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  • Arcview GIS containing a regolith-landfrom map with associated site database. Most sites have a field photograph hot linked into the GIS. Complementary datasets include, digital elevation model and enhanced Landsat TM imagery.

  • Community risk within the local government authority is investigated for: tropical cyclones and storm tide, east coast lows, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and severe wind, flood, earthquake, landslide, heat wave and bushfire. Magnitude/returne period scenarios are developed and impact on communities investigated.

  • Two maps have been updated for RET to include in a Ministerial Breifing on the Northern Territory conferral to NOPSEMA for regulation of offshore petroleum activities in their designated coastal waters. The updates reflect the amended OPGGS Act definition of designated coastal waters. These maps relate to Geocat 81958. Not for public release. RET internal use only.

  • The Oceanic Shoals survey (SOL5650, GA survey 339) was conducted on the R.V. Solander in collaboration with Geoscience Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), University of Western Australia and the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory between 12 September - 5 October, 2012. This dataset comprises an interpreted geomorphic map. Interpreted local-scale geomorphic maps were produced for each survey area in the Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) using multibeam bathymetry and backscatter grids at 2 m resolution and bathymetric derivatives (e.g. slope; 1-m contours). Six geomorphic units; bank, depression, mound, plain, scarp and terrace were identified and mapped using definitions suitable for interpretation at the local scale (nominally 1:10 000). Maps and polygons were manual digitised in ArcGIS using the spatial analyst and 3D analyst toolboxes. For further information on the geomorphic mapping methods please refer to Appendix N of the post-survey report, published as Geoscience Australia Record 2013/38: Nichol, S.L., Howard, F.J.F., Kool, J., Stowar, M., Bouchet, P., Radke, L., Siwabessy, J., Przeslawski, R., Picard, K., Alvarez de Glasby, B., Colquhoun, J., Letessier, T. & Heyward, A. 2013. Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (Timor Sea) Biodiversity Survey: GA0339/SOL5650 Post Survey Report. Record 2013/38. Geoscience Australia: Canberra. (GEOCAT #76658).

  • This dataset shows the extent of a wild river area as defined under a wild river declaration for the Wild Rivers Act 2005

  • Community risk within the local government authority is investigated for: tropical cyclones and storm tide, east coast lows, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and severe wind, flood, earthquake, landslide, heat wave and bushfire. Magnitude/returne period scenarios are developed and impact on communities investigated.

  • Community risk within the local government authority is investigated for: tropical cyclones and storm tide, east coast lows, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and severe wind, flood, earthquake, landslide, heat wave and bushfire. Magnitude/returne period scenarios are developed and impact on communities investigated.

  • Community risk within the local government authority is investigated for: tropical cyclones and storm tide, east coast lows, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and severe wind, flood, earthquake, landslide, heat wave and bushfire. Magnitude/returne period scenarios are developed and impact on communities investigated.

  • Community risk within the local government authority is investigated for: tropical cyclones and storm tide, east coast lows, thunderstorms, tropical cyclones and severe wind, flood, earthquake, landslide, heat wave and bushfire. Magnitude/returne period scenarios are developed and impact on communities investigated.