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  • The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.

  • The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.

  • The Surface Geology web map service provides two seamless national coverages of Australian bedrock and surficial geology, compiled at 1:1 million scale (displays only at scales less than 1:1500000), and 1:2.5 million scale (displays only at scales greater than 1:1500000). It also contains 1:5 million scale geological regions and metamorphic geology. The service represents outcropping or near-outcropping bedrock units, and unconsolidated or poorly consolidated regolith material covering bedrock.

  • The Bedrock Geology of South Australia was produced by removing unconsolidated materials. The pre-Silurian geology was based on solid geology layers by the Geological Survey of South Australia (via SARIG). Younger geology was interpreted by Geoscience Australia (GA), based on GA's 1:1,000,000 scale Surface Geology of Australia (2012). Descriptions of mapped geological units are housed in Geoscience Australia's Stratigraphic Names Database, which can be linked to other geoscience databases in Geoscience Australia.