ( approximately 10km). As part of the 3-D analysis process a 0.1 degree resolution digital elevation model (DEM) was used. Approximately 700 stations were used in the analysis, and all input station data underwent a high degree of quality control before analysis, and conform to WMO (World Meteorological Organisation) standards for data quality. Areal Actual ET is the ET that actually takes place, under the condition of existing water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Areal Potential ET is the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so large that the effects of any upwind boundary transitions are negligible and local variations are integrated to an areal average. Point Potential ET is the ET that would take place, under the condition of unlimited water supply, from an area so small that the local ET effects do not alter local airmass properties. It is assumed that latent and sensible heat transfers within the height of measurement are through convection only. The above definitions are based on those given by Morton (1983), but we have used the term areal potential ET for Mortons wet-environment ET and the term point potential ET for Mortons potential ET. Morton, F.I. (1983). Operational estimates of areal evapotranspiration and their significance to the science and practice of hydrology. Journal of Hydrology, 66: 1-76.

  • Coral reefs occur in shallow water with sea surface temperatures (SST) greater than 18ºC, extending beyond the tropics where warm currents enable their establishment [Hopley et al., 2007]. The southernmost reef in the Pacific Ocean occurs at Lord Howe Island (31° 30°S), fringing 6 km of the western margin of the island, with isolated reef patches on the north, west and eastern sides. The island is a Miocene volcanic remnant on the western flank of the Lord Howe Rise (foundered continental crust) formed of basaltic cliffs rising to 875 m, flanked by Quaternary eolianites [McDougall et al., 1981]. The reefs support 50-60 species of scleractinian corals, whose rates of growth are only slightly slower than in more tropical locations [Harriott and Banks, 2002]. However, carbonate sediments on the surrounding shelf are dominated by temperate biota, such as foraminifera and algal rhodoliths [Kennedy et al., 2002]. Prominent in mid shelf is a broad ridge-like feature that rises from water depths of 30-50 m, which we considered to be a relict coral reef that formerly encircled the island [Woodroffe et al., 2005, 2006]. This paper describes results of sonar swath mapping to determine the extent of the reef, and coring and dating that establishes its age and demise.

  • Note that this Record has now been published as Record 2014/050, GeoCat number 78802

  • At the request of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), Geoscience Australia (GA) prepared this report for the purposes of informing a National Security paper that highlights potential national security issues associated with climate change.

  • Some of the most visible consequences arising from climate change are sea level rise and more intense and frequent storms. On the open coast and low lying estuarine waterways these impacts will lead to the increased risks of inundation, storm surge and coastal erosion that can damage beaches, property and infrastructure and impact on a significant number of people. Understanding the potential risk of these coastal hazards is critical for coastal zone management and the formulation of adaptation responses, while early action is likely to be the most cost effective approach to managing the risk. Geoscience Australia (GA) is assisting the Australian Government's Department of Climate Change to develop a 'first pass' National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment. GA and the University of Tasmania (UTas) are developing fundamental spatial datasets and GIS modelling tools to identify which land areas of the Australian coast are likely to be physically sensitive to the effects of sea level rise, storms and storm surge. Of special interest is to identify sensitive areas where there is significant property and infrastructure that will be the focus of a more detailed study in a second pass assessment. A new national shoreline geomorphic and stability map or Smartline, developed for the project by UTas, is a key new spatial dataset. The Smartline is an interactive, nationally-consistent coastal GIS map in the form of a segmented line. Each line segment identifies distinct coastal landform types using multiple attribute fields to describe important aspects of the geology, geomorphology and topography of the coast. These data enable an assessment of the stability of the coast and its sensitivity to the potential impacts of shoreline erosion (soft coast) and inundation (low-lying coast), providing a useful indicative coastal risk assessment.

  • Geoscience Australia has created a DVD 'Landsat Metadata Map Ups of Indonesia' for the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry (MoF). The DVD contains Landsat metadata information sourced from USGS and GISTDA for selected years based on the catalogue searches that Geoscience Australia has done to-date. This is one of the action items from the Bali Remote Sensing workshop in February 2009.

  • The development of climate change adaptation policies must be underpinned by a sound understanding of climate change risk. As part of the Hyogo Framework for Action, governments have agreed to incorporate climate change adaptation into the risk reduction process. This paper explores the nature of climate change risk assessment in the context of human assets and the built environment. More specifically, the paper's focus is on the role of spatial data which is fundamental to the analysis. The fundamental link in all of these examples is the National Exposure Information System (NEXIS) which has been developed as a national database of Australia's built infrastructure and associated demographic information. The first illustrations of the use of NEXIS are through post-disaster impact assessments of a recent flood and bushfire. While these specific events can not be said to be the result of climate change, flood and bushfire risks will certainly increase if rainfall or drought become more prevalent, as most climate change models indicate. The second example is from Australia's National Coastal Vulnerability Assessment which is addressing the impact of sea-level rise and increased storms on coastal communities on a national scale. This study required access to or the development of several other spatial databases covering coastal landforms, digital elevation models and tidal/storm surge. Together, these examples serve to illustrate the importance of spatial data to the assessment of climate change risk and, ultimately, to making informed, cost-effective decisions to adapt to climate change.

  • These data have been generated by a high resolution climate Model using 6 drivers as specified in the file name. The model simulations cover the period 1960-2100. The data contains a large number of variables, for wind hazard studies the wind-related variables should be extracted. Author: CSIRO's CCAM high resolution model team Geographic extend: The simulations focus on Australia's climate Conditions using a cubic-conformal grid, the coarse part is used In places other than Australia (World).

  • Australian hourly temperature, humidity and pressure data as produced by the Bureau of Meteorology. Dataset contains: Air Temperature; Dew Point Temperature; Wet Bulb Temperature; Relative Humidity; Mean Sea Level Pressure; Station Level Pressure; Saturated Vapour Pressure; plus additional supporting information.

  • Australian synoptic wind data as produced by the Bureau of Meteorology. Dataset contains: Synoptic wind speed and direction data; plus additional supporting information.