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  • The chart and accompanying notes and bibliography were prepared for publication in March 1971. Publication, however, was not undertaken at the time as the planned charts on the Carboniferous, Triassic, and Jurassic Systems were not ready (the Carboniferous chart has now been published: Bur. Miner. Resour. A us!. Bull. 156A, 1973). The chart has now been brought up to date and the most important subsequent papers have been included in the bibliography. The bibliography should, however, only be regarded as complete up to March 1971.

  • The trilobite faunas described in this Bulletin are exclusively from the Chatsworth Limestone sensu stricto, as it occurs in the immediate neighbourhood of Chatsworth Homestead, 80 km south-southeast of Duchess, in western Queensland (Fig. 1). The outcrops straddle the Duchess and Boulia 1:250000 Sheet areas, and form the central portion of the Burke River Structural Belt (Shergold, 1975, pp. 4-7; in Shergold, Druce et al., 1976, pp. 4-5). "Although trilobites have been described (Opik, 1963, 1967) from the underlying Pomegranate Limestone, at Pomegranate Creek, 19 km north of 'Chatsworth', no material from the Chatsworth Limestone s.s. has been illustrated previously. Those trilobites presently described are from collections made during initial field mapping of the Boulia Sheet area in 1957-60 (Casey, 1968; Casey et al., 1960), and the Duchess area in 1958 (Carter & Opik, 1963; 6pik, 1963). Frome-Broken Hill Pty Ltd collected two samples from the basal Chatsworth Limestone near 'Chatsworth' in 1958 (Taylor, 1959). Subsequently, collections were assembled by the BMR Northwest Queensland Phosphate Group in 1967 (de Keyser et al., in de Keyser, 1968), by the author in 1969, and by B.M. Radke during the course of 1:100 000 scale mapping. by the BMR Georgina Basin Project in 1974-75. Material is also currently. Available from two BMR stratigraphic boreholes, Boulia No. 6 and Duchess No. 13 (Fig. 2 and Appendix 3), drilled for the Georgina Basin Project in 1974. All material described in this Bulletin is deposited in the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection (prefix CPC), housed in the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Canberra, Australia. Acknowledgements The author acknowledges the time consuming aid given by H.M. Doyle (BMR) in the preparation of the photographs used herein. B.M. Radke (BMR) is thanked for permitting the reproduction of the Lily Creek section which he measured, and J.M. Kennard (BMR) for making available details of cores logged, and for providing petrographic descriptions of the rocks noted in Appendices 1 and 3. I appreciate the constructive criticism provided by Drs R.A. Henderson, James Cook University of North Queensland, and J.B. Jago, South Australian Institute of Technology, on an earlier draft of this Bulletin. The drawings were prepared by R. Fabbo and G. Clarke of BMR's Cartographic Section.

  • The Arrinthrunga Formation (Upper Cambrian) in the Georgina Basin, central Australia, is a complex carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sequence deposited in an extensive and intermittently emergent epeiric sea. It accumulated on a low-relief substratum in very shallow water with restricted tidal movements; these factors and a warm arid climate contributed to high salinities and the local precipitation of evaporites. Filamentous algae proliferated in the warm hypersaline shallow waters, in which grazing organisms were virtually absent, and exerted a major control on the type and distribution of carbonate lithologies. At the close of the Middle Cambrian a peloid shoal or barrier bar prograded across a broad region of shallow-marine tidal carbonates, bordered in the west by intermittently emergent algal flats. A hypersaline lagoon developed in the lee of the shoal, and a thick sequence of algal-derived peloid lime-muds was deposited. Shoaling sedimentation and intermittent emergence favoured the establishment of gypsiferous algal mats in the northwest, and, with increasing emergence, laminated algal mats colonised much of the area. A transgression of the sea then flushed the stagnant waters, and a reticulate maze of algal bioherms and interbiohermal peloid-ooid sands was established across the whole of the depositional area. Under the influence of shoaling sedimentation and a stable sea level, nearshore environments migrated laterally, and quartz-ooid shoals, intermittently emergent algal mats, and terrigenous sands prograded across the western and central portion of the sea. The progressive shallowing led to local emergence, reduced circulation, and stagnation, so that sections of the sea became isolated and halite evaporite pans were formed. A second transgression of the sea again favoured the widespread growth of algal bioherms, and prograding ooid shoals then spread out across all but the eastern portion of the depositional area. Sedimentation ended as the sea regressed, and a karst erosion surface formed on the emergent landmass.

