Groundwater hydrology
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This was the third of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - WaMSTeC: Water Monitoring and Standardisation Technical Committee National Industry Guidelines for hydrometric monitoring WaMSTeC GUIDELINE REVISIONS UPDATE FOR GROUNDWATER COMPONENTS: GROUNDWATER SUBCOMMITTEE
This was the fourth of five presentations held on 31 July 2023 as part of the National Groundwater Systems Workshop - Detailed Groundwater Science Inventory Geology, hydrogeology and groundwater systems in the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Basin.
<div>This study investigates the feasibility of mapping potential groundwater dependent vegetation (GDV) at a regional scale using remote sensing data. Specifically, the Digital Earth Australia (DEA) Tasseled Cap Percentiles products, integrated with the coefficient of greenness and/or wetness, are applied in three case study regions in Australia to identify and characterise potential terrestrial and aquatic groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDE). The identified high potential GDE are consistent with existing GDE mapping, providing confidence in the methodology developed. The approach provides a consistent and rapid first-pass approach for identifying and assessing GDEs, especially in remote areas of Australia lacking detailed GDE and vegetation information.</div>
<div>GeoInsight was an 18-month pilot project developed in the latter part of Geoscience Australia’s Exploring for the Future Program (2016–2024). The aim of this pilot was to develop a new approach to communicating geological information to non-technical audiences, that is, non-geoscience professionals. The pilot was developed using a human-centred design approach in which user needs were forefront considerations. Interviews and testing found that users wanted a simple and fast, plain-language experience which provided basic information and provided pathways for further research. GeoInsight’s vision is to be an accessible experience that curates information and data from across the Geoscience Australia digital ecosystem, helping users make decisions and refine their research approach, quickly and confidently. </div><div><br></div><div>In the first iteration of GeoInsight, selected products for energy, minerals, water, and complementary information from Geoscience Australia’s Data Discovery Portal and Data and Publications Catalogue were examined to (1) gauge the relevance of the information they contain for non-geoscientists and, (2) determine how best to deliver this information for effective use by non-technical audiences. </div><div><br></div><div>This Record documents the technical details of the methods used for summarising groundwater information for GeoInsight, including groundwater reliance, depth, salinity, and uses. This Record will be updated, including a change log, when the scope of information or methods for generating the data change.</div>
<div>Previous work by the SA government and CSIRO[i] highlighted the value of integrating AEM data with other geological and hydrogeological data to model palaeovalley groundwater systems and develop regional hydrogeological conceptualisations. This allows better-informed water supply decisions and management for communities in remote parts of Australia where these systems provide the only available and long-term water resource. The Exploring for the Future Musgrave Palaeovalley module seeks to apply similar work flows across the western Musgrave Province and adjacent Officer and Canning basins.</div><div>Open file mineral exploration AEM data from 11 surveys in WA and SA flown between 2009 and 2012 were re-processed and inverted to produce conductivity models and a suite of derived datasets. Geoscience Australia’s Layered-Earth-Inversion was used as a single standard processing and inversion method to improve continuity and data quality.</div><div>These legacy AEM data, originally for mineral exploration, have been incorporated with DEM-derived landscape attributes, previous palaeovalley mapping and available bore lithologies to model palaeovalley base surfaces. This presentation will provide an example from four blocks of AEM data to show how repurposing data from mineral exploration, public bore data and landscape analysis can be used to identify palaeovalley systems which provide critical water supplies for remote and regional communities and industry[ii].</div><div>This approach can be used to model palaeovalley systems from a range of geoscientific and other datasets. The Exploring for the Future Musgrave Palaeovalley module has acquired ~23,000 line km of AEM across parts of WA and the NT at line spacings of 1 and 5 km. This new precompetitive data will be used to model palaeovalley system geometry and integrate with new and existing AEM, drilling, landscape, groundwater chemistry and surface geophysics data to test hydrogeological conceptualisations of these groundwater systems.