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  • The aim of the present work is to determine to what extent event-specific tsunami amplitude forecasts from different numerical forecast systems differ, and therefore, how the related products from RTSPs might differ. This is done through comparing tsunami amplitudes for a number of different hypothetical tsunami events within the Indian Ocean, from a number of different tsunami scenario databases.

  • In response to the devastating Indian Ocean Tsunami (IOT) that occurred on the 26th of December 2004, Geoscience Australia developed a framework for tsunami risk modelling. The outputs from this methodology have been used by emergency managers throughout Australia. For GA to be confident in the information that is being provided to the various stakeholders' validation of the model and methodology is required. While the huge loss of life from the tsunami was tragic, the IOT did provide a unique opportunity to record the impact of a tsunami on the coast of Western Australia. Eight months after the tsunami a post-disaster survey was conducted at various locations along the coast and maximum run-up was determined from direct observational evidence or anecdotal accounts. In addition tide gauges located in harbours along the coast also recorded the tsunami and provide a timeseries account of the wave heights and frequency of the event. This study employs the tsunami hazard modelling methodology used by Geoscience Australia (GA) to simulate a tsunami scenario based on the source parameters obtained from the Boxing Day earthquake of 2004. The model results are compared to observational evidence from satellite altimetry, inundation surveys and tide gauge data for Geraldton, a community on the Western Australian coast. Results show that the tsunami model provides good estimates of the wave height in deep water and also run up in inundated areas and it importantly matches the timing of the first wave arrivals. However the model fails to reproduce the timeseries data of wave heights observed by a tide gauge in Geraldton harbour. The model does however replicate the occurrence of a late arriving (16 hrs after first arrival) wave packet of high frequency waves. This observation is encouraging since this particular wave packet has been noted elsewhere in the Indian Ocean and caused havoc in harbours many hours after the initial waves had arrived and dissipated.

  • A selection of images and short animations explaining key aspects of the 2004 Indian Ocean/ Sumatra tsunami, revised and issued for release to the media and other interested organisations on the tenth anniversary of the disaster. This selection updates existing resources previously released by Geoscience Australia.

  • Since the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami, there has been an increase both in the frequency of large earthquakes, and in the data for monitoring the seismic and sea level disturbances associated with them, especially in the Australasian region. The increased number of high-quality recordings available for these large earthquakes provides an important opportunity to assess methods for rapid determination of their source properties, which potentially could be used to support tsunami warning systems. In this presentation we will consider how well the available data allow us to characterise the rupture of a earthquake, consider how rapidly this could be done, and assess how well the resulting models can be used to predict far-field tsunami waveforms.

  • The Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 came as a surprise to most of the earth science community. Few were aware of the potential for the subduction zone off Sumatra to generate giant (Mw>= 8.5) earthquakes, or that such an earthquake might generate a large tsunami. In retrospect, important indicators that such an event might occur appear to have not been well appreciated: (1) the tectonic environment of Sumatra was typical of those in which giant earthquakes occur; (2) GPS campaigns, as well as paleogeodetic studies indicated extensive locking of the interplate contact; (3) giant earthquakes were known to have occurred historically. While it is now widely recognised that the risk of another giant earthquake is high off central Sumatra, just east of the 2004 earthquake, there seems to be relatively little concern about the subduction zone to the north, in the northern Bay of Bengal along the coast of Myanmar. It is shown here that similar indicators suggest the potential for giant earthquake activity is high: (1) the tectonic environment is similar to other subduction zones that experience giant megathrust earthquakes; (2) stress and crustal strain observations indicate the seismogenic zone is locked; and, (3) historical earthquake activity indicates that giant tsunamigenic earthquakes have occurred in the past. These are all consistent with active subduction in the Myanmar subduction zone, and it is hypothesized here that the seismogenic zone there extends beneath the Bengal Fan. The results suggest that giant earthquakes do occur off the coast of Myanmar, and that a very large and vulnerable population is thereby exposed to a significant earthquake and tsunami hazard.

  • As part of the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project (2005-09), the Attorney-General's Department funded Geoscience Australia to develop the national offshore Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA). This assessment could then be used by Australian emergency managers in understanding the tsunami hazard to Australia. The national offshore PTHA considers the tsunami hazard posed to the entire Australian coast by tsunami caused by subduction zone earthquakes in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. These regions are known to have produced major tsunamigenic events External site link in recorded history and are the most likely sources of future events. The hazard maps are defined at a bathymetry water depth contour of 100m offshore. This normally falls outside of the Great Barrier Reef or other reef systems. The 100m depth contour is chosen because: Estimating the tsunami closer to the coast requires high resolution bathymetric data which does not always exist for the entire coast estimating the tsunami closer to the coast is a more computational and time intensive task. These maps help to identify the areas which are most likely to be at risk to damaging tsunami waves. However, they cannot be used directly to infer how far a tsunami will inundate onshore (inundation extent), how high above sea level they will reach on land (run-up), the extent of damage or any other onshore phenomena. To estimate the onshore tsunami impact, detailed bathymetry and topography of the specific region concerned is required for input to a detailed inundation model. The catalogue of tsunami events used to derive the national offshore PTHA can be used by emergency managers, researchers and individuals however to develop detailed inundation models at any onshore location.

