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  • Hot emissions of mainly sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide took place from a mound in Koranga open cut, near Wau, following a landslide at the end of May, 1967. Rocks of the Holocene volcano, Koranga, are exposed in the open cut. The emissions lasted about three months, and ceased on 13 August after another landslide removed the active mound. During the period of activity, recorded temperatures ranged up to 680°C; no anomalous seismic or tilt phenomena were recorded. The cause of the activity is not known, but it is thought that the high temperatures and gases may have been the result of the spontaneous combustion of reactive sulphides and carbonaceous material present in the altered rocks of Koranga volcano.

  • On 6th July 2006, an intense swarm of earthquake activity began in the Sulu Range, Central New Britain, Papua New Guinea. The earthquakes were felt almost every one to two minutes, 24 hours a day, with modified Mercalli intensities of MM1 to MM4. They were accompanied by unusual vigorous activity in the hot springs southwest of the Sulu Range. Fearing a possible eruption and tsunami, about 1000 locals were evacuated.

  • <div>The city of Lae is Papua New Guinea (PNG)’s second largest, and is the home of PNG’s largest port. Here, a convergence rate of ~50 mm/yr between the South Bismarck Plate and the Australian Plate is accommodated across the Ramu-Markham Fault Zone (RMFZ). The active structures of the RMFZ are relatively closely spaced to the west of Lae. However, the fault zone bifurcates immediately west of the Lae urban area, with one strand continuing to the east, and a second strand trending southeast through Lae City and connecting to the Markham Trench within the Huon Gulf. </div><div>The geomorphology of the Lae region relates to the interaction between riverine (and limited marine) deposition and erosion, and range-building over low-angle thrust faults of the RMFZ. Flights of river terraces imply repeated tectonic uplift events; dating of these terraces will constrain the timing of past earthquakes and associated recurrence intervals. Terrace riser heights are typically on the order of 3 m, indicating causative earthquake events of greater than magnitude 7. </div><div>Future work will expose the most recently active fault traces in trenches to assess single event displacements, and extend the study to the RMFZ north of Nadzab Airport. These results will inform a seismic hazard and risk assessment for Lae city and surrounding region.</div> Presented at the 2023 Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES) Conference

  • Understanding disaster risk enables Government, industry and the community to make better decisions on how to prepare for disasters and improve the resilience of communities. Geoscience Australia develops and provides fundamental data and information to understand disaster risk so that we can determine how hazards impact the things that are valuable to us.

  • Many earthquakes in Indonesia have caused a large number of fatalities. Disaster risk-reduction of fatalities requires a representative fatality model derived from fatality data caused by historical earthquakes in Indonesia. We develop an empirical fatality model for Indonesia by relating macroseismic intensity to fatality rate using compiled subdistrict level fatality rate data and numerically simulated ground shaking intensity for four recent damaging events. The fatality rate data are compiled by collecting population and fatality statistics of the regions impacted by the selected events. The ground shaking intensity is numerically estimated by incorporating a finite fault model of each event and local site conditions approximated by topographically-based site amplifications. The macroseismic intensity distribution of each event is generated by using ShakeMap software with a selected pair of ground motion predictive equation (GMPE) and ground motion to intensity conversion equation (GMICE). The developed fatality model is a Bayesian generalized linear model where the fatality rate is assumed to follow a mixture of a Bernoulli and a gamma distribution. The probability of zero fatality rate and the mean non-zero fatality rate is linked to a linear function of shaking intensity by the logit and the log link functions, respectively. We estimate posterior distribution of the parameters of the model based on the Hamilton Monte Carlo algorithm. For validation of the developed model we calculate fatalities of the past events from the EXPO-CAT catalog and compare the estimates with the EXPO-CAT fatality records. While the developed fatality model can provide an estimate of the range of fatalities for future events it needs on-going refinement by incorporation of additional fatality rate data from past and future events.

  • The TCHA18 Stochastic Event Catalogue contains artificially generated tropical cyclone tracks and wind fields representing 10000 years of tropical cyclone activity. The catalogue stores the track of each event in annual collections (i.e. one simulated year per file). The wind field of each event is stored in a separate file, containing the maximum wind speed, the components (eastward and northward wind) corresponding to the maximum wind speed, and the minimum sea level pressure from the event. All events are recorded in a relational database file, which contains records of the distance of closest passage, maximum wind speeds and the direction of the maximum wind speed for over 400 locations in Australia. The database also contains records of the average recurrence interval wind speeds at those stations. The database is intended to simplify the process of identifying individual events in the catalogue for more detailed modelling to support scenario planning for emergency management, for example.

  • As part of the 2018 Tropical Cyclone Hazard Assessment (TCHA), we compiled the geospatial raster dataset that can be accessible to internal and external users via ArcGIS online and can be integrated for building additional geoprocessing applications. This web service gives more stable and easy access to data and interactive maps. With having separate geospatial layers for each recurrence interval- i.e. 5 through 10000 years, users can toggle between the layers and evaluate the changes in wind speed (km/hr) and potential areas at risk on the fly.

  • Tsunami hazard modelling for Tonga shows the potential impacts of tsunami generated by a very large earthquake on the nearby Tongan Trench.

  • The Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Risks in the Pacific Region project represents a collaboration between DIICCSRTE and Geoscience Australia with PCRAFI and AIR Worldwide. Building on the expertise of each organisation, the project will deliver an assessment of the financial risks to buildings, infrastructure and agriculture arising from tropical cyclones (TCs) under current and future climate regimes. This extends previous risk assessments undertaken by incorporating the influence of climate change on the hazard (TCs) into the assessment process. The output of this study is a set of peril matrices, which detail the relative change in parameters describing TC behaviour: e.g. annual mean frequency, mean maximum intensity and mean latitude of genesis. The relative changes are evaluated as the fractional change between TC behavior in current climate GCM simulations and future climate GCM simulations.

  • Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Science