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div> [i] Costar, A., Love, A., Krapf, C., Keppel, M., Munday, T., Inverarity, K., Wallis, I. & Sørensen, C. (2019). Hidden water in remote areas – using innovative exploration to uncover the past in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands. MESA Journal 90(2), 23 - 35 pp.</div><div>Krapf, C., Costar, A., Stoian, L., Keppel, M., Gordon, G., Inverarity, K., Love, A. & Munday, T. (2019). A sniff of the ocean in the Miocene at the foothills of the Musgrave Ranges - unravelling the evolution of the Lindsay East Palaeovalley. MESA Journal 90(2), 4 - 22 pp.</div><div>Krapf, C. B. E., Costar, A., Munday, T., Irvine, J. A. & Ibrahimi, T., 2020. Palaeovalley map of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (1st edition), 1:500 000 scale. Goyder Institute for Water Research, Geological Survey of South Australia, CSIRO.</div><div> </div><div>Munday, T., Taylor, A., Raiber, M., Sørensen, C., Peeters, L. J. M., Krapf, C., Cui, T., Cahill, K., Flinchum, B., Smolanko, N., Martinez, J., Ibrahimi, T. & Gilfedder, M., 2020a. Integrated regional hydrogeophysical conceptualisation of the Musgrave Province, South Australia, Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series 20/04, Goyder Institute for Water Research, Adelaide.</div><div>Munday, T., Gilfedder, M., Costar, A., Blaikie, T., Cahill, K., Cui, T., Davis, A., Deng, Z., Flinchum, B., Gao, L., Gogoll, M., Gordon, G., Ibrahimi, T., Inverarity, K., Irvine, J., Janardhanan, Sreekanth, Jiang, Z., Keppel, M., Krapf, C., Lane, T., Love, A., Macnae, J., Mariethoz, G., Martinez, J., Pagendam, D., Peeters, L., Pickett, T., Robinson, N., Siade, A., Smolanko, N., Sorensen, C., Stoian, L., Taylor, A., Visser, G., Wallis, I. & Xie, Y., 2020b. Facilitating Long-term Outback Water Solutions (G-Flows Stage 3): Final Summary Report. Goyder Institute for Water Research, Adelaide, </div><div>[ii] Symington, N. J., Ley-Cooper, Y. A. & Smith, M. L., 2022. West Musgrave AEM conductivity models and data release. Geoscience Australia, Canberra, </div> This Abstract was submitted/presented to the 2022 Sub 22 Conference 28-30 November (
<div>Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold a wealth of traditional knowledge about their land and waters gathered and passed down from observations over thousands of years. Geoscience Australia (GA) is the national geoscience public sector organisation that advises on the geology, hydrogeology, and geography of Australia by applying science and technology to describe and understand the Earth. Respectful and successful two-way engagement with Indigenous peoples provides an opportunity to identify and share traditional understanding, complementing geoscientific studies and preserving traditional knowledge Through its Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, GA is committed to building mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aligned with this vision, and as part of the Exploring for the Future Program, GA engaged a subject matter expert to undertake a scoping study. The aim of this study was to provide advice to strengthen the internal processes it uses to engage and undertake projects with Indigenous peoples. Drawing on two case studies (northeast NSW; eastern WA), a framework was developed to guide GA staff in the collection and recording of information and knowledge in a culturally appropriate manner. The project also delivered a road map to achieve better engagement and inclusion of Indigenous peoples in geoscience studies, to be tested and refined in future work programs. The road map is built on six key elements: (1) increasing Indigenous employment; (2) building partnerships; (3) respecting timeframes; (4) embedding Indigenous values and culture; (5) adhering to ethical practices and principles; and (6) embracing two-way knowledge sharing. Trust is crucial to building a partnership with Indigenous communities, binding the six elements of the road map. In the future GA hopes to share the outcomes with other organisations, from applying the framework and road map aimed at improving engagement with Indigenous peoples in groundwater activities and the geosciences more broadly. Presented at the 2022 Australasian Groundwater Conference (AGC)