  • The major tsunamis of the last few years have dramatically raised awareness of the possibility of potentially damaging tsunami reaching the shores of Australia and to the other countries in the region. Here we present three probabilistic hazard assessments for tsunami generated by megathrust earthquakes in the Indian, Pacific and southern Atlantic Oceans. One of the assessments was done for Australia, one covered the island nations in the Southwest Pacific and one was for all the countries surrounding the Indian Ocean Basin

  • The major tsunamis of the last few years in the southern hemisphere have raised awareness of the possibility of potentially damaging tsunami to Australia and countries in the Southwest Pacific region. Here we present a probabilistic hazard assessment for Australia and for the SOPAC countries in the Southwest Pacific for tsunami generated by subduction zone earthquakes. To conduct a probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, we first need to estimate the likelihood of a tsunamigeneic earthquake occurring. Here we will discuss and present our method of estimate the likely return period a major megathrust earthquake on each of the subduction zones surrounding the Pacific. Our method is based on the global rate of occurrence of such events and the rate of convergence and geometry of each particular subduction zone. This allows us to create a synthetic catalogue of possible megathrust earthquakes in the region with associated probabilities for each event. To calculate the resulting tsunami for each event we create a library of "unit source" tsunami for a set of 100km x 50km unit sources along each subduction zone. For each unit source, we calculate the sea floor deformation by modelling the slip along the unit source as a dislocation in a stratified, linear elastic half-space. This sea floor deformation is then fed into a tsunami propagation model to calculate the wave height off the coast for each unit source. Our propagation model uses a staggered grid, finite different scheme to solve the linear, shallow water wave equations for tsunami propagation. The tsunami from any earthquake in the synthetic catalogue can then be quickly calculated by summing the unit source tsunami from all the unit sources that fall within the rupture zone of the earthquake. The results of these calculations can then be combined with our estimate of the probability of the earthquake to produce hazard maps showing (for example) the probability of a tsunami exceeding a given height offshore from a given stretch of coastline. These hazard maps can then be used to guide emergency managers to focus their planning efforts on regions and countries which have the greatest likelihood of producing a catastrophic tsunami.

  • Tsunami inundation models are computationally intensive and require high resolution elevation data in the nearshore and coastal environment. In general this limits their practical application to scenario assessments at discrete communities. This paper explores the use of moderate resolution (250 m) bathymetry data to support computationally cheaper modelling to assess nearshore tsunami hazard. Comparison with high resolution models using best available elevation data demonstrates that moderate resolution models are valid at depths greater than 10 m in areas of relatively low sloping, uniform shelf environments, however in steeper and more complex shelf environments they are only valid to depths of 20 m or greater. In contrast, arrival times show much less sensitivity to resolution. It is demonstrated that modelling using 250 m resolution data can be useful in assisting emergency managers and planners to prioritise communities for more detailed inundation modelling by reducing uncertainty surrounding the effects of shelf morphology on tsunami propagation. However, it is not valid for modelling tsunami inundation.

  • The Natural Hazard Impacts Project (NHIP) at Geoscience Australia has developed modelling techniques that enable coastal inundation to be predicted during a tsunami. A Collaborative Research Agreement between Geoscience Australia and the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA) was formed in 2005 to understand tsunami risk and inform emergency management in WA. Through this partnership a significant tsunami risk was identified in NW Western Australia, leading to the development of inundation models for several coastal communities in this region, including Onslow and Exmouth. Recognising the importance of this research to Geoscience Australia, FESA and the communities of Onslow and Exmouth, this year's graduate project was designed to assist the NHIP and to further strengthen ties with FESA and community organisations. The project had several distinct outcomes which can be divided into data acquisition and community interaction. High quality elevation data was gathered by GPS surveying in order to ascertain the quality of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) that is currently used in inundation models. Improved accuracy in the elevation data allows the capture of subtle changes in topography that may not be present in the existing DEM and so may improve model accuracy. Secondly, ground-truthing of predicted inundation areas supplements the survey data, provides critical assistance in the production of accurate inundation models and potentially aids in the production of emergency plans. Prior to fieldwork a community-specific tsunami awareness brochure was designed and produced for Onslow. This brochure was presented to Onslow local emergency managers and FESA personnel, and subsequently to Emergency Management Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology. It has received widespread positive feedback, and consequently may provide a template for other community brochures in similarly vulnerable regions of Australia. Finally, graduates represented Geoscience Australia at several community meetings in Onslow where NHIP research was presented. These meetings provided insight into specific community concerns in the event of a tsunami and provided an opportunity for the attendees to ask questions about tsunamis and their impacts. Fortuitously this community interaction also led to the discovery of anecdotal evidence of past tsunami events in Onslow, including the tsunami triggered by the 1883 Krakatau eruption, a 1937 tsunami that may be attributed to an earthquake near Java, and the 1994 and 2004 tsunamis.