  • One hundred and thirty-nine species of foraminifera belonging to 56 genera are recorded. One new genus, Haerella, is described; 31 species are described as new, 76 have been previously described, 21 are recorded as partial identifications and eleven as doubtful identifications. The internal characters of several species have been investigated. An emended description has been given for the species Spiroplectinata compressiuscula (Chapman); the concept of the genus Praebulimina is discussed, and that of the genera Anomalinoides and Gavelinopsis. The type species of Anomalinoides, Anomalina pinguis Jennings, is found to have double septal walls. The use of the names Ellipsoidella and Nodosarella in the classification of uniserial calcareous foraminifera is also discussed. A chart shows the known vertical range of the recorded species in the areas investigated.

  • Crustal dynamics throughout geological history have played an important role in the development of sedimentary basins. A basic knowledge of major crustal structures is, therefore, crucial to any interpretations aimed at modelling particular basin systems. This Bulletin contains papers by authors from a number of geoscience institutions and companies on various aspects of crustal and basin development along an 1100 km east-west transect in southern Queensland, the Eromanga-Brisbane Geoscience Transect In particular, deep seismic profiling along this transect has enabled, for the first time, a 3-dimensional interpretation of deep structures and processes which have controlled the development of major basin systems in eastern Australia. Complete answers to all questions on basin development are still evolving, but the papers presented in this Bulletin, together with the 1:1 000 000 scale map folio, provide a much improved basis for further, detailed investigations. The Eromanga-Brisbane Geoscience Transect crosses three major basement provinces in eastern Australia: 1) the Thomson Fold Belt under the central Eromanga Basin and its infra-basins, 2) the northernmost Lachlan Fold Belt under the Taroom Trough of the Bowen Basin and Surat Basin, and 3) the New England Fold Belt under the Clarence-Moreton Basin. Basement geology in this region has, until now, been only poorly understood because it is largely obscured by the Mesozoic cover rocks of the Eromanga, Surat and Clarence-Moreton Basins. However, the application of geophysical techniques (seismic methods in particular) in recent years has enabled a much better understanding of the crustal architecture and processes likely to have been involved in the development of the major basins. Such an understanding provides the framework for more detailed investigations directed primarily at economic resources of oil, gas, coal, groundwater and many minerals.The precis paper at the end of this Bulletin should be consulted for a summary of geoscience results. It is evident from these results that the transect interpretation has now firmly established concepts of crustal-scale ramp structures, multiple intra-crustal detachment surfaces, strike-slip fault architecture, lower crustal magmatism/underplating, Moho remobilisation, and intra-crustal terranes into the geological reconstructions of southern Queensland. In so doing, it has played a major role in developing a better understanding of the sedimentary basins of eastern Australia.

  • Well preserved assemblages of plant microfossils have been recovered from Lower Carboniferous sediments - principally or entirely marine in origin and Visean in age encountered in four boreholes in the landward Bonaparte Gulf Basin of Western Australia and Northern Territory. The sediments are representative of the following lithostratigraphic units: Bonaparte Beds (upper portion) and overlying Tanmurra Formation (intersected by Bonaparte Nos 1 and 2 Wells, central basinal province of Bonaparte Gulf Basin, Western Australia); Milligans Beds (Spirit Hill No. 1 Well; Spirit Hill and Milligans No. 1 Bores, all located in the southeastern platform region of the basin, Northern Territory) and overlying Burvill Beds (basal portion) of Milligans No. 1 only. The 55 species of plant microfossils recognized are distributed among 32 genera of trilete sporae dispersae, including one new genus, Exallospora, which is instituted for the reception of distally annulate cingulate forms having typically verrucate sculptural elevations. Twenty-two species are referable (six tentatively so) to previously established taxa. The palynological flora is dominated by the pan-Australian, Famennian to ?mid-Carboniferous species Granulatisporites frustulentus Balme, Hassell (emended herein), which accounts for 44-83 percent of the spore populations. Certain (inevitably subordinate) spore forms, either the same as or closely similar to species known from northern hemisphere Lower Carboniferous sediments, lend confirmation to the Visean age previously adduced from the contained fauna.

  • This Bulletin presents preliminary results of an investigation of the Papuan Ultramafic Belt, a peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex which is thought to be part of a plate of Cretaceous oceanic mantle and crust. A summary of results up to 1967, which includes a brief review of previous work, has already been published (Davies, 1968). R. N. England is currently making a detailed mineralogical study of the peridotites and gabbros.The Papuan Ultramafic Belt is a peridotite-gabbro-basalt complex which crops out over a length of 400 km (NW-SE) and a width of 40 km, on the northeastern side of the Owen Stanley Range in eastern Papua (7°-10°S, 147°-149°E).

