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  • A summary report of the maintenance work being carried out in various Western Australian gold mines.

  • Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.

  • This report is compiled of four separate reports. (1) "Note on the Application by the Chamber of Mines, W.A." Yield, production, industry costs, and the subsidy proposal are discussed in this report. (2) "Proposal for a Subsidy to the Gold Mining Industry". This report is concerned with details of the economic position of the mines and Western Australian gold industry as a whole. (3) "Supplementary Report on the Proposal for a Subsidy to the Gold Mining Industry". This report summarises the findings of the earlier enquiry into the position of the Western Australian gold industry. (4) "The General Effect on Gold Mine Surplus of Assistance based on Production". The object of this note is to outline briefly some of the principles which require consideration in determining whatever form of assistance may be decided.

  • Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.

  • This report is supplementary to Records 1948/033 and 1948/016. The information given in this report was obtained during a visit to the Western Australian Goldfields. The period April 26th to May 2nd was spent at Kalgoorlie, May 3rd and May 4th at Sons of Gwalia Mine, May 5th at Kalgoorlie, and May 6th in discussions at Perth with the Under Secretary for Mines and others. This report provides an overview of the respective positions of the Paringa Mining and Exploration Company, South Kalgurli, Kalgoorlie Enterprises, and Sons of Gwalia mines.

  • Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, and resources.

  • A geological reconnaissance was made of an area of approximately 27,000 square miles lying north and west of Katherine in the Northern Territory. The report is compiled in two parts. The first concerns general geology and includes accounts of the nomenclature, stratigraphy, structural geology, geological history, and geomorphology of the area. The second part comprises a summary of the economic geology. The mining industry, petroleum prospects, underground water, and recommendations are discussed. A table showing the mineral production figures for the Northern Territory, northern district, is appended.

  • The scientific search for ore in Australia is still in an early stage of development, because, until recently, a sufficient supply of metals was available from concentrations readily detectable by ordinary prospecting methods. Now the whole mineral supply position is changing and the rate of discovery of new deposits by prospectors in the present century had been quite discouraging. The Australian Government and the Australian mineral industry have recognised the need for mineral exploration both to supply home requirements and to assist in overcoming world shortages. An overview of the situation is presented in this report, which outlines the problem and the corrective reforms and activities undertaken by the state and federal governments, and mining companies, to promote mineral exploration. A summary is given of the exploration and ore-finding work undertaken by mining companies and government agencies between 1930 and 1949.

  • This note concerns the request by the Midland Mining Co. Ltd. for financial assistance in the development of a deposit of kyanite to the north of Yanmah, in the Southern Division of Western Australia. The report comprises brief notes on the geology of the area, proposed work, and the occurrence of kyanite as these relate to the proposed further development of the deposit.

  • Report on mine maintenance, costs, equipment, employment, reserves, and workings.