Type of resources
Publication year
All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.
Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Troubadour-Money Shoal 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.
All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2009 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.
All available processed seismic data and well completion reports relevant to the 2007 Acreage Release. Datasets available in Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark workstation formats.
Package holding all available processed data and well completion reports relevant to the Carnarvon 2007Acreage Release in workstation format - Geoframe, Kingdom and Landmark.
Regular release of offshore acreage, part of the Australian Government strategy to encourage investment in petroleum exploration.
<b>RETIRED - This record has been superseded by eCat 126310 as advised by M. Webster 16 June 2023. The National Petroleum Wells Database has now been combined with the Geoscience Australia Borehole Database (BOREHOLE). The Petroleum Wells Online Tool is no longer available for use. The same data can be accessed through the Geoscience Australia Portal. Simply select the Layers button to find the Borehole data available to view and query. If you are having trouble, please follow the <a href="https://portal.ga.gov.au/help guides">help</a>. For general inquiries, please email client services.</b> This application provides access to GA's Oracle petroleum wells databases. Data themes include header data, biostratigraphy, organic geochemistry, reservoir and facies, stratigraphy, velocity and directional surveys. Data is included for offshore and onshore regions. Scientific data entry is generally only conducted for offshore wells. Onshore data is generally acquired from state geological surveys.
This dataset contains 1:5000 scale Well Composites for direct plotting. Additionally, this product incorporates an interactive viewer of the Well Composites through the use of Adobe Acrobat
The Gas processing facilities of Australia dataset is a combination of a digital dataset acquired from Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and an extensive web search. The dataset is maintained on an ongoing basis, with source material acquired from company websites and state/territory agencies. Each processing unit has information containing the following attributes; NAME, PROJECT, LOCATION, STATE, PRODUCT, STATUS, COMMISSION, OWNER, OPERATOR, PROD_TJPD, MAX_TJPD, COMMENT, SOURCE1, SOURCE2, SOURCE3. This dataset has been developed in conjunction with a number of related datasets including gas storage, liquid processing, gas pipelines and offshore production platforms. This dataset was designed to combine Geosciences' Gas processing dataset with up to date information from the internet.
A collection of geological samples associated with drilling activities and submitted by companies under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGSA) and previous legislations that required petroleum data to be submitted to the National Offshore Petroleum Data and Core Repository (NOPDCR). The collection also contains cores and cuttings samples acquired by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor BMR, other government agencies and institutions from around Australia. <b>Value: </b>Information related to the subsurface that have the potential to support geological investigations and assessment of a variety of resources. <b>Direct access</b> to petroleum mining sample information is available on National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS) platform (https://www.ga.gov.au/nopims) via the Core Library tab. <b>Request to access</b> those samples can also be made via the form available on NOPIMS. https://nopims.dmp.wa.gov.au/Nopims/RequestForms/CoreCuttingsAccess/CoreCuttingsAccess