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  • This guide has been produced to provide information on investing in minerals and petroleum in Australia; it is for distribution at conferences and online. It is a series of flyers bound together. The titles of the flyers are: 01. Minerals and petroleum and the Australian economy 02. Exploring for minerals in Australia 03. Exploring for petroleum in Australia 04. Role of government 05. Foreign investment guidelines and business entry into Australia 06. Onshore approval processes 07. Offshore approval processes 08. Social licence to operate 09. Mine health and safety 10. Working visas, immigration and skills 11. Indigenous engagement 12. Transport infrastructure 13. Mining equipment, technology and services 14. Tariffs and customs duty concessions 15. Taxation - general and petroleum 16. Taxes and royalties - minerals

  • A card to illustrate the GA Education Centre, and the activities it can provide to school groups.

  • The Cooper Basin is a late Carboniferous - Middle Triassic intracratonic basin in north-eastern South Australia and south-western Queensland. The basin is Australia's premier onshore hydrocarbon producing province and, by providing domestic gas for the East Coast Gas Market, is nationally significant. Exploration activity in the region has recently expanded with numerous explorers pursuing newly identified unconventional hydrocarbon plays. While conventional gas and oil prospects are more clearly identified by 3D seismic, the undiscovered unconventional gas resources in the basin remain poorly defined. This study reviews the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Cooper Basin, with a focus on unconventional gas resources. Regional basin architecture is characterised through compilation and integration of seismic and well data, indicating the wider extent of the Permian Toolachee and Patchawarra formations further north in Queensland. Source rock distribution and quality are reviewed demonstrating the abundance of viable source rock intervals across the whole basin. The Toolachee and Patchawarra formations are the richest sources; however organic-rich rocks are also present in the Nappamerri, Daralingie and Epsilon formations, and the Roseneath and Murteree shales. Petroleum systems modelling, incorporating new compositional kinetics, source quality and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) maps, highlights the variability in burial, thermal and hydrocarbon generation histories between depocentres. Although hydrocarbon generation began in the Permian, peak oil and gas expulsion across the basin occurred during the Cretaceous. The Cooper Basin hosts a range of unconventional gas play types, including the very extensive basin-centred and tight gas accumulations in the Gidgealpa Group, deep dry coal gas associated with the Patchawarra and Toolachee formations, as well as the less extensive shale gas plays in the Murteree and Roseneath shales. However, the overlapping nature of these plays makes it more convenient to consider them collectively as a composite Gidgealpa Group unconventional gas play. The possible extent of the composite Gidgealpa Group gas play fairway is defined using a common risk segment mapping workflow. Low and high confidence play fairway extents are also calculated. In South Australia and the south-western most areas of Queensland, the composite Gidgealpa Group gas play fairway maps show that the Nappamerri and Allunga troughs are highly prospective, along with the deepest areas of the Patchawarra and Arrabury troughs. The play fairway maps also show the prospectivity potential for unconventional gas further to the northeast in Queensland, including areas of the Windorah Tough and Ullenbury Depression. The prospectivity of the Cooper Basin for composite unconventional gas plays exceeds its currently known conventional resources. Whilst additional work is required to better characterise key petroleum systems elements, the play fairway area estimated for the combined Gidgealpa Group gas play is significantly larger than that of the Roseneath and Murteree shale gas plays alone, suggesting very large volumes of gas in-place and highlighting the Cooper Basin's status as a world class unconventional gas province.

  • A Mid Jurassic (late Callovian) suite of marine microplankton is present in the Elang Formation and its equivalents in the Timor Sea, offshore north-western Australia. It includes two genera, Voodooia and Woodinia and eleven species of dinoflagellate cysts which are described as new. The dinoflagellate cyst species are Ctenidodinium ancorum, Ctenidodinium fuscibasilarum, Ctenidodinium planocristatum, Durotrigia magna, Fusiformacysta terniana, Lithodinia protothymosa, Meiourogonyaulax penitabulata, Meiourogonyaulax viriosa, Voodooia tabulata, Woodinia pedis and Yalkalpodinium elangiana. A new acritarch species, Nummus apiculus, is also described. The dinoflagellate cyst genus Fusiformacysta is emended to stress the 3P nature of the archaeopyle and the presence of at least one, small anterior intercalary paraplate. The genera Lithodinia and Meiourogonyaulax are both maintained here, as the opercula are compound and simple respectively. Tabulodinium and its single species, T. senarium, are emended, in order to fully describe this intriguing species, the ornamentation of which is apparently destroyed by oxidation. The genus Yalkalpodium is emended to accommodate the new form Y. elangiana. All these new microplankton taxa have stratigraphical utility in the Wanaea digitata and Rigaudella aemula (interval) zones.

