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  • The service contains the 2013 Earthquake Hazard map, as a raster and contours. This map shows the peak ground acceleration (response spectral period of 0.01 seconds) on rock expected for a 500 year return period, in units of g, evaluated for the geometric mean of the horizontal components. The map is the closest in return period and response spectral period to the current earthquake hazard map in the Australian Standard AS1170.4-2007.

  • The service contains the 2013 Earthquake Hazard map, as a raster and contours. This map shows the peak ground acceleration (response spectral period of 0.01 seconds) on rock expected for a 500 year return period, in units of g, evaluated for the geometric mean of the horizontal components. The map is the closest in return period and response spectral period to the current earthquake hazard map in the Australian Standard AS1170.4-2007