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  • Over 900 Australian mineral deposits, location and age data, combined with deposit classifications, have been used to assess temporal and spatial patterns of mineral deposits associated with convergent margins and allow assessment of the potential of poorly exposed or undercover mineral provinces and identification of prospective tracts within known mineral provinces. Here we present results of this analysis for the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane and the Tasman Element, which illustrate end-members of the spectrum of convergent margin metallogenic provinces. Combining our Australian synthesis with global data suggest that after ~3000 Ma these provinces are characterised by a reasonably consistent temporal pattern of deposit formation, termed the convergent margin metallogenic cycle (CMMC): volcanic-hosted massive sulfide – calc-alkalic porphyry copper – komatiite-associated nickel sulfide → orogenic gold → alkalic porphyry copper – granite-related rare metal (Sn, W and Mo) – pegmatite. Between ca 3000 Ma and ca 800 Ma, virtually all provinces are characterised by a single CMMC, but after ca 800 Ma, provinces mostly have multiple CMMCs. We interpret this change in metallogeny to reflect secular changes in tectonic style, with single-CMMC provinces associated with warm, shallow break-off subduction, and multiple-CMMC provinces associated with modern-style cold, deep break-off subduction. These temporal and spatial patterns can be used to infer potential for mineralisation outside well-established metallogenic tracts. <b>Citation:</b> Huston D. L., Doublier M. P., Eglington B., Pehrsson S., Mercier-Langevin P. & Piercey S., 2022. Convergent margin metallogenic cycling in the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane and Tasman Element. In: Czarnota, K. (ed.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra,

  • <div>Convergent margins are a hallmark feature of modern style plate tectonics. One expression of their operation is metallogenesis, which therefore may yield important insights into secular changes in styles of convergence and subduction. A global comparison of metallogenesis along convergent margins of over 20 well-endowed provinces indicates a consistent and systematic progression of mineral deposit types. We term this progression the convergent margin metallogenic cycle (CMMC). </div><div> This CMMC mirrors convergent margin evolution. Each metallogenic cycle begins with the formation of porphyry copper deposits and/or volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposits, associated with arc construction and back arc basin formation, respectively. When the convergent margin transitions into contraction/orogenesis due to processes such as accretion, flattening of subduction, or continent-continent collision, mineral deposits that form include orogenic gold and structurally hosted base metal deposits. Post-contractional extension is marked by the formation of intrusion related rare metal (tin, tungsten, molybdenum) and gold deposits, pegmatites, and alkaline porphyry copper deposits, closing the CMMC. </div><div> Our analysis of the metallogenic record reveals that prior to ~3 Ga, metallogenesis is episodic and non-systematic, with CMMCs not recognised. From the mid- to late Mesoarchean onwards, CMMCs are observed in all provinces analysed, and display systematic trends through time: the Meso- to Neoarchean metallogenic provinces are characterized by a single metallogenic cycle, whereas in the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic provinces, both single and multiple metallogenic cycles occur. From the middle Neoproterozoic onwards multiple metallogenic cycles are the rule. This evolution is accompanied by an increase in the duration of metallogenesis, ranging from ~100 to 180 million years in the Meso- to Neoarchean and 220 to more than 400 million years since the late Proterozoic.&nbsp;</div><div> We interpret these trends to reflect secular changes in tectonic processes and Earth evolution. The emergence of CMMCs from ~3 Ga provides independent evidence for the operation of some early form of subduction since this time. The fact that CMMCs are recognized in all provinces of mid-Meso- to Neoarchean age suggests that subduction was the common <em>modus operandi</em> rather than an exception. The first appearance of multiple metallogenic cycles in the Paleoproterozoic may reflect the strengthening of cratonic margins by tectonothermal maturation since formation in the Archean. Long-lived metallogenesis and multiple metallogenic cycles in the Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic are linked to deep-slab break-off, or modern, subduction in which the internal strength of the subducting slab allows maintenance of slab coherency.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 6th International Archean Symposium (6IAS) 25 - 27 July (