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  • Late Devonian mass extinctions attributed to extensive anoxia and/or euxinia of the oceans are associated with widespread deposition of organic-rich shales. Also in the epeiric waters of the Canning Basin (Western Australia), photic zone euxinia (PZE) prevailed during the Givetian–Frasnian, with geochemical evidence for PZE on the northern (Lennard Shelf)–, and southern (Barbwire Terrace) margins of the Fitzroy Trough. On the Lennard Shelf, shales record episodic pulses of PZE associated with high algal activity due to enhanced nutrient supply, whereas a restricted marine setting on the Barbwire Terrace is thought to be the main driver for the development of persistent PZE and associated bacterial predominance. Structural evidence indicates that the Fitzroy Trough was a confined basin during the Late Devonian with the possibility of limited ocean circulation. Widespread PZE is expected to have developed in the poorly mixed water column, if the basin received sufficient nutrient supply for enhanced primary production. Notwithstanding the presence of anoxia during deposition of potential source rocks, only two small Devonian-sourced oil fields and numerous oil shows have been found in the Canning Basin. Biomarker assemblages show that the oils produced from the Lennard Shelf fields (i.e. Blina-1, Blina-4 and Janpam North-1) have substantially different molecular compositions to the minor oil recovered from Mirbelia-1 on the Barbwire Terrace. A correlation was established between the Lennard Shelf oils and rock extracts from the Gogo Formation at Blina-1 and McWhae Ridge-1 based on their hopane, sterane and carotenoids abundances. A definitive source correlation was not obtained for the Mirbelia-1 oil, but it did show some genetic affinity to the Givetian–Frasnian extracts from the Barbwire Terrace, suggesting that local source rocks are developed in the region. <b>Citation:</b> Gemma Spaak, Dianne S. Edwards, Heidi J. Allen, Hendrik Grotheer, Roger E. Summons, Marco J.L. Coolen, Kliti Grice, Extent and persistence of photic zone euxinia in Middle–Late Devonian seas – Insights from the Canning Basin and implications for petroleum source rock formation, <i>Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, Volume 93, 2018, Pages 33-56, ISSN 0264-8172,

  • A large proportion of Australia’s onshore sedimentary basins remain exploration frontiers. Industry interest in these basins has recently increased due to the global and domestic energy demand, and the growth in unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. In 2016, Geoscience Australia released an assessment of eight central Australian basins that summarised the current status of geoscientific knowledge and petroleum exploration, and the key questions, for each basin. This publication provides a comprehensive assessment of the geology, petroleum systems, exploration status and data coverage for additional three basins in western and central Australia: the Canning, Perth and Officer basins. The Perth and Canning basins are producing petroleum basins, however, they may be regarded as frontier basins for unconventional hydrocarbon resources. The Officer Basin is a large, unproven frontier basin which has seen little exploration to date.

  • A key focus of the Exploring for the Future program was the Kidson Sub-basin, a large, underexplored and poorly understood depocentre in the southern part of the Canning Basin of Western Australia. The Canning Basin hosts proven petroleum systems and has recently become an area of interest for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration. Several formations within deeper basin depocentres are under investigation. Unconventional petroleum resource evaluation is generally dependent on an understanding of both local and regional stresses, as these exert a control over subsurface fluid flow pathways, as well as the geomechanical properties of reservoir units. Gaps exist in our understanding of these factors within the Canning Basin, and particularly the Kidson Sub-basin where wellbore coverage is sparse. This study identifies a generally NE–SW-oriented regional maximum horizontal stress azimuth from interpretation of borehole failure in five petroleum wells, and a broadly strike–slip faulting stress regime from wireline data and wellbore testing. Variations in stress regime at different crustal levels within the basin are highlighted by one-dimensional mechanical earth models that show changes in the stress regime with depth as well as by lithology, with a general shift towards a normal faulting stress regime at depths greater than ~2.5 km. <b>Citation:</b> Bailey, A.H.E. and Henson, P., 2020. Present-day stresses of the Canning Basin, WA. In: Czarnota, K., Roach, I., Abbott, S., Haynes, M., Kositcin, N., Ray, A. and Slatter, E. (eds.) Exploring for the Future: Extended Abstracts, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, 1–4.

  • This report presents the results of an elemental and carbon and oxygen isotope chemostratigraphy study on three historic wells; Kidson-1, Willara-1 and Samphire Marsh-1, from the southern Canning Basin, Western Australia. The objective of this study was to correlate the Early to Middle Ordovician sections of the three wells to each other and to wells with existing elemental and carbonate carbon isotope chemostratigraphy data from the Broome Platform, Kidson and Willara sub-basins, and the recently drilled and fully cored stratigraphic Waukarlycarly 1 well from the Waukarlycarly Embayment.

  • Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) program has established new techniques to collect onshore pre-competitive datasets on an unprecedented scale. The Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) is a Western Australian Government initiative that aims to encourage exploration for the long-term sustainability of the state’s resources sector. Integration of EFTF and EIS datasets has improved understanding of the geology across northern Australia, and the associated energy, mineral and groundwater resources potential. The onshore Canning Basin covers approximately 530 000 km2, and has proven prospectivity for conventional oil and gas, mainly in the northern part of the basin. Potential exists for unconventional resources that remain largely unexplored and untested. Gas resource assessments suggest that the basin has significant potential for recoverable shale gas and tight gas. Even with exploration continuing along the flanks of the Fitzroy Trough, the Canning Basin remains one of the least explored Paleozoic basins in the world (DMIRS, 2020). Australia’s longest onshore seismic line, 18GA-KB1, acquired in the southern Canning Basin addresses a long standing data gap across the Kidson Sub-basin and Waukarlycarly Embayment that assists with the resource evaluation of this frontier region. The Kidson Sub-basin covers 91 000 km2 and has a sag basin architecture. Preliminary interpretation of the seismic data indicates that the sedimentary basin is approximately 6 km deep, and includes a conformable package of Ordovician–Devonian siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporite facies of exploration interest. The Carboniferous succession is interpreted as not being present. Located on the western end of the seismic line, the newly drilled deep stratigraphic well Waukarlycarly 1 penetrated 2680.53 m of Cenozoic and Paleozoic strata and provides stratigraphic control for the geology imaged in the Waukarlycarly Embayment. A comprehensive elemental and δ13C isotope chemostratigraphy study assists with stratigraphic correlations within Ordovician sedimentary strata across the region (Forbes et al., 2020a, b). Oil and gas discoveries throughout the Canning Basin were generated from Paleozoic marine source rocks, deposited under stratified oxic and euxinic water columns. Three distinct petroleum systems, the Ordovician (Larapintine 2), Late Devonian (Larapintine 3) and latest Devonian–early Carboniferous (Larapintine 4), are recognized based on the geochemical character of their associated fluids and each display strong stratigraphic control (Carr et al., 2020). Widespread generation of gas from Paleozoic sources is evident from molecular analyses of gases recovered from petroleum wells and fluid inclusions (Boreham et al., 2020). Currently the Larapintine 2 Petroleum System is deemed most prospective system in the Kidson Sub-basin.

  • This report presents the results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and mercury porosimetry analyses on 1 whole core sample from the GSWA Waukarlycarly 1 stratigraphic well drilled in the Canning Basin. The well was drilled as part of a co-funded collaboration between Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) aimed at gathering new subsurface data on the potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources in the southern Canning Basin. The collaboration resulted in the acquisition of the Kidson Deep Crustal Seismic Reflection Survey in 2018; and the drilling of deep stratigraphic well GSWA Waukarlycarly 1, located along the Kidson Sub-basin seismic line within the Waukarlycarly Embayment in 2019 (Figure 1). GSWA Waukarlycarly 1 reached a total depth of 2680.53 m at the end of November 2019 and was continuously cored through the entire Canning Basin stratigraphy. Coring was complemented by the acquisition of a standard suite of wireline logs and a vertical seismic profile. The work presented in this report constitutes part of the post well data acquisition. The purpose of the SEM analysis was to determine mineralogy and textural relationships between grains, verify the presence of organic material at the micro-scale, document i) the presence of diagenetic alterations to the detrital mineral assemblage and ii) eventual distribution of visible pores. Additionally, mercury injection capillary pressure porosimetry (MICP) was used to assess interconnected porosityand pore size distribution.

  • Exploring for the Future (EFTF) is an Australian Government initiative that gathers new data and information about potential mineral, energy and groundwater resources. Commencing in 2016 with a focus on northern Australia, an EFTF extension to 2024 was recently announced, with expanded coverage across mainland Australia and Tasmania. The EFTF energy component aims to improve our understanding of the petroleum potential of frontier onshore Australian basins and has acquired significant pre-competitive datasets, including the recently drilled Barnicarndy 1 deep stratigraphic well in Western Australia’s Canning Basin (in partnership with the Geological Survey of Western Australia), and NDI Carrara 1 deep stratigraphic well in the South Nicholson region of the Northern Territory (in partnership with the MinEX CRC). These are the first stratigraphic wells drilled in a petroleum basin by Geoscience Australia since the formation in 2001 from its predecessor agencies. Both wells were sited along two-dimensional, deep crustal seismic surveys acquired by Geoscience Australia as part of EFTF, and provide stratigraphic control for the imaged geology. The sedimentary fill intersected by the Barnicarndy 1 and NDI Carrara 1 wells were cored and logged with a broad suite of wireline tools, providing substantial new data in two frontier basins. These data provide insights into regional stratigraphy and local lithology. Geochronology, petrographic, organic and inorganic geochemistry, petrophysical rock properties, petroleum systems elements, palaeontological, and fluid inclusion studies have been undertaken upon which inferences on regional prospectivity can made in these data-poor regions. Moving into the next phase of EFTF, these wells provide a template for new pre-competitive data acquisition by Geoscience Australia, expanding our knowledge of frontier regions making them attractive for new investment and exploration.

