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  • This service represents a combination of two data products, the DEM_SRTM_1Second dataset and the Australian_Bathymetry_Topography dataset. This service was created to support the CO2SAP (Co2 Storage application) Project to create a transect elevation graph within the application. This data is not available as a dataset for download as a Geoscience Australia product. The DEM_SRTM_1Second service represents the National Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 1 Second product derived from the National DEM SRTM 1 Second. The DEM represents ground surface topography, with vegetation features removed using an automatic process supported by several vegetation maps. eCat record 72759. The Australian_Bathymetry_Topography service describes the bathymetry dataset of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond. Bathymetry data was compiled by Geoscience Australia from multibeam and single beam data (derived from multiple sources), Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) Laser Airborne Depth Sounding (LADS) data, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) fairsheets, the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) bathymetric model, the 2 arc minute ETOPO (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) and 1 arc minute ETOPO satellite derived bathymetry (Amante and Eakins, 2008). Topographic data (onshore data) is based on the revised Australian 0.0025dd topography grid (Geoscience Australia, 2008), the 0.0025dd New Zealand topography grid (Geographx, 2008) and the 90m SRTM DEM (Jarvis et al, 2008). eCat record 67703. IMPORTANT INFORMATION For data within this service that lays out of the Australian boundary the following needs to be considered. This grid is not suitable for use as an aid to navigation, or to replace any products produced by the Australian Hydrographic Service. Geoscience Australia produces the 0.0025dd bathymetric grid of Australia specifically to provide regional and local broad scale context for scientific and industry projects, and public education. The 0.0025dd grid size is, in many regions of this grid, far in excess of the optimal grid size for some of the input data used. On parts of the continental shelf it may be possible to produce grids at higher resolution, especially where LADS or multibeam surveys exist. However these surveys typically only cover small areas and hence do not warrant the production of a regional scale grid at less than 0.0025dd. There are a number of bathymetric datasets that have not been included in this grid for various reasons.

  • This web service provides access to geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical digital datasets that have been published by Geoscience Australia for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB).

  • This web service provides access to geological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical digital datasets that have been published by Geoscience Australia for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB).

  • This service represents a combination of two data products, the DEM_SRTM_1Second dataset and the Australian_Bathymetry_Topography dataset. This service was created to support the CO2SAP (Co2 Storage application) Project to create a transect elevation graph within the application. This data is not available as a dataset for download as a Geoscience Australia product. The DEM_SRTM_1Second service represents the National Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 1 Second product derived from the National DEM SRTM 1 Second. The DEM represents ground surface topography, with vegetation features removed using an automatic process supported by several vegetation maps. eCat record 72759. The Australian_Bathymetry_Topography service describes the bathymetry dataset of the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone and beyond. Bathymetry data was compiled by Geoscience Australia from multibeam and single beam data (derived from multiple sources), Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) Laser Airborne Depth Sounding (LADS) data, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) fairsheets, the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) bathymetric model, the 2 arc minute ETOPO (Smith and Sandwell, 1997) and 1 arc minute ETOPO satellite derived bathymetry (Amante and Eakins, 2008). Topographic data (onshore data) is based on the revised Australian 0.0025dd topography grid (Geoscience Australia, 2008), the 0.0025dd New Zealand topography grid (Geographx, 2008) and the 90m SRTM DEM (Jarvis et al, 2008). eCat record 67703. IMPORTANT INFORMATION For data within this service that lays out of the Australian boundary the following needs to be considered. This grid is not suitable for use as an aid to navigation, or to replace any products produced by the Australian Hydrographic Service. Geoscience Australia produces the 0.0025dd bathymetric grid of Australia specifically to provide regional and local broad scale context for scientific and industry projects, and public education. The 0.0025dd grid size is, in many regions of this grid, far in excess of the optimal grid size for some of the input data used. On parts of the continental shelf it may be possible to produce grids at higher resolution, especially where LADS or multibeam surveys exist. However these surveys typically only cover small areas and hence do not warrant the production of a regional scale grid at less than 0.0025dd. There are a number of bathymetric datasets that have not been included in this grid for various reasons.