  • An interactive CDROM of Australian mineral deposits showing mine and resource locations, ages, and deposit types for gold, zinc, nickel, copper, and diamonds.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • The Overflow No. 1 Well was drilled on the South Moreton Anticline in Authority to Prospect 7lP, south-east Queensland, to a total depth of 2993 feet. The well drilled in Bundamba Sandstone to 310 feet, Ipswich Coal Measures from 310 feet to 1605 feet, and volcanic rocks of probable early Triassic or Upper Palaeozoic age from 1605 feet to total depth. Drilling operations commenced on 8th April, 1960, and the well was abandoned as a dry hole on 18th May, 1960. The drilling contractor was Mines Administration Pty Limited, Brisbane, and the rig used was a National Ideal 55. The operation provided for a programme of electric and mud logging, testing and coring. The well was abandoned short of the target depth of 6500 feet because of the hard drilling and poor petroleum prospects in the thick volcanic sequence. Minor oil and gas showings in the well were closely associated with coal seams.

  • This publication combines the completion reports of two wells drilled at Port Campbell in the Otway Basin, Victoria, by Frome-Broken Hill Company Proprietary Limited in 1959 and 1960. Port Campbell No. 1 was located near the crest of a seismic "high". The seismic reflection survey showed that there was an increase in thickness of section down dip to the south-east; Port Campbell No. 2 Well was sited about 1-3/4 miles south-east of Port Campbell No. 1. Port Campbell No. 1 Well was spudded in on 9th September, 1959, and reached a total depth of 5965 feet inparalic sediments of Lower Cretaceous age on 9th December, 1959. Miocene and Oligocene marl and calcareous clay were penetrated to 1375 feet, then more than 3000 feet of Lower Tertiary, Eocene and (?)Palaeocene,and 1000 feet of Cretaceous sediments. The only break evident in the succession in Port Campbell No. 1 was at 5656 feet where a lithological change was noted together with a conspicuous break on the electric log. At this depth the well intersected a porous horizon which produced a flow of petroliferous gas. Drilling commenced at Port Campbell No. 2 on 12th July, 196q and was completed on 1st December, 1960, at 8846 feet in sediments of the Otway Group. 1214 feet of Upper Tertiary (Miocene and Oligocene) and approximately 3800 feet of Lower Tertiary (Eocene and Palaeocene) sediments were intersected. Time boundaries are still indefinite but at least 2700 feet of Cretaceous sediments are thought to be present in the well. Two unconformities were deduced: the upper at 7910 feet, between the Waarre Formation and the Belfast Mudstone, corresponds to the break at 5656 feet in Port Campbell No. 1, but represents a hiatus smaller than that in the earlier well as an extra 770 feet (approximately) of basal Belfast Mudstone and topmost Waarre Formation are present in Port Campbell No. 2.* The lower unconformity separates the Waarre Formation and the Otway Group on a horizon lower. than was reached in Port Campbell No. 1, but it was not well defined by the information derived from the one hole. The petroliferous gas, and a small amount of condensate, produced in Port Campbell No. 1 was a strong but not commercial flow and came from a coarse quartz sandstone between 5656 and 5668 feet. On test, flow rate and pressure decreased rather rapidly and recovery, on standing, was practically imperceptible, indicating that the reservoir is small and not connected with any larger reservoir. Port Campbell No. 2 did not show any evidence of free gas or oil. The gas obtained from testing was only minor and derived from solution in formation water.

  • The Barlee No. 1 Well was drilled with WAPET's National 100 rig to the total depth of 8101 feet. Below a thin cover of the surface sand, 1562 feet of Mesozoic sediments were encountered, and drilled to the depth of 1594 feet. These sediments are represented by the Broome Sandstone (Lower Cretaceous) and Jurassic rocks, consisting of Jarlemai Siltstone, Alexander Formation, and Wallal Sandstone. The Jarlemai Siltstone interval which is 850 feet thick, is the thickest section of this formation which has been drilled in the Canning Basin. Unconformably below Mesozoic sediments, a uniform section of Carboniferous rocks was encountered and drilled to the total depth. All 6507 feet of the Carboniferous section are included in the Anderson Formation, to which an Upper Carboniferous age is tentatively assigned. In the lower part of the formation (7825 - 7856 feet) an intrusive body of dolerite was encountered. Some induration was observed in rocks adjacent to the intrusion. The well was abandoned in moderately porous sandstone beds of the Anderson Formation. Average dips of 20 degrees were observed in cores and recorded by the dipmeter survey in the Carboniferous section. The dipmeter survey shows that the well was located on the northern flank of the Barlee Anticline. Some very slight shows of gas were present in the sandstone beds of the Anderson Formation. Below 5600 feet some sandstone beds contained impregnations of black, rubbery bituminous material - very probably oil residue. No signs of live oil were observed in the well. The drilling results indicate that the Barlee No. 1 Well (like Fraser River No. 1) is located in the deep Fitzroy Trough on a structure originated by an igneous intrusion. The prospective beds of Ordovician, Devonian, and Lower Carboniferous rocks are buried under the thick cover of the unprospective Upper Carboniferous sediments and probably are intruded by igneous rocks. It seems likely that the sediments of the Fitzroy Trough in the Barlee area extend south as far as the Darnpier Fault; thus the Dampier Fault in the western part of the Canning Basin may replace the Fenton Fault, which dies out before reaching the Dampier Land area. The concept of the Jurgurra Terrace still remains valid, but only for the eastern part as shown on Plate .No. 1.