<div>Groundwater is critical to the survival of a range of ecosystems in Australia through provision of a direct source of water to plants with suitable root systems, and through discharge into surface water systems. Effectively managing groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) alongside other water demands requires the ability to identify, characterise, and monitor vegetation condition. <em> </em><br> As part of the <a href="">Exploring for the Future Upper Darling Floodplain</a> (UDF) groundwater project in western New South Wales, we present results from a study testing the suitability of two novel methods (a) recently available tasselled cap percentile products with national coverage through Digital Earth Australia, and (b) dry-conditions interferometric radar (InSAR) coherence images for mapping vegetation that is potentially groundwater dependent. <em> </em></div><div><em> </em></div><div>A combination of greenness and wetness 10th percentile tasselled cap products delineated terrestrial and aquatic GDEs with greater accuracy than existing regional ecosystem mapping, demonstrating the utility of these products for GDE identification. These results suggest the tasselled cap products can be used to support and refine the existing GDE mapping for this region, and further testing of their suitability and application for other regions is warranted. <em> </em></div><div><em> </em></div><div>The InSAR coherence images produced good agreement with the Bureau of Meteorology national GDE Atlas for areas of high probability of groundwater dependence. Although data availability and technical expertise currently lags behind optical imagery products, if research continues to show good performance in mapping potential GDEs and other applications, InSAR could become an important line of evidence within multi-dataset investigations. <em> </em></div><div><em> </em></div><div>Key next steps for improving the utility of these techniques are (a) comparison with vegetation condition data, and (b) further assessment of the likelihood of groundwater dependence through assessing relationships between vegetation condition and groundwater, surface water, and soil moisture availability.<em> </em></div><div> </div><div>This abstract was submitted/presented to the 2023 Australasian Groundwater / New Zealand Hydrological Society (AGC NZHS) Joint Conference (</div>
<div>The Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem (GDE) Atlas (Bureau of Meteorology, 2019) is a well-known national product that has been utilised for a wide range of applications including environmental impact statements, water planning and research. A complementary GDE dataset, Groundwater Dependent Waterbodies (GDW), has been produced from Digital Earth Australia (DEA) national data products. This new GDW ArcGIS dataset is spatially aligned with Landsat satellite-derived products, enabling ready integration with other spatial data to map and characterise GDEs across the continent.</div><div><br></div><div>The DEA Water Observations Multi Year Statistics (Mueller et al. 2016; DEA 2019) and the DEA Waterbodies (version 2) data product (Kraus et al., 2021; DEA Waterbodies, 2022) have been combined with the national GDE Atlas to produce the GDW dataset which delineates surface waterbodies that are known and/or high potential aquatic GDEs. The potential of a GDE relates to the confidence that the mapped feature is a GDE, where known GDEs have been mapped from regional studies and high potential GDEs identified from regional or national studies (Nation et al., 2017). The GDW dataset are aquatic GDE waterbodies, including springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands, which rely on a surface expression of groundwater to meet some or all of their water requirements. </div><div><br></div><div>The DEA Water Observation Multi Year Statistics, based on Collection 3 Landsat satellite imagery, shows the percentage of wet observations in the landscape relative to the total number of clear observations since 1986. DEA Waterbodies identifies the locations of waterbodies across Australia that are present for greater than 10% of the time and are larger than 2700m2 (3 Landsat pixels) in size. These waterbodies include GDEs and non-GDEs (e.g. surface water features not reliant on groundwater, such as dams). Where known/high potential GDEs in the GDE Atlas intersected a DEA waterbody, the entire waterbody polygon was assigned as a potential GDW, resulting in 55,799 waterbodies in the GDW dataset. Conversely, any GDEs not classified as known/high potential GDEs in the Atlas, due to a lack of data, are not included in the GDW product. Even though this method should remove dams from the GDW dataset (assuming they have been assigned appropriately in the GDE Atlas), due to spatial misalignment some may still be included that are not potential GDEs. Furthermore, surface water features that are too small to be detected by Landsat satellite data will be excluded from the GDW dataset.</div><div><br></div><div>The GDW polygons were attributed with the spatial summary of maximum, median, mean and minimum percentages for pixels within each GDW, derived from the DEA Water Observation Multi Year Statistics i.e. maximum/minimum pixel value or median/mean across all pixels in the GDW. This attribute enables comparison between GDWs of the proportion of time they have surface water observed. An additional attribute was added to the GDW dataset to indicate amount of overlap between waterbodies and aquatic GDEs in the GDE Atlas. </div><div><br></div><div>An ESRI dataset, AquaticGDW.gdb, and a variety of national ArcGIS layer files have been produced using the spatial summary statistics in the GDW dataset.</div><div>These provide a first-pass representation of known/high potential aquatic GDEs and their surface water persistence, derived consistently from Landsat satellite imagery across Australia.</div><div><br></div><div><strong>References:</strong></div><div> </div><div>Bureau of Meteorology, 2019. <em>Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Atlas</em>. </div><div> </div><div>DEA Water Observations Statistics, 2019.</div><div><br></div><div>DEA Waterbodies, 2022.</div><div><br></div><div>Krause, C.E., Newey, V., Alger, M.J., and Lymburner, L., 2021. Mapping and Monitoring the Multi-Decadal Dynamics of Australia’s Open Waterbodies Using Landsat, <em>Remote Sensing</em>, 13(8), 1437.</div><div><br></div><div>Mueller, N., Lewis, A., Roberts, D., Ring, S., Melrose, R., Sixsmith, J., Lymburner, L., McIntyre, A., Tan, P., Curnow, S. and Ip, A., 2016. Water observations from space: Mapping surface water from 25 years of Landsat imagery across Australia. <em>Remote Sensing of Environment</em>, 174, 341-352, ISSN 0034-4257.</div><div><br></div><div>Nation, E.R., Elsum, L., Glanville, K., Carrara, E. and Elmahdi, A., 2017. Updating the Atlas of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in response to user demand, 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Hobart, Tasmania,</div>
<div>The Exploring for the Future program is a world leading program, delivering public geoscientific data and information required to empower decision-makers and attract future investment in resource exploration and development. Geoscience Australia engaged Alluvium Consulting Australia to quantify the impact and value of groundwater activities and outputs to the quadruple bottom line through an evaluation of 2 case studies, namely: • National Hydrogeological Mapping • The Southern Stuart Corridor project. This involved understanding the impact pathways for these case studies and the collection of data to be used in a cost benefit analysis. The work sought to provide feedback to Geoscience Australia, stakeholder groups and the broader community on the value of Geoscience Australia’s groundwater activities. The case study evaluations were facilitated by a series of specific questions, which were developed to guide data collection and the building of a knowledge base around the impact and value of the work in each case study and associated outputs. The questions broadly fell under the following categories: 1. Uptake and Usage 2. Impact 3. Benefit These evaluations were framed around the program impact pathway developed for each case study. This is a description of how inputs are used to deliver activities, which in turn result in outcomes and impacts (changes) for stakeholders, including the environment. The primary means of data collection to help answer the key evaluation questions was through online workshops and interviews with key stakeholders for each case study. These were undertaken between March 10 and March 24, 2023. In these workshops and interviews, representatives from industry, community and government agencies were asked if they could identify instances where case study program outputs were used for particular purposes, such as prioritising research or investment, advising Members of Parliament, or education and training. These examples were then explored further to understand what outcomes and benefits were derived from the use of the case study outputs, and how critical were the case study outputs to achieving those outcomes and benefits</div>
<div> A key issue for explorers in Australia is the abundant sedimentary and regolith cover obscuring access to underlying potentially prospective rocks. Multilayered chronostratigraphic interpretation of regional broad line-spaced (~20 km) airborne electromagnetic (AEM) conductivity sections have led to breakthroughs in Australia’s near-surface geoscience. A dedicated/systematic workflow has been developed to characterise the thickness of cover and the depth to basement rocks, by delineating contact geometries, and by capturing stratigraphic units, their ages and relationships. Results provide a fundamental geological framework, currently covering 27% of the Australian continent, or approximately 2,085,000 km2. Delivery as precompetitive data in various non-proprietary formats and on various platforms ensures that these interpretations represent an enduring and meaningful contribution to academia, government and industry. The outputs support resource exploration, hazard mapping, environmental management, and uncertainty attribution. This work encourages exploration investment, can reduce exploration risks and costs, helps expand search area whilst aiding target identification, and allows users to make well-informed decisions. Presented herein are some key findings from interpretations in potentially prospective, yet in some cases, underexplored regions from around Australia. </div> This abstract was submitted & presented to the 8th International Airborne Electromagnetics Workshop (AEM2023) (