  • The Bass Strait Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a compilation of all available bathymetry data for the area of seabed between the coastlines of Victoria and northern Tasmania, extending approximately 460 km from west of King Island to east of Flinders Island. The Bass Strait is bounded by a continental slope incised with numerous canyons, including the prominent Bass Canyon on the eastern side. The region encompasses islands and exposed rocks, drowned paleo-shorelines and dunefields, fringed by a rugged coastline. Bathymetry mapping of the seafloor is vital for the protection of Bass Strait, allowing for safe navigation of shipping, improved environmental management and resource development. Australian Hydrographic Office-supplied ENC tile spot depths were used to develop the general bathymetry variation across the entire region. Shallow- and deep-water multibeam survey data reveal the complexity of the seafloor for the continental shelf and adjacent canyons which incise the western and eastern sides of Bass Strait. Airborne LiDAR bathymetry acquired by the Australian Hydrographic Office cover most of the northern Tasmanian nearshore and coast, with some coverage gaps supplemented by Landsat-8 satellite derived bathymetry data. The Geoscience Australia-developed Intertidal Elevation Model DEM improves the source data over the intertidal zone. Highly accurate photogrammetry coastline data developed for the Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales coastlines, and Near Surface Feature data representing shoal features observable in aerial imagery, were used to improve the land/water interface of the numerous island and rock features. All source bathymetry data were extensively edited as 3D point clouds to remove noise, given a consistent WGS84 horizontal datum, and where possible, an approximate MSL vertical datum.<p><p>This dataset is not to be used for navigational purposes.

  • This web service delivers the geographical extents and descriptive metadata of geophysical datasets from all surveys conducted or managed by Geoscience Australia and its predecessor agencies, as well as from State and Territory geological survey agencies. Datasets include gravity, magnetic, radiometric, and electromagnetic data, and elevation data collected during geophysical surveys.

  • Layer 02 Base of Cenozoic surface Surface produced for the Great Artesian Water Resource Assessment (GABWRA) by Geoscience Australia ( This surface was created for 3D visualisation of the Base of Cenozoic sequence. It was used in Figure 3.1 of Ransley TR and Smerdon BD (eds) (2012) Hydrostratigraphy, hydrogeology and system conceptualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. A technical report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. The surface is available in the following formats 1. GOCAD surface (.ts) 2. ESRI grid 3. ASCII grid (.grd) Use limitations: 1. GOCAD surface requires program capable of reading GOCAD *.ts (triangulated surface) files 2. ASCII grid data requires re-interpolation by end-user resulting in minor differences to accompanying GOCAD *.ts surface This layer is part of a set comprised of: Layer 01 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface (catalogue #75990) Layer 02 Base of Cenozoic surface (catalogue #75991) Layer 03 Base of Mackunda Formation and equivalents surface (catalogue #76021) Layer 04 Base of Rolling Downs Group surface (catalogue #76022) Layer 05 Base of Hooray Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76023) Layer 06 Base of Injune Creek Group surface (catalogue #76024) Layer 07 Base of Hutton Sandstone surface (catalogue #76025) Layer 05-07 Base of Algebuckina Sandstone surface (catalogue #76952) Layer 08A Base of Evergreen and Marburg formations (catalogue #76026) Layer 08B Base of Poolowanna Formation (catalogue #76953) Layer 09 Base of Precipice Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76027) Layer 10 Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface (catalogue #76028) This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from, using catalogue number 75991. REFERENCES (Continued from Lineage field): 10. Senior D (1968) Durham Downs, Qld. 1:250 000 Geological Series, Bureau of Mineral Resources explanatory notes, SG/54-15. Australian Government Publishing Service Canberra. 11. Langford RP, Wilford GE, Truswell EM and Isern AR (1995) Palaeogeographic Atlas of Australia. Volume 10 - Cainozoic. Australian Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra. Available online: <> 12. Moussavi-Harami, R and Alexander, E., 1998 - Tertiary stratigraphy and tectonics, Eromanga Basin region. MESA Journal 8 (February 1998), 32-36p. 13. Hou, B., Fabris, A.J., Keling, J.L. & Fairclough, M.C., 2007 - Cainozoic palaeochannel-hosted uranium and current exploration methods, South Australia. MESA Journal 46 (September), 34-39. 14. Ransley and Smerdon (Eds) 2012. Hydrostratigraphy, hydrogeology and system conceptualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. CSIRO. Canberra. 15. Nelson GJ, Carey H, Radke BM and Ransley TR (2012). The three-dimensional visualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia. 16. Senior, B.R., 1978. The Whitula Formation, a new Tertiary stratigraphic unit. Appendix p 49-50 In Senior BR, Mond A and Harrison PL (1978) Geology of the Eromanga Basin. Bulletin 167. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra. 17. Grimes KG (1980) The Tertiary geology of north Queensland. In: Henderson RA and Stephenson PJ (Eds) The Geology and Geophysics of Northeastern Australia. Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division, Brisbane, 329-347. 18. Paten RJ (1964) The Tertiary geology of the Boulia region, western Queensland. Report 77. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia.