  • One of the outstanding features of the Lower Miocene beds in Victoria is the presence of many larger foraminiferal species, many of the genera being restricted to this horizon, thereby being extremely valuable as zonal fossils, and affording excellent markers for the correlation of beds in different areas. The larger foraminifera have been found abundantly in the borings that have been put down for oil and water throughout the State. They also occur in several outcrops. The genera restricted to the Lower Miocene of Victoria include-Lepidocyclina, Cycloclypeus, Trillina, and Hofkerina. These are usually found associated with the more widely ranging large forms as Amphistegina, Operculina, Carpenteria, Gypsina, and Planorbulinella, there being definitely restricted species of the last two genera. These restricted species are found in friable polyzoal limestones and marls, and in hard limestones. In this Bulletin, no attempt is made at systematic descriptions of the foraminifera. It is more in the nature of an attempt to help the field geologist to locate himself in the Tertiary sections throughout Victoria.

  • The Northern Australia Development Committee (a Committee composed of representatives of the Commonwealth and the States of Queensland and Western Australia) has recommended that a series of regional surveys be made in Northern Australia with the object of providing data which will enable development of the region to be planned on a scientific basis. These surveys are being made under the direction of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. From June to September 1946 the writer accompanied the C.S.I.R.O. party which was engaged in a reconnaissance survey of the Katherine-Darwin region. Christian, ecologist and leader of the party; Mr. G. A. Stewart, soil surveyor; and Mr. S. T. Blake, botanist. The area examined consists of 27,000 square miles in the north-western portion of the Northern Territory, west of longitude 133° east and between latitude 12° and 15° south. (See Plate 1 for locality map and reference to Australian map grid.) The primary object of the survey was to determine pastoral and agricultural possibilities. A geologist was attached to the party mainly because the area to be surveyed had been very incompletely mapped and the existing geological records did not provide an adequate background for the soil and pastoral work to be undertaken. The primary function of the geologist was, therefore, to provide this background for soil interpretation, but it was also intended that he should gather as much information as possible on the stratigraphy and mineral possibilities of the area. During the course of the investigation it was found, that geological mapping provided the essential framework into which much of the other scientific data could be fitted, and a fairly complete investigation of the stratigraphy and geomorphology of the area became essential. An account of the stratigraphy and geomorphology are submitted in this report with a reconnaissance geological map of the region. This geological map is the result of the combined work of the party and could not have been completed without the full co-operation of the other members and particularly of Mr. G. A. Stewart. An area of approximately 27,000 square miles had to be mapped by a series of traverses in a period of approximately four months, and the geology of the areas between these traverses had then to be filled in from available geological maps and records, and from aerial photographs which covered only parts of the region investigated. (See Plate 2.)

  • Part I. deals with Devonian coral faunas from the West Kimberleys, the East Kimberleys, and the Carnarvon Basin of Western Australia. Of the 30 species described and illustrated from the West Kimberley's, 22 are from the Pilbara Limestone, and of these fifteen are from the main (lower) part of the Limestone of Givetian age, but there are five from the Atrypa beds of Teichert which the Bureau of Mineral Resources equates with the upper part of the Pillara Limestone and which may be late Givetian or possibly Frasnian; one Disphyllurn occurs in Atrypa beds referred by Teichert to Oberdevonstufe (Frasnian). This Pillara Limestone fauna (lower and upper) is dominated by Disphyllum with Hexagonaria, Thamnopora, and Alveolites also important. The overlying Mount Pierre Group, of Frasnian (Oberdevonstufe I) and early Famennian (ll and III) age, and the Bugle Gap Limestone (IV), have a strikingly different fauna mostly of small slender solitary corals. A new genus of Rugosa, Catactotoechus, type, species C. irregularis sp. nov., is described and figured. The East Kimberley corals are the Upper Devonian Palaeosmlia contexta sp. novo and Syringopora patula Hinde. From the Carnarvon Basin only four species are known, all from the Gneudna Formation; the genera to which they belong are those dominant and characteristic in the Pillara Limestone of the West Kimberleys, and in upper Givetian and early Frasnian faunas elsewhere, so that the Gneudna Formation Is probably of this age; the lack of identical species between the Carnanon and Kimberley Basins may be due to differences of province rather than time. The Western Australian Givetian coral faunas contain no species in common with those of eastern Australia, and many of the genera characteristic in eastern Australia, such as Endophyllum,, Sanidophyllum, and Heliolitcs, are absent in Western Australia. Part II deals with fragmentary coral material from the Silurian limestone, near Kiandra, southern New South Wales, including Halysites brevicatenatus sp. nov.; only two species are identified with previously described Australian forms, but the age indicated is probably Wenlockian, possibly Ludlovian.