  • The Ordovician to Cretaceous Canning Basin of Western Australia is an underexplored prospective onshore petroleum basin with proven petroleum systems currently producing on a small-scale. The Canning Basin has recently become a site of interest for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration, with several formations within deeper basin depocentres being investigated for resources and estimates that suggest it may have the largest shale gas potential in Australia. Modern petroleum resource evaluation generally depends on an understanding of both local and regional stresses, which are a primary control over the formation and propagation of induced fractures. Presently, there are significant gaps in our understanding of these factors within the Canning Basin. This study characterises the regional stress regime of the onshore Canning Basin and presents detailed models of present-day stress within the subsurface. These allow for the identification of significant stress heterogeneities and natural barriers to fracture propagation. Wireline data interpretation reveals a variable present-day state of stress in the Canning Basin. An approximately NE-SW regional present-day maximum horizontal stress orientation is interpreted from observed wellbore failure in image logs, in broad agreement with both the Australian Stress Map and previously published earthquake focal mechanism data. One-dimensional mechanical earth models constructed for intervals from 15 Canning Basin petroleum wells highlight the relationship between lithology and stress. This study describes significant changes in stress within and between lithological units due to the existence of discrete mechanical units, forming numerous inter- and intra- formational stress boundaries likely to act as natural barriers to fracture propagation, particularly within units currently targeted for their unconventional resource potential. Broadly, a strike-slip faulting stress regime is interpreted through the basin, however, when analysed in detail there are three distinct stress zones identified.: 1) a transitional reverse- to strike-slip faulting stress regime in the top ~1 km of the basin, 2) a strike-slip faulting stress regime from ~1 km to ~3.0 km depth, and 3) a transitional strike-slip to normal faulting regime at depths greater than ~3.0 km. This study is a component of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future (EFTF) initiative, which is focused on gathering new data and information about the resource potential concealed beneath the surface across northern Australia. Appeared online in the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 17 Feb 2021

  • <p>A geochemical study was conducted to establish oil-oil correlations and evaluate potential source rocks within the latest Devonian–earliest Carboniferous succession of the onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia. Aromatic hydrocarbons, together with the routinely used saturated biomarker ratios and stable carbon isotopes, demonstrate that the recently discovered Ungani oilfield located on the southern margin of the Fitzroy Trough are similar, but not identical, to the early Carboniferous Larapintine 4 (L4) oil family present to the north of the Fitzroy Trough on the Lennard Shelf. The L4 oil family has been correlated to a lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) source rock core sample from the Laurel Formation at Blackstone-1 although its bulk geochemical properties signify that it could generate substantially more gas than liquid hydrocarbons. <p>The Ungani oils can be distinguished from the L4 oils by their higher concentrations of paleorenieratane and isorenieratane, coupled with more depleted &delta;<sup>13</sup>C values for n-alkanes, pristane and phytane compared with other components. Hopane isomerisation ratios show distinct grouping of the two oil families that reflect both source and maturity variations. The oil from Wattle-1 ST1 on the Lennard Shelf also has an unusual composition, exhibiting some molecular and isotopic features similar to both the L4 and Ungani oils. Source rocks for the Ungani and Wattle-1 ST1 oils are unknown since their geochemical signature does not match that of the Tournaisian Laurel Formation or the Middle−Upper (Givetian–Frasnian) Devonian Gogo Formation which sourced the Devonian-reservoired Larapintine 3 oils at Blina and Janpam North-1. It is postulated that such potential oil-prone source rocks could occur within the Famennian–Tournaisian succession. <b>Citation:</b> Gemma Spaak, Dianne S. Edwards, Clinton B. Foster, Andrew Murray, Neil Sherwood, Kliti Grice, Geochemical characteristics of early Carboniferous petroleum systems in Western Australia,<i> Marine and Petroleum Geology</i>, Volume 113, 2020, 104073, ISSN 0264-8172.

  • Exploring for the Future is a four year $100.5 million initiative by the Australian Government conducted in partnership with state and Northern Territory government agencies and universities that aims to boost northern Australia's attractiveness as a destination for investment in resource exploration. The acquisition of deep crustal seismic reflection data in the Kidson Sub-basin (Canning Basin) between the Kiwirrkurra community and Marble Bar in northern Western Australia was a major EFTF deliverable, and was completed in August 2018. This paper presents the preliminary geological interpretation of the sedimentary succession imaged by the Kidson Sub basin seismic line.