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  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.

  • The Gas processing facilities of Australia dataset is a combination of a digital dataset acquired from Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and an extensive web search. The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each processing unit has information containing the following attributes; NAME, PROJECT, LOCATION, STATE, PRODUCT, STATUS, COMMISSION, OWNER, OPERATOR, PROD_TJPD, MAX_TJPD, COMMENT, SOURCE1, SOURCE2, SOURCE3. This dataset has been developed in conjunction with a number of related datasets including gas storage, liquid processing, gas pipelines and offshore production platforms. This dataset was designed to combine Geosciences' Gas processing dataset with up to date information from the internet.

  • Hydrocarbon shows data are part of Geoscience Australia’s Reservoir, Facies and Shows (RESFACS) database, which contains depth-based information regarding hydrocarbon shows identified or interpreted during the drilling and evaluation of offshore and onshore petroleum wells. A hydrocarbon show is considered to be any indication of oil or gas observed during the drilling or evaluation of a petroleum well. Shows include data collected from well site observations, well logging, petrophysical analysis and well testing and/or sampling. A show evaluation is the complete analysis of a hydrocarbon-bearing formation with respect to lithology, depth and thickness, type and show value which indicates the potential productivity of the formation. Data entered into the shows table are most commonly sourced from both the Basic and Interpretive volumes of the Well Completion Reports (WCR) provided by the petroleum well operator under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act (OPGGSA) 2006 and previous Petroleum (submerged Lands) Act (PSLA) 1967. Data is also sourced from hydrocarbon shows evaluations conducted by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor organisations, the Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO) and the Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR), and from state and territory geological organisations. Other open file data from company announcements and reports, scientific publications and university theses are also captured. The database structure has evolved over time and will keep changing as different types of petroleum data become available and the delivery platform changes. Data was initially delivered through the Petroleum Wells web page,, which is in the process of being decommissioned. The hydrocarbon shows data will be available for viewing and download via the Geoscience Australia Portal Core,

  • <div>As a resource to enhance exploration in the offshore Otway Basin, Geoscience Australia (GA) has produced a new well folio that extends the scope of a previous release by including 32 key wells from the central and southeast regions. This folio covers the areas from Normanby 1 on the Normanby Terrace, through the Shipwreck Trough and Nelson Sub-basin, to Whelk 1 in the south. The previous well composites included wireline logs for petrophysical analysis, interpreted lithology, organic geochemistry and organic petrology data, and well markers. This folio includes all of these attributes with the addition of core-based depositional environment (DE) and gross depositional environment (GDE) interval interpretations which were subsequently used to constrain wireline interpretation away from core control. The core/wireline lithological interpretation along with further seismic and biostratigraphic data informed well marker locations and enabled a better regional correlation across the basin. The folio provides the complementary datasets used to construct each well composite. Presented at the Australian Energy Producers (AEP) Conference & Exhibition (

  • The Otway Basin is a northwest-southeast trending rift basin which spans from onshore Victoria and South Australia into the deep-water offshore. The prospective supersequences within the basin are largely of Cretaceous age which host three possible petroleum systems (Austral 1, 2 and 3). While there is production from onshore depocentres, and the inboard Shipwreck Trough, the majority of the offshore basin remains underexplored. Recent regional studies have highlighted the need for further work across the underexplored parts of the basin and here we focus on the offshore northwest Otway Basin, integrating reinterpreted historical well data, newly acquired and recently reprocessed seismic data. This new Well Folio consists of composite logs and supporting data which includes interpreted lithologies, petrophysical analyses, the analysis of historic organic geochemistry and organic petrology. In addition, updated well markers are provided based on seismic interpretation and new biostratigraphy in key wells. This integrated study provides the basis for renewed prospectivity assessment in the northwest offshore portion of the Otway Basin.

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Troubadour-Money Shoal 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • This data set contains information on Oil and Gas pipeline infrastructure. This dataset has been converted from Microstation format used in a map "Petroleum Exploration and Development Titles" published annually in APRIL. Attributes have been added to comply with data standards and minor coding of line work has been achieved using annotation from the map. Further data has been added, specifically for the specific Acreage Release Areas.

  • Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Petrel 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.

  • Geoscience Australia houses one of the world's largest collections of petroleum data. Much of this data is non-confidential and available to the petroleum industry, research organisations and the public. The collection includes well data submitted by industry under legislative requirements as well as data collected by research projects and marine surveys undertaken by Geoscience Australia or other government agencies or institutions. The collections comprise of digital data such as well completion reports, well logs, destructive analysis reports, vertical seismic profiles, core photography, special studies and also hard-copy well log data and graphs submitted during the pre-digital era. <b>Value: </b> information related to the subsurface that have the potential to support geological investigations and assessment of a variety of resources. <b>This data can be discovered through the National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) -</b>

  • All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevat to the 2007 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geofrrame, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.