  • Layer 08B Base of Poolowanna Formation Surface produced for the Great Artesian Water Resource Assessment (GABWRA) by Geoscience Australia ( This surface was created for 3D visualisation of the Base of Poolowanna Formation . The surface is available in the following formats 1. GOCAD surface (.ts) 2. ESRI grid 3. ASCII grid (.grd) Use limitations: 1. GOCAD surface requires program capable of reading GOCAD *.ts (triangulated surface) files 2. ASCII grid data requires re-interpolation by end-user resulting in minor differences to accompanying GOCAD *.ts surface This layer is part of a set comprised of: Layer 01 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface (catalogue #75990) Layer 02 Base of Cenozoic surface (catalogue #75991) Layer 03 Base of Mackunda Formation and equivalents surface (catalogue #76021) Layer 04 Base of Rolling Downs Group surface (catalogue #76022) Layer 05 Base of Hooray Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76023) Layer 06 Base of Injune Creek Group surface (catalogue #76024) Layer 07 Base of Hutton Sandstone surface (catalogue #76025) Layer 05-07 Base of Algebuckina Sandstone surface (catalogue #76952) Layer 08A Base of Evergreen and Marburg formations (catalogue #76026) Layer 08B Base of Poolowanna Formation (catalogue #76953) Layer 09 Base of Precipice Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76027) Layer 10 Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface (catalogue #76028) This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from, using catalogue number 76953.

  • The purpose of the Global Map is to accurately describe the present status of the global environment in international cooperation of respective National Mapping Organisations (NMOs) of the world. The Landcover, Vegetation Percentage Tree Cover and Elevation imagery have been developed by using satellite imagery with cooperation between participating NMOs and supporting stakeholders.

  • Layer 10 Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface Surface produced for the Great Artesian Water Resource Assessment (GABWRA) by Geoscience Australia ( This surface was created for 3D visualisation of the Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence The surface is available in the following formats 1. GOCAD surface (.ts) 2. ESRI grid 3. ASCII grid (.grd) Use limitations: 1. GOCAD surface requires program capable of reading GOCAD *.ts (triangulated surface) files 2. ASCII grid data requires re-interpolation by end-user resulting in minor differences to accompanying GOCAD *.ts surface. This layer is part of a set comprised of: Layer 01 3-second Digital Elevation Model surface (catalogue #75990) Layer 02 Base of Cenozoic surface (catalogue #75991) Layer 03 Base of Mackunda Formation and equivalents surface (catalogue #76021) Layer 04 Base of Rolling Downs Group surface (catalogue #76022) Layer 05 Base of Hooray Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76023) Layer 06 Base of Injune Creek Group surface (catalogue #76024) Layer 07 Base of Hutton Sandstone surface (catalogue #76025) Layer 05-07 Base of Algebuckina Sandstone surface (catalogue #76952) Layer 08A Base of Evergreen and Marburg formations (catalogue #76026) Layer 08B Base of Poolowanna Formation (catalogue #76953) Layer 09 Base of Precipice Sandstone and equivalents surface (catalogue #76027) Layer 10 Base of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence surface (catalogue #76028) This dataset and associated metadata can be obtained from, using catalogue number 76028. REFERENCES (Continued from Lineage field) 10. Passmore, V. L., T. U. Maung, et al. (1992). Gulf of Carpentaria petroleum prospectivity study. Record 1992/20. Australia, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics 11. Hawke, J. M. and J. N. Cramsie (1984). Contributions to the geology of the Great Australian Basin in New South Wales. Bulletin 31. Sydney. 12. Hinds, M. (2011). NSW Great Artesian Basin internal data set released to Geoscience Australia in 2011 by NSW Office of Water. Australia, New South Wales Office of Water. 13. Ransley and Smerdon (eds.) 2012. Hydrostratigraphy, hydrogeology and system conceptualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. CSIRO. Canberra. 14. Nelson GJ, Carey H, Radke BM and Ransley TR (2012). The three-dimensional visualisation of the Great Artesian Basin. A report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Great Artesian Basin Water Resource Assessment. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia.